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Official Cyrene Event Sharp & Dangerous - A Tideclaw Hunting Event

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Hey guys,

I'm happy to announce Sharp & Dangerous, a Tideclaw hunting event happening this weekend. All the pertinent information is in the flyer, but I'll highlight some of the most important bit here:

  • Start time: 00:00:01 May 11th 2018
  • End time: 23:59:59 May 13th 2018
  • Top 10 Highest Globals for scoring
  • Solo event, no teams will be counted in the top globals

If you guys have any questions or comments please do so here.

Good luck and have fun!




New Member
Anyone know people inflating cost to kill to get larger globals will have any impact on the event?


Active Member
great idea but should be old max

with prowlers and stalkers its completely useless for the ones that cant kill those.

so again, great idea but poor execution.

good luck with it


Active Member
great idea but should be old max

with prowlers and stalkers its completely useless for the ones that cant kill those.

so again, great idea but poor execution.

good luck with it

Well they can make like last time up to provider tide claw, or make 2 category cat 1 young ,mature,old provider and cat 2 guardian and up , shoud make happy all

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Well they can make like last time up to provider tide claw, or make 2 category cat 1 young ,mature,old provider and cat 2 guardian and up , shoud make happy all
that would be best idea, as currently a normal Prowler loot will beat most young globals


so if i partake in this event i have a chance to win anything between 100-1k peds worth of items, fair enough, but if the event is geared towards high dps players why give ubernoob prizes? ancient scorp is like level 5 gun?


Goo Goo G'joob!
I have to ask. Why does anyone even care? lol. I don't mean to be the one that poops on the parade, but these prizes suck from top to bottom. I have had several drop as normal drops on crabs. Give spleen oil, it has more use than all of that junk you plan to award. If you are going to have an event, why not award something someone wants? If i am on cyrene, i will complete my 20k weekly on crabs, in hopes of winning.. so i can dump the prize into the tt machine... just to make a point. As a long time cyrenean, i am ashamed of the dev team for such a shitbag event. Its embarrassing as hell.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can see there's some mixed reactions for this event.

It's something that we're watching and also directing MA to take a look at because making events for Cyrene will have to make adjustments and tweaks to the normal event mold.

Like with everything that comes from Planet Cyrene, this event also has gone through Mindark, and I think there's going to be not so much of learning curve but Cyrene doesn't really function the same as other planets and events need to be more tailored to that.

There's a lot of good suggestions and ideas here and since we're planning to continue to do monthly hunting events we'll make sure to take any and all feedback from this event and put it into our future ones.

I'm not sure if it's too late to make any changes or adjustments to this event or not, but it's something that I will see about if there's any wiggle room.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I can see there's some mixed reactions for this event.

It's something that we're watching and also directing MA to take a look at because making events for Cyrene will have to make adjustments and tweaks to the normal event mold.

Like with everything that comes from Planet Cyrene, this event also has gone through Mindark, and I think there's going to be not so much of learning curve but Cyrene doesn't really function the same as other planets and events need to be more tailored to that.

There's a lot of good suggestions and ideas here and since we're planning to continue to do monthly hunting events we'll make sure to take any and all feedback from this event and put it into our future ones.

I'm not sure if it's too late to make any changes or adjustments to this event or not, but it's something that I will see about if there's any wiggle room.


Whoud be nice if you spawn us some Share Loot mobs at weekend


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I can see there's some mixed reactions for this event.

It's something that we're watching and also directing MA to take a look at because making events for Cyrene will have to make adjustments and tweaks to the normal event mold.

Like with everything that comes from Planet Cyrene, this event also has gone through Mindark, and I think there's going to be not so much of learning curve but Cyrene doesn't really function the same as other planets and events need to be more tailored to that.

There's a lot of good suggestions and ideas here and since we're planning to continue to do monthly hunting events we'll make sure to take any and all feedback from this event and put it into our future ones.

I'm not sure if it's too late to make any changes or adjustments to this event or not, but it's something that I will see about if there's any wiggle room.

Please bring back the turrelia rifts event.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i love the Red scorpion, such a shame it was removed (or was it?). but as i can't bring down the big ones effectively, i don't expect to win. that said i might just grind the youngs arc mission, if i win something great, otherwise its a reason to kill some tides.

i remember winning (or 2nd) the swamp lurker mission for the Adj Harrier, something like that where you set a mob level worked well, be it puny/weak mangs/rhinos or old tides or even the more recent mobs like spider bots and venosaurs. the Land area can be cleared during the events and all spawns can go there


New Member
if you want to attract players into these events, you need to improve the reward in top prizes and you also need to add differend prizes for differend lvl mobs (4 categories for each pair of maturities in each location would be cool).

also i don't understand why the prizes on 2nd and 3rd place is a gun worth ~5ped (if i remember well) when the prizes in 4th-9th places are much better.

and something more.. i want to tell you that before you do something in cyrene, you have to consider it very well.
you were giving ul guns worth 4-5k ped (or even more) in your vendors, basically for free, if someone was lucky to be there the right moment and buy it by paying its tt with shrapnels.. you wasted too many ul weapons this way and even we had told you that this was wrong, it took you months to change it.. now you made an event that is supposed to attract players in your planet and the reward is what? one ul weapon worth less than 1k peds and some L guns.

Also, why these booths are still unsold?? i know that you said that you gonna give them as reward in events, but we are in 2018 and i think these booths are there for like 4 years if i'm not wrong?

your planet is basically dead, cause:
1)there are not managers to login every day (like anthine and DME does in monria) and interacts with players, spawn mobs, doing events, hearing what they have to say, etc. and
2) cyrene was the third planet after rt and caly and you still didn't sell any shop or appartment to a player? (not to mention about land areas). to keep people in your planet, you need to give them the opportunity to invest in it, having shops or appartments to sell their stuff and make their life in your planet easier.
Personal i'm a high lvl hunter, miner and crafter and everytime i come to cyrene (i have to gather about 2-3k peds before i come), i have the same problem.. can't sell my items, i don't mean the items i only loot on cyrene, but these i craft on caly also and i bring them with me hoping to sell them and keep my income running to keep doing my activities (hunting/mining/crafting), so, as long i can't sell any item and can't get any ped from other players, how i should stay on cyrene?? (on caly my auction is filled always with 30 items, cause i know that they sell and rarely i get any unsold item back)

note: i'm not the kind of player that drop anything they gets from hunting to trade terminal, i usually use 90-95% of the loot i get on crafting (or i sell em in auction) and i rarelly tt something, so, to keep my income running and recycle my peds, i need to keep selling the items i craft or loot. on cyrene i don't risk to put my items in auction, cause most of the times, i get my items back (cause none buys them) and i end up with a loss from auction's fee. A shop or an appartment (to put my shopkeepers in it) would make my life on cyrene much easier..

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
also i don't understand why the prizes on 2nd and 3rd place is a gun worth ~5ped (if i remember well) when the prizes in 4th-9th places are much better.

Red Scorpion UL and L have a TT of 375
Marked Scorp 125, HK 150 & Flamethrower 150

a lot of the times im able to undersell on the cyrene auction, i make sure i have enough to cover the fee and 2ped transport fee. if they don't sell i move them to caly and sell there


Active Member
Hi Kris,
thank you for organising a competition. I have a question. What are the old missions we need to cancel to be bug-free if the issue hasn't been fixed? I think it was dire weeds and something else - what is the current status please?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll answer these as I can:

Nope was a nice event (Blue Zeladoths that dropped clothing)

Alright, well it's something we can see about bringing back in the future then.

i love the Red scorpion, such a shame it was removed (or was it?). but as i can't bring down the big ones effectively, i don't expect to win. that said i might just grind the youngs arc mission, if i win something great, otherwise its a reason to kill some tides.

As far as I know it was not removed, but we can put it on the list to be checked and make sure it still exists to be looted.

i remember winning (or 2nd) the swamp lurker mission for the Adj Harrier, something like that where you set a mob level worked well, be it puny/weak mangs/rhinos or old tides or even the more recent mobs like spider bots and venosaurs. the Land area can be cleared during the events and all spawns can go there

That certainly could be an idea going forward, although clearing out the spawns might be more tricky than that as they are static spawns that, to my knowledge, can only be changed during a VU.

if you want to attract players into these events, you need to improve the reward in top prizes and you also need to add differend prizes for differend lvl mobs (4 categories for each pair of maturities in each location would be cool).

also i don't understand why the prizes on 2nd and 3rd place is a gun worth ~5ped (if i remember well) when the prizes in 4th-9th places are much better.

Paul Jetman Masters clarifies the TT of the rewards:
Red Scorpion UL and L have a TT of 375
Marked Scorp 125, HK 150 & Flamethrower 150

I think that we'll have a lot of solid feedback from players after this and there will be room for learning and improving for future Cyrene events for both us and Mindark.

I think sorting them into categories would be a real interesting way to do it for another event.

and something more.. i want to tell you that before you do something in cyrene, you have to consider it very well.
you were giving ul guns worth 4-5k ped (or even more) in your vendors, basically for free, if someone was lucky to be there the right moment and buy it by paying its tt with shrapnels.. you wasted too many ul weapons this way and even we had told you that this was wrong, it took you months to change it.. now you made an event that is supposed to attract players in your planet and the reward is what? one ul weapon worth less than 1k peds and some L guns.

While this is sort of off topic, I feel like you're comparing apples to oranges.

Yes, both of the items are Unlimited, although worth 4-5k ped is presumably markup value from the vendor weapon that has a TT value of 100 PED. I have personally tried and failed to adjust this many times to not only player satisfaction but within MindArk's parameters and it is an on going process.

Lastly, as stated in my previous post:

It's something that we're watching and also directing MA to take a look at because making events for Cyrene will have to make adjustments and tweaks to the normal event mold.

Like with everything that comes from Planet Cyrene, this event also has gone through Mindark, and I think there's going to be not so much of learning curve but Cyrene doesn't really function the same as other planets and events need to be more tailored to that.

There were a couple of other questions that I thought were too off topic to address in this post so I'll be making a new post to address them here:


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
That certainly could be an idea going forward, although clearing out the spawns might be more tricky than that as they are static spawns that, to my knowledge, can only be changed during a VU.

with Nimets and Venosaur having good spawns elsewhere, it could be populated with 2 mobs you plan to have events for that VU

for example in the next VU you spawn Tide Claws and Mang Changs
Month 1 Tide Event
Month 2 Mang Event
Month 3 Both
next VU swap in Venosaurs & Imperium and repeat

could even give a prize for the overall winner of all 3 rounds
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