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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview


Active Member
Let me reword that. Remove that mission? If you still have it active it should stay active, and then turn it in as usual, just can't get new. Something along those lines. But yes leave the mission giver there.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Let me reword that. Remove that mission? If you still have it active it should stay active, and then turn it in as usual, just can't get new. Something along those lines. But yes leave the mission giver there.

thing is it doesn't work like a normal mission, no counter for tokens, just 16ish once only missions and 5 daily, when you complete the dailies, you just take them again tomorrow (blue !) when you have the 200 you carry them to the TP on the hub


Active Member
Too bad. Well the idea is there, they can do something to preserve the 'in progress' missions I am thinking yet keep new ones from spawning. Maybe give folks who have badges a special token they have to turn in along with the 200 badges to get the thing. ie new folks wont have the special so can't get... there are ways to manip it if they wanted.

Dear planet partener from what i know that if we are paying we are customers and we are paying for a product . Now i and many others partially payed for the product and after that you give me 3 days notice that the product will be off the market ? I don't want to be rude but think a little bit .....in real life this is called a scam or i am mistaking .... hmmmm you really know how to scare off people from cyrene

Kintradim Crux

New Member
Really unfair news, so i came to Cyrene to get that set of armor and now i have 5 days left to get the remaining 101 Badges i dont have yet. Not amused.

I'm clearly not excited of the upcoming VU. Remove those rewards or leave them, i'm leaving this planet, im not going to do daily missions for half a year just to see the next unL armor reward removed before i have enough badges.

I already left the planet, dont expect me to be back within the next 6 months.

@Team Cyrene: if that was your intention: mission accomplished.


New Member
Boy this is creating a shit storm about the armor. The chat is on fire. I'm not an armor fanatic and it doesn't really bother me that muchbut how can you entice all these people to cyrene to get the ul armor, have them spend their ped, a lot of it, and then just stop before those people have a chance to finish? I'm sure you can reason it Chris but i'm afraid the repercussions are going to set cyrene back not move it forward. Let the people who started finish. Shut it off for newcomers. Pretty simple solution.

I've read all 7 pages of this thread already and this seems the best solution IMO. Not sure if it can be shut off so to speak but those that are mid-mission should be allowed to finish one way or another. I'm a newer player and I've not even started getting any badges yet, and honestly I'm not upset the armor is going away. I've invested nothing in it yet to get upset about however if I had I would be extremely upset. If this game was like most other MMOs one could get upset but whatever not a lot of money invested just time. Yes time has value etc etc not going into that discussion but when one invests RL money into anything game or otherwise one expects to get something of value in return.

Customer service was a paramount to both of the RL companies I've successfully run. Here's my take to the situation. You can't tell your customers that all their work is for not mere days before a change. Such a change should be announced a good month in advance. That fact that is was released by mistake is well tough crap on you, a fix could have been released long ago. The fact you and MA didn't remove it immediately after realizing the error is shame on you Digital Scryers.

Now I'm not about to grab my toys and leave and never come back. I'm enjoying my time here so far and this change has not impacted it. However I will say this, what you do here will effect your reputation as a company. Once you have ruined your reputation and lost your customers trust you are done. That's when its time to turn off the lights and close up shop. So a word of wisdom tread carefully here. You are not going to please everyone, and I stopped trying to do so years ago. But I do have my reputation as a fair and equitable person to all who know me.


New Member
Oh and I should add for the most part I'm liking what I'm seeing in the update. So have to call the positives where I see them.

One note however, I will resound what another said and that you may want to consider not making that Mang Chang called a "puny". As a new player I've already come to learn that puny means I can kill it that umm.... don't think so.


Active Member
Lifesaver brings very good points to the table. He said he is not too worried about it because he has not done the armor yet. I can understand that, and on one hand want to echo that, BUT its about the principle of it. I may not be too upset now because this didn't screw me over, but what about next time when it IS me who gets the shaft? Some folks are pushing back out of pure principle. Also, as mentioned several times, your reputation is the most important thing of ANY business owner / operator. Yes a lot of the sheeple are going to forget about this a week later after several bong hits and will be back with a ped here and there, but a lot of people are NOT going to forget about it, and will tell others, tell new folks, stay away from that place, they F$#$%#k us and didn't care. That is something you may never recover from, if you ever go life to begin with.

Also, what was said by others before, those who had the mission active before the announcement should be able to finish it, and then move on.



From what i see
Then its all pinned on Cyrene, If so congratulations, I think they made an achievement for having the coolest idea to keep people here working for an armor rathan than arkadia for visceroy for example where you just buy it, and also the fastest to empty a planet with their attempt to suicide.
Yesterday Tan's tp was filled with people, some by 0x1 also
Today barelly see anyone


New Member
I have been on Cyrene for about a month and a half now. I originally came here enticed by the UL armor, and have accumulated 196 faction badges. I was a lot further off, not being able to finish a couple of the higher level 1x missions, until this news came out and someone offered to help me, thanks spike. So now it appears as though I will make it just barely.

If for some reason I do not make it, if the armor is sold out or the VU comes early or something, or if I was someone else who was not going to make it in time, I would be extremely disappointed and would very likely black list everything "Cyrene" immediately. I and others have worked extremely hard over a long period of time, spending real money, to obtain these badges.

Hopefully for both sides sake a solution is found.
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I already thought after Cyrne got shrinked, that it is slowly dieing. :/

Reading this and that so many people only came to Cyrene just for this armor...feels like the final slap into the face of the people of Cyrene.

Work it out with MindArk ? Did they as well decide about this matter already ?
Was the armor too good to end up as UL version ?

Good luck, you'll need it !


Lifesaver brings very good points to the table. He said he is not too worried about it because he has not done the armor yet. I can understand that, and on one hand want to echo that, BUT its about the principle of it. I may not be too upset now because this didn't screw me over, but what about next time when it IS me who gets the shaft? Some folks are pushing back out of pure principle. Also, as mentioned several times, your reputation is the most important thing of ANY business owner / operator. Yes a lot of the sheeple are going to forget about this a week later after several bong hits and will be back with a ped here and there, but a lot of people are NOT going to forget about it, and will tell others, tell new folks, stay away from that place, they F$#$%#k us and didn't care. That is something you may never recover from, if you ever go life to begin with.

Also, what was said by others before, those who had the mission active before the announcement should be able to finish it, and then move on.


The whole game is working like this. Since 2001. And 80% of the oldtimers are still here.
I havent forgotten anything. Nothing will be forgotten ! Ppl will only stop caring and contineu as usual.

It works, congratz MindArk.
The original plan (3D internet, e-commerce platform) seems ot be slowly evolving as well.

Granny Rowan

New Member
I have not started this mission yet, though I was looking into starting it soon, damned glad I waited or I would be amongst the very annoyed. I can pass but one comment on this and similar though smaller changes introduced in various VUs here and elsewhere in EU. This is a Real Cash Economy, therefore a mission accepted is to all intents and purposes a contract to supply. If this were real life, people would be facing lawsuits rather than an empty planet.

Also when Cyrene introduced the changes to the planet (to cover the changes of servers) and the Cyrene dynamic upgrade was introduced, I am sure I was not alone in reading it as meaning we would gradually unlock the original land areas, not just add more mobs/maturities to the existing reduced map. Unless that is what is truly going to happen, then my hopes for Cyrene have been dashed. The things I loved about it, interesting landscapes and terrain that made hunting fun have been stripped away. Hunting here is boring now and I won't be hurrying back. For example check out the island that has the zeladoth, tell me there is anything to recommend it.. go on I'd be amazed if you can find even 1 positive. The old areas made the hunter work and use the terrain, it was fun and also nice to look at. If I wanted to hunt on a flat near featureless area I'd go buy some cheapass platform game and save me a load of real money.

Please guys let us see what was best of Cyrene and could be again, lets get those wonderful graphics back in evidence
move the story forward, how about some events where we can actively fight the invaders in massed battles, but then see some real territory gains ?


If I wanted to hunt on a flat near featureless area I'd go buy some cheapass platform game and save me a load of real money.

Please guys let us see what was best of Cyrene and could be again, lets get those wonderful graphics back in evidence
move the story forward, how about some events where we can actively fight the invaders in massed battles, but then see some real territory gains ?

People like you (and me) dream of this "Project Entropia" since 2004.
Dont stop dreaming, even if you are already aware that you will never be able to live your dream. =')

You can find it in another MMO, but defenitly not in here.
Either you accept that or struggle with it like me, never letting the hope die. ^^


McCormick, a lot of old timers are around true, but check their trackers, most arent doing anything, and wont botter to sell skills because the time taken and effort also for so many skills, is nothing for the payout out of them.

Continuous fuck ups from MA upset a lot of them.
Now player partners messing with players isn't good, at least there's options since there's more planets, but yet its a joke because it isnt a skipped mission as i said, its a lot of work over a month at least to get those badges, all thrown down the bin, i know a lot that wanted to just get the armor but started liking it here, but after this, it'll kill all trust for what might come or not, because if they bend the rules once, nothing will stop a second time


New Member
Furthermore, if the armor being there was a mistake to begin with, it should have been corrected or at least announced that it was a temporary error as soon as it was discovered. Announcing it 5 days before the change is seriously the worst customer relations move i've ever seen. If it was announced as an error 2 months ago this would not even be an issue. It was not, therfore there are definitely going to be severe consequences to the planet as a whole. Who will ever trust another event or mission chain again?

I work in a casino, this would be like if we had a promotion "collect 200 tickets and get a car!" Then as soon as hundreds of customers got close to 200 we said "sorry, we decided that the car was too awesome, here is a blender instead!". Why stop at this? How about next merry mayhem, after everyone spends all their ped participating, you decide that the original prizes were too awesome, so now the only prize will be pet snables for the winners.

Yes these examples are a little extreme, but it is really very similar, and brings on the exact same emotions that i feel from what is about to take place here.


Waiting for answers.... a lot depends on them
If i miss out the armor by 11 badges, I wont even wait for the VU and not gonna spend a single pec on anything after VU, you can have all the discoveries and item tiers HOFs, all those things will leave a sour taste.

And by the way some people that already have the armor are acting, it isnt helping the ones that are close to finishing the mission, actually theyre are discouraging everyone to stay on Cyrene, it seems it makes them happy each time someone says hes leaving the planet.

After we all leave, I would really like to see those idiots solo fund the planet, since we others "non loyal players" are not needed.