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MindStar9 - New Directions

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Don't you tease me!! Since when? And the same as they did in the ring? YES, please test them on me and show me! :)

YES, my dear Blanche ... the ragdoll effect has been back for a while now ... we had some fun in the coliseum on Cyrene after they turned on PvP. Well, "I" couldn't have the fun, but I watched others getting blown up and flying around like they had hot pants. :D

I just had a thought ... I better get out there and jump from the highest cliffs and mountains, and drop from a few flying vehicles while I can. :p

But ya ... it's ON girlfriend ... as soon as Prince Charming puckers UP, my first purchase will be a launcher, and then we have a date ... we'll invite everyone to a launcher party and create total chaos like back in the day.


It's one way of keeping you off the streets.

I vote weaponless. Much more amusing that way, and perhaps work in pudding somehow.............

Or perhaps jello... theres always room for J.E.L.L.O!!! Some whipped cream.. perhaps.. err excuse me for a minute!! :cold_shower::D


Don't you know that pudding and jello will weigh us down, making it difficult to experience full launch?

Woot bodies flying all over the place again :clap:
Good Luck to MS9 , Syer and Fang in your new media endeavour, can't wait to see what you have ready for us :) :beerchug:

Hey Cappy :yay: ... thanks bunches, and you guys that hang out with us on TS for all the crazy stuff will play a key role in a couple of the things that we have up our sleeves for sure, but anyone in the community who wants to participate in our adventures and productions in the future is definitely invited to join us. There will always be an announcement ahead of time.

Oh, and ... a Scout Bot told me that there might be a party on Saturday night. :wise:


Active Member
But ya ... it's ON girlfriend ... as soon as Prince Charming puckers UP, my first purchase will be a launcher, and then we have a date ... we'll invite everyone to a launcher party and create total chaos like back in the day.

Ohhhhhh I can't wait!!!

It's one way of keeping you off the streets. View attachment 1201

LOL You calling me a street walker now??

Don't you know that pudding and jello will weigh us down, making it difficult to experience full launch? View attachment 1210

hahaha But what a video that would make!

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Maybe time for Entropia times back again? :p :dance:

Entropia Times was idea and layout-wise made/created by me when I was a part of EntropiaPlanets, but without MindStar (and others from the EP team) who helped out with the articles, the magazine would indeed never have happened.

At the very end it was mostly the two of us (MindStar and I) who worked on the magazine though, and it was a LOT of work and took lots of time every time we gave 'birth' to a new issue - even though it was a lot of fun too.

I personally cannot create an all Universe magazine now when I'm a part of Cyrene though, but the magazine and name is still belonging to EntropiaPlanets - and who knows what happens ;)

I am sure MindStar has a LOT of other things in stock for you guys though - just waiting to unfold in all its pupleness :)

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
In regards to the writing, we are still working things out as mentioned. We would like to continue working with MS9 though we need to make sure everything is done properly. We wish MS9 and the media team great success and we hope to continue to work well with such a great and pro team on future media content.

More on the stories will be released as we get closer to release. More on the release will be provided in a separate post. More on this post, when I get some more free time. :goodbee:


Well-Known Member
Just curious, i've seen you write so much about the mindstar media productions, and that things are in development and will be totally awesome. But i kinda miss what it is all about, could you in a few lines explain what it's all about? Is there more then a radiostation with some ingame parties? (not saying that isn't awesome, just curious).

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Hi Harmony ...

Thank you for questioning the scope of what MindStar Media is all about, and while I've done a lot of talking about it, I haven't been able to give many details while we've been in our restructuring phase with everything. We have our own independent server with full control that allows us to expand in many ways, and we will be taking full advantage of it.

We have a different type of server along with upgraded operating system and applications that give us more options. However, we ran into a bit of a coding issue with one of our media apps, but Syer dealt directly with the developer about it and code was written to sort it out.

I would prefer to wait until we have everything sorted so that I can do one big thread about the features and services that will be offered to the community, but I can tell you, that it will definitely go beyond just a radio stream and parties within the universe.

Our mission is to provide pure entertainment for the community, along with keeping the community informed of what's happening within the universe through our media services. Think of it as a social "media" network if you will, where you'll find ...
  • the latest universe news - (not an RSS feed, but specifically written by staff or guest writers)
  • articles relevant to current activities within the universe - (specifically written by staff or guest writers)
  • blogs of those more active within the universe, and their take on their experiences
  • what's hot, what's not
  • promotional events on various planets
  • events and contests with very nice prizes
  • role-playing activities that will evolve into full-on video storytelling
  • podcast events that include interviews of officials and players - the new Who's Who Series
  • podcast events that engage in pure humor
  • live broadcasting activities that will bring a different kind of community entertainment
  • other things that you will discover as we progress
I think this should hold you for a while, but it is by no means inclusive of all that we have working in the pipeline. It will take time to develop everything and bring it to the community the way we want to, but we've been hard at work in development for quite a while now, and we're getting close.

This is why I felt it was necessary for me to leave my position as an official with Cyrene, so that I could fully focus on the expansion of the media operations and move it into the direction I've always wanted to go with it. Now that I have two great media team members, my vision is no longer on the horizon, but right in front of us, so I'm taking full advantage of it now.

Besides, as I and Ed both mentioned, we are still working out the situation with the writing to see where we can take it, and that it be done properly in spite of my not being an official on team any more. No doors have been closed, and we are very much connected. Ed and the C-Team have my every respect and loyalty when it comes to planet storyline, and I will not write for any planet other than Cyrene, except as I said, the media activities that have nothing to do with official storyline.

That's it in a nutshell for now, but there is much more to come when I make the full-on formal announcement of where MindStar Media is going ... yes, there's more. :D


Oh YEAH.. Music post coming on request line.. Ring Ring ok they must be having a coffie break Ring ring..
I think she may shoot me with her iced up launcher when she gets out. Ring Ring...

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
My launcher (when I get my hands on it) will never be iced up ... that's just how I roll.

Besides ... Prince Charming had hot lips, and the cryo chamber has been sufficiently thawed. :wise:

Guess who's been mind-forcing her purple ass off. :nana:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
I can vouch for some of this I think... I at least saw ya runnin around. So you've been doing -something-. XD

:xxxlaugh:... yes, I saw you at ARC HQ, but it was TunerS who saw MS9 first at the Janus Gateway after her proper thawing, standing there looking out over the falls in her orange jammies. I was waiting on Syer to get to Cyrene so that he could turn over what he's had in storage for me - mission accomplished. :D

But then I discovered that I had a crapload of stuff in storage on Next Island and ROCKtropia, so Fang was kind enough to cart my backside across the universe in the Alabama to pick up loose ends. :wise:

See you in the universe ... somewhere, sometime! :yay:

Nor Alien

Whisker Fish
As the day turns to night, it shows the path, and we can see the heavens turn a brilliant hue of purple.. MS9 is flying through, and the dark is much happier.. :bye:


New Member
Had to ask, but does you leaving the Cyrene team have any links with the problems over on NI's staff being let go?[/q

I have no Idea what you're thinking OZ, Why would anything about Cyrene have anything to do with the mess that NI is in right now?
Maybe you could explain why you changed direction on this thread?:confused:


New Member
Also Oz, PM me!
No need to Clutter this tread with something that seems totally off the wall, from what was intended here.:rolleyes:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
As an update to this thread ... we've already announced that the new MindStar Media News & Entertainment site has been launched - you can click MindStar Media in my signature to access it. There is plenty there to cruise through, and I just added a "Heads Up" tab for announcements and to let everyone know what's new or updated of the projects that we are currently working on. There is a message there for today (Aug 24th), and will explain more.

Just wanted to say thank you to those who have either contact us via email, or in-game to share their Gratz, as well as thoughts, it's appreciated. We will strive to make the site even better, and bring you all the exciting news about Cyrene as it happens, or perhaps even before it happens if Ed is willing to share.

Have fun in the universe. :)


Active Member
I have no Idea what you're thinking OZ, Why would anything about Cyrene have anything to do with the mess that NI is in right now?
Maybe you could explain why you changed direction on this thread?:confused:

Well, was simple in a way, since Mindstar9 was a great team member on Cyrene and she left about the same time NI crashed, I was just interested in the overall status of EU's health.