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Official AMAA for Planet Cyrene

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Alexandar | Cyrene

Hello everyone, I am back in your life on this date, February 22nd, 2021!

This is the Official forum thread for the AMAA (ask me almost anything) that I talked about in a previous update post. I will take these questions and put them to Team Cyrene, get them answered and post the replies here on the forums.

Here are some simple rules and guidelines:

-DO - Ask questions that are specific to Planet Cyrene

-DON’T - Make derogatory, defamatory, or rude statements towards the developers or other players

-DO – Post helpful suggestions with as much detail in regards to what you feel I should focus on the community

-DON’T - Post comments or replies to other posters questions, they will be removed

-DO – Make sure your question is able to be easily understood

-DON’T – Post questions about balancing in general in regards to items (although creature questions are fine

-DO - Be mindful of the ToS and EULA

-DON’T – Post content or system suggestions, as we currently have a full plate for the upcoming future Version Updates, though we may have future polls on what should be rolled out first.

Similar questions will be grouped & answered together where I feel it make sense.

You can post questions here for the next 3 weeks (until March 15th, 2021) at which time the thread will be locked. This will give us time to prepare the answers to come at the beginning of Q2 2021.

Also, as mentioned in another post: if your question doesn’t get an answer or gets an answer of “we aren’t allowed to discuss” then you know why.

Hoping to see some good questions in this thread!


Active Member
When will the requirement to remove clothes to enter the hub be removed? Armor and weapon removal I can understand, but clothes don't give buffs, at lest most don't. Loosing 2 pecs per piece of clothing to enter the hub makes my avatar never want to go down there since the cost is more than the reward.

As Mentioned over at https://cyreneforum.com/threads/update-feb-15th-2021.8369/#post-30282 I don't think it's a good idea for you to do p2p trades from planet side for events. Do you plan to do those events doing p2p trades or some other sort of way, such as using official event system or vendor npcs, etc.?
You mentioned that marketing is working on things. When will we see an ad for Cyrene on the Superbowl?
What is the ETA on apartments on Cyrene being available? How many will there be?
What is the ETA on more shops on Cyrene being available? How many will there be?
Will there be a Wolpertinger upgrade available? Details please?
Will there be a taming missing implemented on this planet now that two other locations in Entropia have them (Monria and Toulan)? Toulan's addition of a daily mission to tame 100 low level tab tab seems like it could be matched with an Arret mission?
Will more tameable mobs be added? when?
Currently I think you have Arret, Paneleon, Mang Chang, Rhino Beetle, (and Wolpertinger if you want to count that one since it's not really tamed in the traditional sense)... That's 5 pets.

In looking the list over at Pets (entropiapets.com) Rocktropia has 13 pets (if you count the Secret Island ones - you could add some down in the hub or some instances?...)
Next Island recent added Asclarias that has to be spawned via a special mission and instance. Toulan did similar with Karmoosh... Any plans on new special pets being added via some epic type adventure?
Will new rewards for maze weaver certificates be added?
Will Cyrene add a new 'freebie' type thing to draw in more daily participants. For example Monria Moon has the hazmat mission, where you run around for about 15-20 minutes daily hitting waypoints and get the reward of 2 ped of universal ammo daily.
Will Toulan add in more trees to harvest and blueprints to use them? Toulan has added a boatload of trees to harvest and a simple technician blueprint that only uses harvested material and no other ingredients. Next Island on the opposite end of the spectrum has NO TREES ANYWHERE... What's the goal in that spectrum for Cyrene?
Can you focus on making terrain nicer in some locations or adding more color/variety? Last time I was on Cyrene some of the outside areas just seemed sort of bland and out of the box looking. Add more vegetation, colorful flowers, design elements that break up the space.

Endless grind areas like the Pleak locations, etc. should not look so boring. Also, all those blasted chairs in the area are nice visual appeal at first but when you are constantly running from mob to mob tripping over all of them since they are right in the middle of the spawn it gets a tad annoying.

The maze is a cool idea and feature, but each and every wall looking exactly the same is sort of boring as hell if we do this every single day. Why not add a little color here and there to liven up the place a bit.

Are further upgrades to the epic fap upgrade mission going to continue to be added? Will similar upgrades be made available for other types of items?
Will the Christmas frog figurines ever be fixed? In estates the level of detail works for a distance, but when you get up close to them they disappear from being able to be seen since there's something weird with the closest level of detail not being there so they simply pop out of existence when avatar gets close to them in an estate. This makes moving things around on shelves where you need to be in close really annoying.
Calypso has released Christmas Trees for Christmas a couple of times now. Arkadia has released Christmas Trees for Christmas. Arkadia also did a nice little Christmas Train to set up under the trees. When will the Cyrene trees be coming out?
Rocktropia did the POVR event a while ago. Rocktropia also did something similar for the Christmas before that in which you could do a mini-mission in an instance to get special Christmas type things. Arkadia did something similar a little while after that which allowed avatars to do mini missions to obtain Christmas gifts from past years fairly simply.

The Jellyworms are ok, but for low level folks they can be intimidating since you have high level and low level mob right next to one another...

Monria has started doing yearly huge St. Patrick day events, and I suspect they are going to follow on Toulan the same pattern since they now are behind that planet too.

Calypso does Halloween events and gift giveaway things...and Easter...

Are there plans for something new and special for Christmas or other holidays going forward? These types of things require some planning to do right. They also need to be done annually to draw participants in every time that holiday comes up...
Has the lime green stuff in the hub dropping in locations where avatars cannot reach it been resolved?
Will you attempt to address all questions/concerns previously put together by the community over at Cyrene 2020 and beyond | CyreneForum
Suggestion: Add a Map to ALL POSSIBLE MISSIONS. It's annoying as hell having to search on Wiki and forums to just find the npc you need to talk too or the mob you are looking for.
Suggestion: Fix 'KNOWN ISSUES' that are seen in each and ever version update notes... gets extremely annoying reading the same known issue for years, and years, and years...
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Eve Everglades

New Member
Did you guys get approval from MA to have an update to the armor mission and still be able to release something in the future, maybe different type of mission but same armors with the same buffs and protection?
Thanks in advance.


Please move the arc badges from the material container to the money and deed container, like the Arcadian access card and the Arcadia passport. It gets really old watching person after person fail to do things because their badges get put in storage to keep their material container organized.

A large amount of annoyance could be mitigated by a small tweek.


Active Member
Are you My?
Do you have any expertise/qualifications to be able to answer questions?

What is your assessment that Calypso is being treated more fairly than other planets?
You can adjust improve and modify armor plates on calypso. you can adjust, improve and modify armor sets on calypso ( modified vigilante, adjusted nemesis, improved angel adjusted boar, jaguar). You can adjust weapons (adjusted ml-35). These modifications are easy, you can hunt for items or buy them from auction. Those upgrades can be made for years without boundaries.
Why can't Cyrene have that?


Active Member
hey Alex,

i want to ask if is any plan or strategy to make a sequel for some missions or new chain missions, beside the future codex ?

i ask this from the perspective of someone who completed all missions Cyrene have ( just few search and find and some beginner missions left - not important ), and i did completed them 1y ago, there's nothing for me except the weekly ( boring )

beside the fact i did complete them long ago i want to add that i had back then a mid lvl dps, now i can say i have more than twice in firepower, so codex is just a matter of mood until i could clean the list.

also i m not the only one in this spot, i m sure many players can say the same, new items new times, ...but old perspective for missions (so far )

i.e. i had over 2kARC badges after 1 year since mining missions were introduced ( as i remember ) and that is history already

big prize at the end of a long hard chain will keep ppl on planet for a good chunk of time , plenty room to add patches/updates in order to improve the gameplay, the bigger the prize the more dedicated and constant player base ( tho not my place to advice the pros )

my 2 pecs


Staff member
When will the "old" Cyrene come back? When Cyrene first launched, it was gorgeous. I particulary remember walking around Janus.

When will the Mechs arrive?

If Ed could choose between fighing 1 Peter sized Rhino Beetle, or 100 Rhino Beetle sized Peters, which one would he pick?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
I hope that Alex won't mind me poking in here but:

Please move the arc badges from the material container to the money and deed container, like the Arcadian access card and the Arcadia passport. It gets really old watching person after person fail to do things because their badges get put in storage to keep their material container organized.

A large amount of annoyance could be mitigated by a small tweek.

This change is coming in the next PP VU.


Active Member
wanted to add here a question regarding the Turrelia set of clothes in the light of the recent discoveries where i saw some new piece of clothes made out of crafted parts and some looted components.

for the effort to kill a total of 15 000 + 200 000 creature in order to finish a chain that supposed to be something, to the ppl who sit on Cyrene for quite some time, is any chance to make an upgrade version on the set we hardly got ?

in my humble opinion those clothes supposed to have the upgrade prior any other clothes, cause is not an easy task for a hunter to do that number and a reward would tempt those who have left half to less amount to finish the chain

Boots of Turrelia
Pants of Turrelia
Jacket of Turrelia
Goggles of Turrelia
Coat of Turrelia

please if is the case, chose a dope color, would make ppl rush the finish line:hehe1:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Just because I put this here as well:

This change is coming in the next PP VU.

This came, but caused an issue where it could be put into the PED Card, so we'll be reverting this change for the Mini Patch.


P.S. Sorry for hijacking this thread.


Sandal San Tolk
If Ed could choose between fighing 1 Peter sized Rhino Beetle, or 100 Rhino Beetle sized Peters, which one would he pick?
Do they deal the same damage?

Been thinking about it thoroughly, but any questions I have that aren't trivial either won't be able to be answered or have been asked already above. The following is just to specify it more precisely.

To me the most interesting topic to talk about at this juncture is the "real" Cyrene, the butterfly we're all waiting for to come out of its puppet state. How long has it been since the crunch, 7 years is that correct? My memory is hazy. Asking for a simple ETA seems unlikely to get a useful response, hence I would rather anything you can tell us about its progress, how far are you along the way with your plans, and to what extent are the dealings and shenanigans around you in Entropia liable for holding up your development.

Thank you in advance.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Posting this here for @Dante Artorius Inferno

they are not bugs, but:

What happened to the cave with a protocore inside on the northern Swamp Lurker wave? I never knew the purpose of that protocore, and now the cave is covered ...
what happened to New Janus? Still under construction ...
what happened to the dynamic map? it was a good way to see how people's contribution was going up ...
what happened to the mazewaver certificates? Its only use is the wolpertinger, but it could be used for something else ...


New Member
I just asked about a possible update on the discord before seeing this, so this might be a better place to ask for an update: https://cyreneforum.com/threads/blue-icy-crystal.8199/

Any word on Blue Icy Crystal and if it is actually implemented in the loot pool yet (or the texture blueprint?). If not, is that something we'll see specifically mentioned in a future VU notes when it is? I've seen a few recent VUs say mineral spawns have been updated in general for the planet, but I don't think anyone has found that particular resource yet from the looks of it after those.

Also related to mining, but I've noticed a general trend that when maps are updated and islands or other areas of land are expanded, the area that was previously underwater tends to only give lysterium and crude oil. Is this something intended, or is it a sort of default resource "bug" we should report so the minerals for those new areas are updated to match the surrounding area better?

Thanks for having this.


Active Member
When will armor mission be released again, is anyone working on it at all

When will shops be released ,why it taking 6 years for that

When we can get more info about codex for cyrene,

Will some universal ithems like shoopkepers,generic fuse start droping on planet cyrene

Is there plan to add some new loot for share loot mobs, Byg Byrds etc

Will low lvl guns,, be removed from higher hp mobs ( i am talking about guns that have same stats as trade terminal guns) example i get 7-9 guns same stats as trade terminal guns on 1000 peds run on empis wasp

Is there plan to introduce high lvl limited guns,swords,knife, in loot lvl 70-lvl 100

Is there plan to add some bp on cyrene that use animal oil residue ,since it drop alot

Is anyone working on ARC rank 4,5,6

Will Ice golem dmg get fixed or changed too op for it hp

When you plan do something about Refubirshed Heart Fap bug

When we can expect new epic mission

When we can expect go get full imperium plates upgrade mission
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