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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview


Active Member
ermik if you know anyone with a MS or privateer I bet they will make a killing on warp flights from this place over this.



New Member
gun wasn't mentioned, but apart from appearing in vendor we were never told about the UL gun, its eco, how many would be released, tradable or not, even if it would cost the 100ped shrapnel as that's the same cost of the L version. So for me the gun isn't an issue and this update isn't likely to change anything with it

Thanks for the information, i did not knew that


New Member
Like others, I have serious and valid concerns that this second-rate L armor would be constantly sold out - assuming it would be appealing or of use to me anyway (it's not). And should I now expect that any (or EVERY) other mission chain/quest I start will be radically changed (i.e. lowered in value) part way through, without even reasonable warning to allow me to try to rush it to completion? Answer - YES, MA and the planet partners will lie to me or rewrite the rules in a heartbeat, trying to get me to deposit more and faster.

Not cool. I came to Cyrene still a pretty new, low-level player, and just started out on what was going to be a months-long path to skilling up and eventually getting that UL armor and other good A.R.C. Faction rewards. Not even 1 badge - yet. In it for the long haul. Won't bother now - I can get all the L armor, weapons, and other items I want from the Auction House, instantly. All I have to do is pay, right? It's the exclusivity (and permanence) of the UL rewards, and the fact that it is a reward for my investment (time and effort, not just money) into the game that appealed to me. If I got a UL mission reward, it's unlikely I'd ever trade it, so I don't honestly care if it's untradeable. I'd prefer it, actually - it eliminates the posers.

I really like the game, and I don't mind being a net depositor, but there are limits. I can't spend 60 hours a week playing, and deposit thousands of PEDs rushing to get rewards that just won't be there anymore when I've completed the missions. I can commit 2-3 hours a day, and my personal max deposits are about 100 PED per month. Clearly, not enough for me to be valued as a player.

Once I sweat enough to pay for the flight out of Cyrene, I'm gone. I'll be watching the other planet forums to see if this trend is universe wide - in which case, I'm REALLY gone - after I've put just enough loot together (and I am VERY close now) to show at least a final $1 overall profit on my whole Entropia experience. On principle.

p.s. On the plus side, since I've been "banking" most of my looted shrapnel for the armor, I've got enough ammo stock now that I won't need to depo for the next two months! Thanks for keeping me super-eco!
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Active Member
Like others, I have serious and valid concerns that this second-rate L armor would be constantly sold out - assuming it would be appealing or of use to me anyway (it's not). And should I now expect that any (or EVERY) other mission chain/quest I start will be radically changed (i.e. lowered in value) part way through, without even reasonable warning to allow me to try to rush it to completion? Answer - YES, MA and the planet partners will lie to me or rewrite the rules in a heartbeat, trying to get me to deposit more and faster.

Not cool. I came to Cyrene still a pretty new, low-level player, and just started out on what was going to be a months-long path to skilling up and eventually getting that UL armor and other good A.R.C. Faction rewards. Not even 1 badge - yet. In it for the long haul. Won't bother now - I can get all the L armor, weapons, and other items I want from the Auction House, instantly. All I have to do is pay, right? It's the exclusivity (and permanence) of the UL rewards, and the fact that it is a reward for my investment (time and effort, not just money) into the game that appealed to me. If I got a UL mission reward, it's unlikely I'd ever trade it, so I don't honestly care if it's untradeable. I'd prefer it, actually - it eliminates the posers.

I really like the game, and I don't mind being a net depositor, but there are limits. I can't spend 60 hours a week playing, and deposit thousands of PEDs rushing to get rewards that just won't be there anymore when I've completed the missions. I can commit 2-3 hours a day, and my personal max deposits are about 100 PED per month. Clearly, not enough for me to be valued as a player.

Once I sweat enough to pay for the flight out of Cyrene, I'm gone. I'll be watching the other planet forums to see if this trend is universe wide - in which case, I'm REALLY gone - after I've put just enough loot together (and I am VERY close now) to show at least a final $1 overall profit on my whole Entropia experience. On principle.

p.s. On the plus side, since I've been "banking" most of my looted shrapnel for the armor, I've got enough ammo stock now that I won't need to depo for the next two months! Thanks for keeping me super-eco!

you can always join me in my quad for free..


Active Member
Few things I'm wondering about:
Is the lancer UL?
The 80 new weapons need to be checked for a typo bug in their stats. Otherwise it will be tt food.
Will we get the christmas presents, this PP Vu?
So i wasted all the ped for nothing ? You should be ashamed..........

What will you do next time ? Change the rewards for the epic missions ? What is the point of doing them now ? ....I loved Cyrene.... R.I.P. Cyrene
This planet is a big Joke!! What are u doing? Where are the Cristmas gift? Cyrene Ten Event? Now my armor that im fighting for is gone? Can u do something right? This is going to make everyone leave this planet :-/

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
We have cyrene to blame for this:

2015-03-13 22:02 Entropia Universe Support:

Hi Rusty,

Thank you for your support case.

As this is an inquiry about something not yet in the game we sadly cannot answer as we at support does not discuss future releases.

This is a change by our Planet partner Cyrene, we will forward your case as feedback to our management.

Take care and best of luck.

Kind regards,
Ulf | Entropia Universe Support

Deo Ingie

Toot, I can finally post. had to create another account due to my stupidity, but I did sent an email to whoever the contact us button and asked them to delete the other 2, lol.

MA must have had a hand in this Rusty. I don't know Kris, but I doubt he would sabotage his own planet, makes no sense. If this update goes through, I'm going back to Ark.

I like Cyrene because of the small map size, caly is too big, Ark is perfect size for me, but Cyrene has all the cool missions to stay busy with. With the attraction of UL prizes, Cyrene is seeing a bump in population. I really think that if he does this update, Cyrene is going to really crash. I wouldn't go back based off of principle.


that realy bad move to remove arc armor ,players wont forget this ma dont work at weekend so dont think we get answer until next week


Active Member
sub zero i sincerely doubt the lancer will be UL. the print maybe, the ship no.
christmas presents, don't hold your breath. customer care / satisfaction does not appear to be very high on the list right now.



Active Member
Hey guys,
We can definitely look into it and see what is and isn't possible, it's not totally out of the question.

I also hope that there will be no other changes to any of the faction rewards in the future (except an easier way to get the UL weapons from the vendor).



I would like to add a wish here, and I m sure other players will agree whit me on this, regarding the weapons for missions like this.. please add both models of those weapons, BLP and LASER , I m saying this cause I wish to have a BLP gun, I m BLP'er from beginning I cant go LASER now, is too late, and to change means lots of changes for me, I cant do this, but having both there anyone who finish the mission can chose what gun he want to have, to be proper for his needs, the eco based and dmg can be set to be the same, I m sure, is not that hard. I have seen in many other cases MA put just LASER in front, the BLP is left aside, is not fair, has to be a way to please both users of those ranged weapons, the last example is the Robot Mayhem rewards, all the guns are LASER, and if a player won one of those and he is a BLP user I doubt he could do anything whit it except to sell.



Active Member
Here is a simple idea.

We KNOW your intentions.
You had NO IDEA your ill decision would be met with this firestorm.

How about, you make the armor change NEXT VU, and just close the mission giver for it now. That way no new folks can hop on, yet those who are in the middle of it, can finish it off if they wish.

Seems the best way out to keep folks not feeling ripped off AND save face at the same time.


Molly Red

New Member
Well, I finally got enough Daily Tokens on Calypso to get another gun to bring with me to Cyrene so that I could actually get the armour that I've been drooling over. I'd already looked at Viceroy and decided that it didn't offer enough over my Gremlin to tie up the PEDs in it. But the ARC Initiate was a different story! 25 Acid, 12 Elec and reasonable Imp/Cut/Stab - now that I would go for!

And then this happens! To say that it feels like being kicked in the guts is exactly right. I enjoyed Cyrene the first times I was here, it had that same feel of when I started and there was only one planet - seeing a random green dot in the middle of nowhere and stopping for a quick chat :)

I can even forgive a totally new map, having to find all the TPs again and having to search for all the mobs I needed for the missions. But to be told, with only a few days notice, that the reason for hunting all those bigger mobs that I wouldn't ordinarily hunt which decay my armour and FAP (and PEDcard) is about to be summarily removed is not something I am willing to put up with.

I hope this is only "see you later" to Cyrene.
But I fear that it may well be "goodbye."

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Here is a simple idea.

We KNOW your intentions.
You had NO IDEA your ill decision would be met with this firestorm.

How about, you make the armor change NEXT VU, and just close the mission giver for it now. That way no new folks can hop on, yet those who are in the middle of it, can finish it off if they wish.

Seems the best way out to keep folks not feeling ripped off AND save face at the same time.


don't think you can turn off the mission giver without stopping everyone doing the dailies as that is the mission giver

Molly Red

New Member
Here is a simple idea.

We KNOW your intentions.
You had NO IDEA your ill decision would be met with this firestorm.

How about, you make the armor change NEXT VU, and just close the mission giver for it now. That way no new folks can hop on, yet those who are in the middle of it, can finish it off if they wish.

Seems the best way out to keep folks not feeling ripped off AND save face at the same time.


Excellent suggestion while I was typing my novel above ;)