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Crafting The ideal Blueprint Book ?

The ideal Blueprint system is..

  • ... to have it like we have it now ... several books per planet.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • ... to have one Blueprint book to store everything in, with an easy category system.

    Votes: 55 91.7%
  • Other ... please explain.

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters

Monkey Man

New Member
I think it would be more beneficial to MA if the single BP book for all planets costs 1 ped. MA doesn't make profit from BP books because they don't decay. They have to guarantee they have enough $USD in their bank account in case people sell all their BP books and cashes out. So in other words, those peds we have in BP books are just tied up, and generating no revenue for anybody.
It's much better to take those 20-30 ped worth of books right now and spend them on ingots, hunting, or mining, etc, as that would actually generate revenue.


New Member
I like the 1 indexed book (or tablet) per planet with Ace's suggestion of a junk section. I think it would be nice if crafted components BPs were also linked to the main items. So if you want to work a BP with simple I springs in it, you could click on the link and go to that BP and "back". I also agree with MM's post, but I think the price of the book should be 1 pec removing any future temptation to making the books decay. :D


New Member
Definitely one book per planet.

The book should also have a junk section. This section would be for storing duplicate bp's as many of them as you want. When crafting lot's of bp's are generated so basically there should be an easy method of storing them all if someone wants to store them.

The solution for L bp's would be to have a L section for each planet. Within the L section could have subsections like weapons, texturing etc. For this L section the number of slots could initially be one. And when you add a BP it always add's to that slot and creates a new empty slot. This way we could have as many slots in the book as and when needed. If a bp is removed that slot could also be deleted. Therefore freeing up storage space.

make sure that the books change in appearance when there get more/higher qr blueprints in them, like the old generic books do. It gives a sense of achievement for crafters.

IMO, these suggestions would go a long way to being the perfect configuration for handling what has become a BP nightmare. Something has to change, and quick!

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
work around/an other way around

Could be Blue Print Book Upgrades.
BP book have to be upograded for each lvl.
I.e you buy a blank book, cost 1 PED and can hold all BP's lvl I.
You get BP's lvl II and you have to upgrade the book. Cost 3 PED.
You get BP's lvl III and you have to upgrade the book. Cost 3 PED.
You get BP's lvl etc. etc.
Each lvl cost 3 PED.

No deacy on the books or this great idea will be categorized as yet a
"Greedy MA trick".

So, 1 book for all planets with 1 section for L BP's all planets.
A all in one book. Each lvl cost a upgrade. Price pr. upgrade: 3 PED.

How about that for a work-out-around-about? ;)


Some thoughts on ideas and functions for the ideal BP book:
1 book per planet is a good idea
Each carries unlimited no of BP's both L and UL but total number determined by TT value ie: for each 50 BP's stored requires 1 PED or so as an alternative to the level-based idea suggested above.
Each book is categorised - L or UL, then by type, then by level.
Duplicates are stored in same slot - which duplicate to use is assignable
Favourites list at the beginning for quick access
Material search function that lists all BP's using a particular ingredient
Ability to add notes in BP book for each BP.

Just joined. Great looking forum btw :)


Active Member
one bp book per planet could work... but only as long as UL bps still exist, and not every thing is L... because knowing MA if you ask them to change it to one book per planet, they will make it all L... yikes.

also, might not hurt to make the books have tt value of 2 pec instead of 1 ped each... the crafting book from the gateway is like that, so it can be done.

Also might be nice to have a multiplier/stack thing on bps... so if you loot 7 of the same blueprints they all fit in the book with a x7 next to them... maybe having multiples adds more successes or something. Really annoying having to have multiple books for multiple prints since organization is a major pain.

Monkey Man

New Member
maybe having multiples adds more successes or something. Really annoying having to have multiple books for multiple prints since organization is a major pain.

I think that's a good idea but that would require changing the BP QR system. It would require the QR to be similar to how skills are where LvL 1000 Handgun takes X# of Handgun skill gains, and LvL 2000 takes far more than 2X skill gains to accomplish.

This is to prevent people buying 100 BPs of the same kind to accomplish a cheap and easy 100QR, instead of looking for a 100QR BP. With the system described above, it may take 20 QR1 BPs to increase a QR70 BP to QR71.

This system would be beneficial for MindArk because it would create a lot more BP trades than there are currently. All of a sudden, the hundreds of copies of BPs in people's storage have a use and more people will use/sell them (generating profit for MindArk and Planet Partners).

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
:) Monkey Man? :) No need for going in details about QR etc. We're debating:
Will it be more swift to have one book? Containing all PB'S?

Like if your smartphone No1 could send text messages, Smartphone No 2
could browse the internet, Smartphone No 3 could play games ETC ETC.
Smartphones I know, have it all in one unit (guess why they are smart LOL?)

Same thing here - We think out of the box and beeing creative and inovative.
We find it smart (there we had that word again?) to have a SmartBluePrint
Book ;) Meaning we "browse" the book for the needed BP. If it is a L or UL do
no matter. If the BP have QR 1 or 100 do not matter. We want a Jester BP?
OK we open book - We click Weapons Icon. Now we look for J as in Jester?
That is easy and comfy and deffo a major step in the right direction.

As it is now I have 5 libarians nested in my storrage keeping track of books
and BP's. Those guys I could be with out if we had only one book.

Monkey Man

New Member
We're debating:
Will it be more swift to have one book? Containing all PB'S?

We're also discussing how the BP books could be made better. Lots of people have already commented that 1 book per planet or 1 book for all of EU would be nice. Now we're expanding the discussion onto what features "would be nice" if they could be implemented. My idea stems from mastermesh's comment about putting multiple of the same BP into a book so you don't have to store them in boxes.


Last Unicorn
i find the idea of mel bosshart good. a nice tablet pc where you can browse trough the sections by clicking icons.

"armor" app
"component" app
"texture app"

i would buy and collect the bps witch such device even i craft not at the moment.


New Member
I think one bp book for all planets is the solution.

Tass had a good point about some people don't want "WTF trcuker " in their book. The solution to that would be to have planets initially turned off in the book itself. A player can turn on the different planets if and when they want. This way it could accomodate everyone and conserve storage space for MA.

The solution for L bp's would be to have a L section for each planet. Within the L section could have subsections like weapons, texturing etc. For this L section the number of slots could initially be one. And when you add a BP it always add's to that slot and creates a new empty slot. This way we could have as many slots in the book as and when needed. If a bp is removed that slot could also be deleted. Therefore freeing up storage space.

If we have more than one book with time it will get clumsy again. One book would be more scalable with more planets.

Im with you George like in my post could be a tablet or book with options you mention and im sure that all planet partners could work on this as a joint venture as would be all good for the universe ..then each planet could put there logo on the front of it so if bought on cyrene .it would have the cyrene logo on it and so on ..may take some work to implement it but think it would be awsome .. if all planets charged say 50ped or even 100 ped for the book/ tablet most players would buy it i think as it would tidy there books and inventory .. well i would and whats 100 ped for a great item


Totally agree with the Tablet and App idea. For crying out loud we are starting to stop buying real books now and buying ebooks and apps for tablets why would we still use books in the future?

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
Monkey Man: mastermesh's idea is fine. NP why we can't have multiple of same BP's in one book.
A number next to the BP descrioption like: Basic Filters (3) would tell us we had 3 of them i.e.?

Silvia: Mel's "idea" might spring from Post #3?

Mel: Please think of new people? No one would be able to craft if a book cost 50 or 100 ped.
In fact? why not make the BP book for free? Crafting it self covers a free BP book ;)
Or as I wrote in Post #24 - Price pr. upgrade: 3 PED. First book is free, then 3 PED pr LVL.

I'm working hard (seriously!) to make new arivals stay.
The more players, the more fun for us as gamers and MA and planetpartners benefit from it to.
One way of pushing new arivals away faster, would be to make it impossible for them to craft.
If a BP tablet/cellphone-book, cost 50-100 ped, they would never think of crafting at all.
So? Post #24 might be an option after all?

Enough said - but ok the more posts, the more "KARMA" you get - If that's what you want ;)

We heard a possitive respond from David (CEO Arkadia) regarding ONE! BP BOOK, during the interview
on Normandie Radio. I sence somehow David won't be the only one "seeing the light".
So let us lean back and await BP TABLETBOOK and say ty to Post #1 for a great debate - think we did
good on this :)

When minds interact .....
New ideas emerge


New Member
I read everyone's ideas and I think the 1 BP for the universe is a great idea.
As mentioned by others, the BP should have different tabs such as:
Planet -- All, Cyrene, Calypso, Arkadia, etc
Profession -- All, Weapon, Armors, Texture, etc
Types -- All, Unlimited, Limited, Limited use, Duplicate, Personal Favorite
Level - All, I, II, III, etc
Advance search
The bp should have unlimited # of slots and only display what you have. The cost for the bp should be minimum since it's just a PED sink. With this ability to have different tabs, it reduce the loading of the bps and allow people to customize the bp to how they want it to display.


Active Member
I would prefer the one book variant with categories inside.

The categories could be filters:
Planet Specific
Profession Based (Electronic Engineer, Mechanical...)
Type Based (weapon, tool, component...)
UL or L

And while we're at it, maybe even filter by materials required. So if I have a stockpile of Animal Muscle Oil on hand, I could look through my book and filter to just the BPs that take that one item.

Oh and one more category, most important.
Bookmark your most used blueprints for quick access.

I missed a page apparently, but yea, these things others have mentioned plus some.


I travel with all books and would like to at least keep a single book for Cyrene.

The Calypso component book 1 is nice to have on Cyrene with the Lysterium and Oil frequencies.


New Member
Books are one thing that could use a huge overhaul. And I am glad to see you are thinking about this.

Limited prints are a monster in themselves.

As you stated, the coloring is inconsistent, the sizes are immensely clunky, especially as they change:
6 slots one time, 2 slots another, 4 another.
As well, the same blueprint category can have different sizes due to this.

I currently lug around 58 books everywhere I go. All containing unique bps, limited and unlimited. That is a lot of blueprints for the universe already, and there are still many more to go, and many more to come.

Then there are the 22 duplicate books for spares in storage. ( I dont have any spare books for planets other than calypso for obvious reasons)

It is a huge pain to manage, If it weren't for my database, I would get lost, and is the reason I started one.

That said:

My ideal book (each planet should still have their own - emblem is cool idea) would have:
1 tab for each area of crafting (the same color as calypso since it is most prevalent)

each tab would have 2 child tabs:
one tab for limited prints, one tab for unlimited.

With a button in the corner to buy/sell slots for each limited tab
the same as buying/selling a new book, only without the book.

Add a little better search capability (more options to filter) at the top, and I think that would cover most of it.

I can only think one one issue where this may be undesirable, and that is in the loading time. Some books alone can take a second or two to populate. So maybe have it load per page dynamically to save issues there.

Bonus if there was a picture for the bp + final product in that listing. )

for me this would be ideal at least. )
I think one BP book would make the most sense or at a push one per planet. The catch is that MA might not be so keen on the lack of PED income through not having multiple books being sold.

I would offer this work around:

THE Blueprint book starts at 1ped but has a max TT repair value of 100ped. It doesn't decay. But the 1ped book has slots for ALL blueprints but a maximum storage capacity*** of... I dunno 50 bp's? (20? whatever is best for MA to balance against the current system) If, as time goes by, you want more than that (ie you are collecting them as most of us do) then you need to "repair" your BP book a bit. (each ped added to the value of the book gets you N more storage slots in it)

Such a system should be balanced so that if you wanted to store all the blue prints it doesn't cost more than 10ped per planet.



***(lets call it RAM or hard disk space for stories sake - think of it as a computer and the BP's are software you install)

I think this might be a good fix for having just one book . The idea of saving multiple types of bp in an extra section sounds ideal too.. Why not go all the way and make bps stackable too :headscratch:

One book for all the universe has my vote - throw in stackable bps:coffee: