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Shopping Booths


Active Member
From what I understand, we are being essentially evicted from Cyrene Proper to the 'holding grounds' until you get the 'old area' ready for us to reinhabit. Once this old area is 'fixed up' that will be the 'official rollout' correct? The manner in which we are allowed to re inhabit our old stomping grounds is going to be event driven - member controlled? I am to believe?

These shopping booths and apartments. Are they going to be in this new area we are being transplanted into or back in to the old area once it is reopened to us? Once we are allowed back into the original area we are in now, is the transplant area going to be closed off again or going to become a permanent addition to cyrene?

Finally, you claim you will have this up and running between now and December 31. I say MA sticks it up your ass and it doesn't happen quite on time. If / When they do, can you please keep us updated on how things are progressing.

Thank you.


Active Member
Hey all,

The shopping booths will be sold at the Hard Launch (currently planned for Q4 of 2014) and not before then. It is our plan to also have some apartments ready for that time as well.

There have already been some big changes to Planet Cyrene and more to come for Hard Launch (you can check out our marketing post HERE and our October VU Preview HERE).

2018 is nearing pretty fast. Would you like to make a new promise? Maybe one with 2022 as an ETA ?