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Official Cyrene Event Turrelia Rifts: Turrelion Zeladoth

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Der Calyx Vero,

Do the Event Zeladoth have a chance to drop the Weapons Mentioned in the Update Notes a little while back or will that be later on in further Events / Missions?

These DO have a chance to drop from the event mobs, however I don't know what the drop rate is.


George Skywalker

Active Member
Do the Event Zeladoth have a chance to drop the Weapons Mentioned in the Update Notes a little while back or will that be later on in further Events / Missions?

Since no unlimited weapons were mentioned for this event I think its safe to conclude non will be looted in this event. However, it seems extremely likely they will be looted in a following event which will require these special clothing from this event to that event e.g. in an instance/dungeon which requires these clothes for unlimited access

Edit: just read some abov3 replies guess i was wrong ;)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
This is just one of many events (also in future) - and some events are with high-level mobs and a bit more challenging and might encourage people to 'work together', while other events will be with low-level mobs where everyone can enter, but where high-level players might get bored.


Active Member
I have been using ozpyn force and hazzard with 5b's they are doing the trick. If you don't have those armors, take a look at the stats and compare to other armor sets, then come up with the best combo for you.


Yeah, I did it. So what?
You know, I could really use some new cloths.. anyone want to team up and go opalo hunt those buggers?? :D