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Crafting The ideal Blueprint Book ?

The ideal Blueprint system is..

  • ... to have it like we have it now ... several books per planet.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • ... to have one Blueprint book to store everything in, with an easy category system.

    Votes: 55 91.7%
  • Other ... please explain.

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
The different planets in Entropia today have different sets of Blueprint books.

Each planet has one type of Blueprint book for each category of item to craft - for example Clothes, Components, Armour, Weapons etc. - and all books look differently with different colours. Not only a new colour for each category, but the colours for the categories are also different depending on the planet.

To take an example, a Component Blueprint book on one planet could be yellow, while it on another planet could be green. And the colour or look of a Blueprint doesn't always match the look of a Blueprint book.

Naturally this can make it difficult if you're not very experienced.

A lot of old, experienced crafters are used to all the different Blueprint books and to them it is fairly easy to find the right book and Blueprint. They can nearly do it in their sleep :)

But with all the new planets appearing a crafter might have several different sets of Blueprint books (if he/she crafts on all planets) - and it will fill up a lot in inventory or storage. But also the Blueprint books from one planet alone fills up a lot of space.

The question is if there is a much better way to store the Blueprints?

Would one Blueprint book per planet be better - split up in sections through tabs so you could easily find the type of Blueprint you need? And when you have a new Blueprint in inventory you simply just drop it into that one Blueprint book to store it?

Would it be easier if the Blueprint books have a very easy to understand symbol on them, so you can see what kind of book it is without having to hover them all or remember what colour is what type of item on what planet?

And should the Blueprints then have the same colour and symbol on them as the matching book so you could easily store them into the right book after you looted them?

Or does the existing system work fine?

Perhaps with a few corrections? Perhaps with no corrections at all...

We would like to hear both experienced and new crafter's opinions, suggestions and wishes to the Blueprint books now and in future.

I set up a poll, but please elaborate your opinions and / or suggestions in a post too.

Your contribution is highly valued and appreciated :) Thank you


Well-Known Member
I think one bp book per planet is a great idea. I know have blueprint books for the generic and the arkadian blueprints. Think i have about 20 in total (luckily i don't craft on rocktropia/next island). It's really a pain when you want to travel. Or to put blueprints in the correct book when you have all books in inventory.

But most importantly, make sure that the books change in appearance when there get more/higher qr blueprints in them, like the old generic books do. It gives a sense of achievement for crafters.

The enhancer blueprint book doesnt change and it annoys the crap out of me since it is almost full and has some qr 100 bps in it.


New Member
make it like a tablet / i-pad type gizmo that also shows you info about the item with sub tags and so on that would be cool

plus a bonus if you could put all your blue prints in it and have planet tags in the book and so on espesh if all planet partners used the same tech .. so could be used universe wide

each planet could put its own logo on it


New Member
The main problem with the current blueprint (BP)/crafting system is that it was designed for one planet only. On Calypso there are lots of books (3 of them just for weapons).

New planets bring new resources and new BP to craft them. This may cause some disturbance in some cases.

Example: Crafting a Cyrene Pistol Mk.I takes
- 2 Ore "O1" Ingots;
- 3 EnMatter "M1";
- 1 basic tube;
- 4 basic nuts.
Either Cyrene has the basic (you can read basic as Calypso) ore/enmatters to be able to craft the last two, from the original components BP book, or it has to create a new Cyrene components book. Duplicate the name? Create a similar name ("basic cilinder")? Just add an indication that makes it diffferent ("Cyrene basic tube"; "modified basic tube"; "basic tube Mk.II").

As for the question at hand, I like MelBosshart's view. A technologically advanced civilization - we can travel to other planets!!! - should have a digital BP system. Even though I like RL books, their smell and how they feel.

George Skywalker

Active Member
Either one BP book for all planets or one bp book per planet. Both of these would be good.

The current system is messy and needs an update before we all go nuts!

The book should also have a junk section. This section would be for storing duplicate bp's as many of them as you want. When crafting lot's of bp's are generated so basically there should be an easy method of storing them all if someone wants to store them.


Yep, make the book an electronic device. In space age we might still read books for our entertainment but we won't them as a containers for blueprints I guess...

One book for all the shared stuff plus one "book" per planet would be the right thing to do.

For many reasons.

I'll mention just one maybe not that obvious: Keep planet-specific stuff planet-specific, there might be people who do not want to read something like "Athenian Headscarf" or "WTF Trucker Hat" in their strictly Sci-Fi setting, not even in BP books.


DigiDime Founder
yea one BP book per planet . just think when we have like 20 planets.

Rex, you have a solid point here. Take into consideration the amount of books out there at present. To have around a minimum of 10 books per planet will end up with a library that one might have to carry around all the time if you are a world traveler.

So falling onto the concept of one book with Sections (Main Title - Attachments, Components), Divided into catagories (Volume 1,2,3) and then set into chapters for each level of item, I think the planet crafting will be organised and easy to manage. Then one doesnt have to carry around 6 books just to contain your 8 BPs you found lying on the floor or looted. You have one book, manageable, easy to follow and simple to use.

But this is my thoughts.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Great to see so many suggestions - though all heading one way = One book to rule them all ;)

Looking forward to see what others have to say too!

Monkey Man

New Member
My vote is for 1 BP book for all planets, but I also see Tass's point about some people not wanting to see some BP names in their role-play :).
So first choice: 1 BP book for all planets.
2nd choice: 1 BP book per planet.

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
Deffo one book pr. planet - Index: Weapons, Components, etc. etc. -
IF Weapons choosed THEN
Wich Vol? Vol 1,2 or 3?

Simple and it all comes with icons - OFCOURSE :))
IF there is a need for a (L) BP book or not is intirely up to the programmer :)
Then why no stuff it all in one bothe BP's and (L)BP's as "we" are about to make
"us" one H..L! of a DBase :))

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
Would be nice to have a limited BP book too but not limited as it is now where you can place only x amounts of BPs

The limited BP book should have categories too, but simply just add an extra page when one is full ...

Yes :)
I imagine the index ((L) included) like this:
Index: Weapons, Components, etc. etc. -
IF Weapons choosed THEN
Wich Vol? Vol 1,2,3 or L(imited)?

My idea of a fast and simple access to all my BP's at once.
Limited books, as they are now, is a pest - but ok they are (C)
and I paint them in different colors to be able to skill and tell
the difference fast :)

Your idea on that L-Books should be auto-new-page-loading ?
WOW great idea lol! As I hate the current system. Are you
aware of, that I have a intire library in my storage? LOL!
(so I am going to give you a LIKE for that one MEGA LOL!)
It is how ever a matter of taste, if you like L-Books or not.
I don't like L-Books much :)

George Skywalker

Active Member
Great to see so many suggestions - though all heading one way = One book to rule them all ;)

Looking forward to see what others have to say too!

I think one bp book for all planets is the solution.

Tass had a good point about some people don't want "WTF trcuker " in their book. The solution to that would be to have planets initially turned off in the book itself. A player can turn on the different planets if and when they want. This way it could accomodate everyone and conserve storage space for MA.

The solution for L bp's would be to have a L section for each planet. Within the L section could have subsections like weapons, texturing etc. For this L section the number of slots could initially be one. And when you add a BP it always add's to that slot and creates a new empty slot. This way we could have as many slots in the book as and when needed. If a bp is removed that slot could also be deleted. Therefore freeing up storage space.

If we have more than one book with time it will get clumsy again. One book would be more scalable with more planets.

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
:clap: Lykke? Tass? Y E S !

1 Book System rules. Now I wonder if planet partners
will agree and inplement this logic and genius System :)
I hope they see the light ;)


Kick Ass Elf
I think one BP book would make the most sense or at a push one per planet. The catch is that MA might not be so keen on the lack of PED income through not having multiple books being sold.

I would offer this work around:

THE Blueprint book starts at 1ped but has a max TT repair value of 100ped. It doesn't decay. But the 1ped book has slots for ALL blueprints but a maximum storage capacity*** of... I dunno 50 bp's? (20? whatever is best for MA to balance against the current system) If, as time goes by, you want more than that (ie you are collecting them as most of us do) then you need to "repair" your BP book a bit. (each ped added to the value of the book gets you N more storage slots in it)

Such a system should be balanced so that if you wanted to store all the blue prints it doesn't cost more than 10ped per planet.



***(lets call it RAM or hard disk space for stories sake - think of it as a computer and the BP's are software you install)

The Ripper

New Member
I like Ace's suggestion! There are way too many bp's in my storage atm cus im to lazy to find all the right bp books for the duplicates and not much point selling them etc.. :D

PS my first post here! gr8 forum :D


Kick Ass Elf
Following on from my suggestion of having the ability to place orders on Entropia bay. It would be cool to have some sort of database/website of BP's that people have and what they have spare (a little like the mission trackers on EP*). So often I've had BP's that I can't sell but like most stuff I really hate to throw them away....

Hmmm.... we need an Entropia version of freecycle haha!


*speaking of the mission tracker... what would be REALLY cool with that would be if it could read my facebook wall and auto update cause each mission I complete or level I skill up is posted on there. Might be nice if forum folks could see this info and post gratz too... a bit like they used to do on EF if you posted a global or hoff on their website... Just pie in the sky ideas. I realise its a lot of work for someone to implement such a thing!