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What should Cyrene focus on next?

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
It is very important to us to hear what you have to say about Planet Cyrene, the developments etc. - and we are thankful and appreciate all the feed back you guys (and girls) have been giving us so far.

Therefore we wish to ask you:

After this content patch, what do you feel Cyrene should focus on for the next one?

Again, thank you =)



Well-Known Member
You will have my complete report (if i have enough PED left) after all avenues are exhausted hopefully soon .. :)


Well-Known Member
Basically just bugfixes i think. The development in items and missions has been great. I'd say focus on some of the 'strange' stuff on the planet, so you can have a smooth running planet when you start advertising.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Basically just bugfixes i think. The development in items and missions has been great. I'd say focus on some of the 'strange' stuff on the planet, so you can have a smooth running planet when you start advertising.

"Check" on the bug fixes :thumbup:- that is a matter of course - and we're doing what we can from our end. All your feedback after each vu/patch is very helpful, thank you!

We still have some 'strange' stuff up our sleeves to be released too, but still working on them =)


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Mining - Cyrene bleeds Oil and Poops Lyst. It's been doing that for far too long.

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Mining - Cyrene bleeds Oil and Poops Lyst. It's been doing that for far too long.

We are aware that mining has been difficult on Cyrene, but there are some spawn updates in this patch note. We hope this will help out in future mining :) Let me know?



Fate Thanatos Themis
atribute reward terminal doesnt respond to me :/

as well as new npc that supposed to give chalanges. or im looking at wrong place.


Well-Known Member
"Check" on the bug fixes :thumbup:- that is a matter of course - and we're doing what we can from our end. All your feedback after each vu/patch is very helpful, thank you!

I have a lot more crafting to do on arkadia (trying to unlock manufacture methodology) but once i do, i'll come over to cyrene again, feels i've been missing out the last few weeks :))

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
Such a great thread! I can't wait till it this planet has an economy so I can call it my home. :)

A great idea would be to put up maybe 10 market booths, but have the condition that you will be buying them back from the players at 80% of the purchase price in like 3 months. That way resellers will not be interested and people only dedicated people will use them. And when you are ready to roll out with the real shops and houses, just buy the old shops back from the players automatically.


Well-Known Member
just keep making steady progress as you are doing now. as other have mentioned a shop area where some how dedicated pioneers would have a chance to get a shop over off planet reseller would be great.

other than that some lvl 1 or 2 bps for faps, finders, and or attachments would be nice so my crafting skillz could grow with cyrene.

development terminals so we as players could track the "dynamic area's" development or lack there of.

the salvage missions are great!!! wonderful idea to further game play and encourage exploration. maybe taking that one step further and having a mission to find a few 100 "lost somethings" would be excellent :). heck they could be some uber rare lvl 1 mob we would have to hunt down. it would give a long term low ped goal. something that would perhaps take months, and would not need to have a high tt pay out if any just a unique item to hang on to and show off our lack of lives... i mean dedication :p.

just some random thoughts.

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
One thing GREATLY needed for your amazing BLP TT weapons that are purchased and distrubuted throughout the universe are BLP amp Blueprints from the TT, so I don't need to craft them in Rocktropia for my Cyrene guns.

It would raise the MU value of your ores and get miners there as well.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
One thing GREATLY needed for your amazing BLP TT weapons that are purchased and distrubuted throughout the universe are BLP amp Blueprints from the TT, so I don't need to craft them in Rocktropia for my Cyrene guns.

It would raise the MU value of your ores and get miners there as well.

Cyrene has 2 amps:
-Xent Tech Light Amplification Vine Amp (L) which is a Laser Amp
-Enkidd Red-Back (L) which is a BLP Amp

But both of these amps haven't been discovered yet because the bp calls for components that haven't been discovered yet.


New Member
My votes are for:


Mining (lyst/oil). It would be useful to replace some lyst/oil with other shared resources. I understand that MindArk controls resource balancing, but all other planets opened with at least a few areas that contained shared resources other than lyst/oil, so I'm wondering if the Cyrene group had some input into this decision, including not using many shared mining resources in Cyrene blueprints. (If there are indeed some of these areas or blueprints, then my mistake; I've not done a thorough survey recently and do appreciate this week's changes to the resource distribution).


Best wishes,


Edit: Oops, forgot to vote for Factions. :D

Aurian Asano

Roleplaying Writer
I believe the most urgent building site is the new player experience, any improvement there might also draw more veterans to stay on Cyrene. There are a lot of things I would like to see implemented, but this has the highest priority in my book. We need some sort of long-term activity on Cyrene that costs very little, or even nothing to do. On Arkadia, new players have the possibility to sweat and hunt puny caraboks, and they immediately stumble upon these mobs at the end of their initial quest line. On Cyrene, quests are scattered all over different outposts, and it is very unclear (without consulting entropedia) where to find them or if they are doable at low skill levels.

Some suggestions:

-Daily quests that are newbie friendly and very inexpensive to do. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that daily quests already exist, but are limited to trade-ins of certain items (green crystal / zorn star ore) that no newbie will ever get their hands on unless they buy a large stack from the auction terminal. I like tokens as a reward, as long as they are in demand and have a value. I would also like to see a larger variety of daily quest tasks, perhaps 'find this unique mob that wanders around and kill it' or 'deliver this message to NPC XY at an outpost without TP'

-More possible rewards in exchange for tokens, to increase their value. Ideally, a newbie with a limited budget could do inexpensive daily quests for a week, then trade their tokens to another player, and use the PED gained to cover their ammo and other expenses. There should be at least some rewards for a small amount of tokens, without need to spend months farming them, or a large amount of PED buying them.

-A new player quest hub where every quest / challenge offered is doable with low skill, and that newbies are being led to with an initial new arrival quest chain that is impossible to miss. Arkadia has a very good one of those.

That said.. I LOVE Cyrene. I would like to spend the rest of my EU experience primarily there. But I need to be able to afford playing on my favourite planet.