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Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview


Thanks Kris, this is good news :) If you find a good solution i will stay and grind to rank 3 for sure.


Thank you very much Kris

I truly hope that it can be worked out in that way (meaning the armor set can be acquired by those who have started the collection of badges).

I did not come to Cyrene exclusively for the armor. I came long ago (or so it seems), and fell in love with the planet. I've always loved the missions here, and an armor set that could be worked for really appealed to me.

When I read that the replacement version was to be (L), and nerfed in stats at that, was such a HUGE disappointment for me.

Please, please try your best to make this happen.
I certainly dislike the mission armor from another planet. I find it quite ugly, especially that blue skull.
I would gladly drop it in storage and use this.
The style of most Cyrene armors and clothing appeals to me and my sense of fashion.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Thank you very much Kris

I truly hope that it can be worked out in that way (meaning the armor set can be acquired by those who have started the collection of badges).

I did not come to Cyrene exclusively for the armor. I came long ago (or so it seems), and fell in love with the planet. I've always loved the missions here, and an armor set that could be worked for really appealed to me.

When I read that the replacement version was to be (L), and nerfed in stats at that, was such a HUGE disappointment for me.

Please, please try your best to make this happen.
I certainly dislike the mission armor from another planet. I find it quite ugly, especially that blue skull.
I would gladly drop it in storage and use this.
The style of most Cyrene armors and clothing appeals to me and my sense of fashion.

If you don't like the skullcandy edition you can turn it in and redo the mission, or redo the arm part of the mission only if you like the rarity of the skullcandy version.


Active Member
One thing I've been wondering about. If you already "joined" A.R.C Faction (Acaia Rebirth Corps) completed rank 1.

When future factions come along will they be blocked to us? And if so would it be possible to switch somehow?

Like turning "evil" and joining their enemy the "Imperium".


New Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


Thank you Kris, your reply breathe of hope.

Molly Red

New Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.


That's certainly good to hear, However, please remember that a promise means nothing until it's delivered and that if you break this one you really will have shot yourself in the foot.

On a personal note, my mother is going into hospital for a hip replacement on the 18th and I'll have to be over there for up to 6 weeks to do all the little things that she won't be able to - how limited will this proposed time be, and will my RL responsibilities preclude me from finishing the (extended) mission in time?


New Member
Hey guys,

We are working on a way let players who have already started this Rank 1 Faction be able to still get this armor for a limited amount of time. When we have a concrete update as to how this will happen I will post it up in all the relevant threads.

My disciple is only 8% in the Rank 1 Faction mission. with her current armor and weapons, she need 90 days to complete. I hope you have this in your considerations.

Deo Ingie

Thank you Kris, there have been a lot of suggestions including a box with the armor in it until we have enough badges to unlock, I forget who mentioned it, but it sounded like a great idea.

Also, not to sound like an Arse, but can we get some sort of promise, or commitment, that if we keep going with the mission chains, the prizes announced will stay. For instance, it is taking me a really long time to do the Epic mission. I bought Viking for stage 2, then I go to try stage 3 and get eaten alive in liakon+5B, so until I find a good armor set I can afford, or a much bigger fap, then I am having to hold off on stage 3.
Also, not to sound like an Arse, but can we get some sort of promise, or commitment, that if we keep going with the mission chains, the prizes announced will stay. For instance, it is taking me a really long time to do the Epic mission. I bought Viking for stage 2, then I go to try stage 3 and get eaten alive in liakon+5B, so until I find a good armor set I can afford, or a much bigger fap, then I am having to hold off on stage 3.

Mah'ketta + Pulsar 8 (L) works super nice for zeladoth. And it's super cheap.

Good luck :)
ah, someone said they do impact, cut, stab, but i have maketta, so ill check out the pulsar plates, i have 6a and 5b

Ah well, its possible they higher maturities do imp/cut/stb, don't to give a bad advice. You could just try it to be sure, hope you can find the right armor/plate combination soon.


Active Member
Im sorry to hear your mother needs a hip Molly. On a good note though, that surgery is almost a walk in / walk (ok wheel chair out) nowadays. They have really come a long way on that surgery and it's not the huge deal it was a few years ago. I feel for you on the mission thing too, some folks just don't have the time to spend all day in here grinding out missions and it's a long slow path towards something like this, so when they do finally get there it's a real accomplishment for them.

You could always bring your computer / or laptop to your mothers and get on every once in a while and play a bit too.

By limited time, I am hoping that a few months is what Kris and team meant, I can understand the 'limited time' clause so this thing isn't hanging open for the next two years just because someone has it active still. Worse case, this VU they do 'whatever' and the time is up to finish this mission at next VU (that is generally what 3 months or so?)

Let's see what they propose. Also on that, team hunts work well for getting daily's done too. Just take turns with the damage until the team has it's stuff done. This helps us small folks to get the bigger daily's credit too.



New Member
Hey Kris! I reported you for this good news!
I'm back to Cyrene to complet this mission as fast as i can.

Thank you so much


You had me with bacon
This news brings me hope! :clap: Gonna log in and celebrate by merrily murdering backpackers (zyn'dos) :boxer:

Btw Kris, the whole armor thingie nullified all the great things about the update, but I must say, some of those new weapons look really good! Looking forward to looting some of those while working on Rank 2 and all other missions :)
Oh, I wonder though, when we loot an item (which we often do on Cyrene, and we love it) -will the loot continue to consist of 1/2 -2/3 shrapnel? I assume this is a global issue, so maybe I should write a support case to MA. It's a bit annoying to loot a nice (L) item that is near broken and mostly getting shrapnel...


New Member
It would take 17 days with the new VU to get 101 badges doing all dailies (including sweat trade). Add in the 1x to get to 200. Keeping the armor available past that time wouldn't make much sense. Lets not be unrealistic here.