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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread


Active Member
From all this there are several lessons to be learned:

-Everything that can overshadow Calypso, sorry, MindArk, will be removed from the game.
-If it cannot be removed from the game, an event will appear in Calypso that will cause players to return to it ...
-Every time there is a novelty, a legion of fools buy the necessary components above the value, and then they may realize that they overpaid ...
-Thanks to that legion of fools, another legion of speculators makes money ...
-Regarding the PP, sometimes I understand the laziness of Arkadia, or Rocktropia, or Toulan in the past ... why continue spending money on my planet if then Calypso, sorry, Mindark, protects himself by breaking my planet.
-And above all Calypso's lack of vision, sorry, Mindark ... they think that if excessive money circulates in the game, the players will withdraw and decapitalize the game ... and it is not ... More decapitalizes the game purchases castle, pets app experiments and failed virtual currencies ...

Kriss... we love you... Alexander... mmm... no words yet...

This guy on another forum uses the exact same words as you! What a coincidence.



So all of the components I put together to get the armor will now end up being used for items I probably won't want, won't need, or won't have the skills to make or to use.

You promised me armor, and I needed armor. But now I will not get it, because I did not get it fast enough. I already know that "later this year" translates directly into "NEVER".

It might be time for a vacation from EU until "later this year". My last vacation from EU lasted 10 years.

A wise man might consider this an object lesson in player retention.
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I just want make sure that I am clear on this: It is my understanding at this point that there is no intention to make the armor available again, but rather an effort to give us alternative uses for the materials. Can we please verify this so that I can reactivate my Eve account and get back to earning ISK?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

While I am preparing a larger response to this thread, I wanted to clear up some misinformation, and unless you see it posted on here from me or @Alexandar | Cyrene , or by an Official in our Discord server, it's only a rumor / hearsay.

With that being said:

I just want make sure that I am clear on this: It is my understanding at this point that there is no intention to make the armor available again, but rather an effort to give us alternative uses for the materials.

I'll quote myself here:

We're still discussing what comes next and how to move forward, but I hope that we can re-implement some of these rewards in whatever capacity we're able to.

This hasn't changed, this is something that we're still working towards with MindArk, but the truth right now is that we don't know what or how the armor sets will be re-introduced, nor how long that will take and I can't accurately estimate at this time.

In the interim, we're planning to introduce other uses for these items (in conjunction with other items) to let players free PED stored in them until we have a true heading.



New Member
Hi Kris. Can't say for the others, but for me usefull alternative for the armor would be special upgradable Cyrene lefthanded ring. Basic version for armor materials and as part of planet events an opportunity to loot items to upgrade minor stats, lets say a bit wider autoloot range and items to reconfigurate major stats, for example "+crit chance -reload speed". So eventually everyone can have their own perfect ring.


New Member
@Kris | Cyrene
I think you are already aware that new mechs are not looting anything, not even the message "creature didn't carry any loot" also vendors for upgrading plates are not working, any news when this will be fixed?
More glitches in Cyrene? Let's see ... it is IMPOSSIBLE for a development team to be so useless, therefore we rule out the blame for Team Cyrene's failures ...

There's only one possibility left: BHAC ... (Black Hand About Cyrene)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey happy_hipster,

Armor released yet or still waiting?

I posted the last update above (post #124), we're still in the discussion stage.

Do relics and tail tips drop yet?

I have confirmation from MA that Tail Tips are now back on (as they are used the Armor Plate Upgrade Mission) same for Flesh as well. Relics are not, as there isn't any mission to use them that is active at this time.

Any news on Cyrene shops

If you mean estates, there's some finalization that is happening between us and MA. I hope to have something to announce it about soon.

HK Molds?

I did just tell MA again about the HK Molds, if this is something that can't be adjusted through their means, then I think we'll try to put this item into the Cyrene Mission Token Vendor.

EDIT UPDATE: Mindark says these should be dropping now, please let me know if they aren't getting out as they should.

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Active Member
"I have confirmation from MA that Tail Tips are now back on (as they are used the Armor Plate Upgrade Mission)"

So try to get this answer right Kris, I just hunted around 200 Paneleons.

a) The tailtips are not dropping
b) Mindark is lying to you
c) You are a puppet on a string
d) All of the above


New Member
"I have confirmation from MA that Tail Tips are now back on (as they are used the Armor Plate Upgrade Mission)"

So try to get this answer right Kris, I just hunted around 200 Paneleons.

a) The tailtips are not dropping
b) Mindark is lying to you
c) You are a puppet on a string
d) All of the above

You are bit lazy aren't you? :) Tail tips drops, just they are not uncommon, looks like they are rare now. Sometimes you are getting them after 10 kills sometimes 2500+ kills
so the answer is:
e) Spawn is lying to you
Why are they so extremely rare though? I want to grind my own plate materials. Do I have to kill 36 million paneleon to make my set? I hope you realise this means that I wont even start farming at all, another loss for Cyrene PP (sorry, but I don't have an infinite pedcard).

Why does MA hate Cyrene so much....


Active Member
I think the idea is, that we all spend our inventories on the plates. Those ingredients disappear into nothingness.
And when all out inventories are empty, they can reintroduce the armor sets, without people having the needed items in inventory, because they were all spent on the plates, and drop rates will be as scarce as the tail tips are right now.

My idea is to hoard any cyrene specific item, because they might be included in the adjusted, improved, modified and perfected plates.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I guess Kris is still the number one community manager in this universe. Apologies!

I'll keep trying to live up to this :ping:

Why are they so extremely rare though? I want to grind my own plate materials. Do I have to kill 36 million paneleon to make my set?

This is something that we're keeping an eye one, once I get the latest info from MA I'll be able to better contrast and compare and we can try to match how it was before (around this time last year) for the majority of these drops.

When I do have more to say about this, or any part of this mission / items / upgrades I'll make sure it's here and visible.



This is something that we're keeping an eye one, once I get the latest info from MA I'll be able to better contrast and compare and we can try to match how it was before (around this time last year) for the majority of these drops.

The problem I see with the old drop rate is that it didn't matter if you killed a 80hp mob or an 800hp, the chance of a drop seemed the same and the amount in the drop seemed the same. This is why exprianced hunters were one shot killing paneleon instead of hunting bigger maturities and in the process pissing off all the less skilled hunters.

I don't think the amount of item drops should scale directly with hp but there should definitly be and improved chance of loot per kill.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey slither,

I don't think the amount of item drops should scale directly with hp but there should definitely be and improved chance of loot per kill.

I think this is something that can be improved across many of the "all maturity" items, it's something that we can look at.
