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Bug Report Zorras EPIC bugged or really shitty business model?

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
so, I'll chime in here. I've cycled 200 ped on Zyn'dos many times, and never had a crystal drop. This is all between the months of June & December 2018.

I'll do it again as time permits, but to support the argument that the crystals are NOT dropping, here is my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
Crystals don't drop all time on Zyn'dos ;)

But i agree the drop rate is really low and one is still missing in loot pool.
But the Epic mission chain work at 100% and you can do it.

The extra part with lazidol work, but the access is limited to persons wha have a crystal :(


Well-Known Member
so, I'll chime in here. I've cycled 200 ped on Zyn'dos many times, and never had a crystal drop. This is all between the months of June & December 2018.

I'll do it again as time permits, but to support the argument that the crystals are NOT dropping, here is my 2 cents.

I won't be rude with you but ask to any players on any planets and tell me who looted a Rare item with High TT Value by hunting with 200ped run since loot 2.0 appear.
It was possible before, but now you have to grind several Kped to expect to see anything good in loot, especially on 3-5ped mobs.

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Crystals don't drop all time on Zyn'dos ;)

But i agree the drop rate is really low and one is still missing in loot pool.
But the Epic mission chain work at 100% and you can do it.

The extra part with lazidol work, but the access is limited to persons wha have a crystal :(

Your logic is faulty sir. The purpose of the epic quest is to obtain Zorra's HK, not the xent prototype. The mission is faulty as the loot required to complete the quest is not possible to complete at this time. Your quote states is correctly in saying "The extra part...". The issue is that this "extra part" is actually part of the mission to get
zorra's hk.

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
I won't be rude with you but ask to any players on any planets and tell me who looted a Rare item with High TT Value by hunting with 200ped run since loot 2.0 appear.
It was possible before, but now you have to grind several Kped to expect to see anything good in loot, especially on 3-5ped mobs.

I don't disagree with you here. hunting with 200 ped, and cycling the shrapnel will not produce what you are wanting to achieve.


Well-Known Member
Your logic is faulty sir. The purpose of the epic quest is to obtain Zorra's HK, not the xent prototype. The mission is faulty as the loot required to complete the quest is not possible to complete at this time. Your quote states is correctly in saying "The extra part...". The issue is that this "extra part" is actually part of the mission to get
zorra's hk.

Yes, Zorra's HK is a the last part of the epic.
I tryed to said, the entire mission work. You can do the epic and claim all reward. The problem is not from the mission himself, all work.
I'm remember when we had to wait many years before claim the ZHK because the recipe didn't worked.
Now, the recipe work, the parts from Lazidol drop and that work.

Now i'll try to explain what happened from my view and my knowledge (i'm maybe wrong but it's what i think).
The old receipe needed to use the Greater Crystal to make the ZHK and it was with loot 1.0. I'm pretty sure those UL weapons was limited in quantity and that's why MA limited the quantity of Greater crystal.

1 Greater = 1 weapon

Then loot 2.0 came. Recipe has been change and now :
1 Xent Tech Prototype riffle = 1 ZHK

So i'm pretty sure, with the old recipe : 1 greater crystal destroyed by making the ZHK will mean 1 lesser and 1 weakened Crystal should go back to the loot.
And that don't work with the new recipe because no Greater Crystal are destroyed and MA failed to correct it.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

While MA has confirmed that all 3 crystals are in the loot pool and available, however they are having a hard time getting out due to the high TT value. After talking to MA about these drop rates + solutions and it appears that my previous idea is the one we'll be going with first:

1) Executing the similar method we used with Lazidol and Empis Wasp loot: split the item into smaller TT increments to have increased frequency

So after the next PP VU the reduction and new refinement recopies will be as follows:

Lesser Power Crystal - Changes
TT Value: 200 PED => 20 PED

Weakened Power Crystal
TT Value: 100 PED => 10 PED

Greater Power Crystal - Refinement Component Amounts
Lesser Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10
Weakened Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10

This change should ensure that players can more easily target the specific mobs that drop these crystals:
Zyn'Dos, Merfolken, Muckjaw, and several others.

Along with these changes, we'll also be expanding the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals to all mobs associated with the Epic Chain mission to help facilitate players finding these along the way.

If anything changes from this plan I'll make sure to update this post.



Hey guys,

While MA has confirmed that all 3 crystals are in the loot pool and available, however they are having a hard time getting out due to the high TT value. After talking to MA about these drop rates + solutions and it appears that my previous idea is the one we'll be going with first:

So after the next PP VU the reduction and new refinement recopies will be as follows:

Lesser Power Crystal - Changes
TT Value: 200 PED => 20 PED

Weakened Power Crystal
TT Value: 100 PED => 10 PED

Greater Power Crystal - Refinement Component Amounts
Lesser Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10
Weakened Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10

This change should ensure that players can more easily target the specific mobs that drop these crystals:
Zyn'Dos, Merfolken, Muckjaw, and several others.

Along with these changes, we'll also be expanding the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals to all mobs associated with the Epic Chain mission to help facilitate players finding these along the way.

If anything changes from this plan I'll make sure to update this post.



Good F-ing job mate!

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Hey guys,

While MA has confirmed that all 3 crystals are in the loot pool and available, however they are having a hard time getting out due to the high TT value. After talking to MA about these drop rates + solutions and it appears that my previous idea is the one we'll be going with first:

So after the next PP VU the reduction and new refinement recopies will be as follows:

Lesser Power Crystal - Changes
TT Value: 200 PED => 20 PED

Weakened Power Crystal
TT Value: 100 PED => 10 PED

Greater Power Crystal - Refinement Component Amounts
Lesser Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10
Weakened Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10

This change should ensure that players can more easily target the specific mobs that drop these crystals:
Zyn'Dos, Merfolken, Muckjaw, and several others.

Along with these changes, we'll also be expanding the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals to all mobs associated with the Epic Chain mission to help facilitate players finding these along the way.

If anything changes from this plan I'll make sure to update this post.

This is music to my ears. Thank you so much! any idea when the next VU will come out?

Any update on frequency of weapon vouchers as well?
Last edited:

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
This is music to my ears. Thank you so much! any idea when the next VU will come out?

Any update on frequency of weapon vouchers as well?
Hey guys,

While MA has confirmed that all 3 crystals are in the loot pool and available, however they are having a hard time getting out due to the high TT value. After talking to MA about these drop rates + solutions and it appears that my previous idea is the one we'll be going with first:

So after the next PP VU the reduction and new refinement recopies will be as follows:

Lesser Power Crystal - Changes
TT Value: 200 PED => 20 PED

Weakened Power Crystal
TT Value: 100 PED => 10 PED

Greater Power Crystal - Refinement Component Amounts
Lesser Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10
Weakened Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10

This change should ensure that players can more easily target the specific mobs that drop these crystals:
Zyn'Dos, Merfolken, Muckjaw, and several others.

Along with these changes, we'll also be expanding the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals to all mobs associated with the Epic Chain mission to help facilitate players finding these along the way.

If anything changes from this plan I'll make sure to update this post.



I've seen mention in the last update that this has been implemented. Can you confirm and provide information on which mobs to target to hopefully loot some of these lower TT crystals now?


Well-Known Member
That work fine now :)

Drop for this year :


Well-Known Member
I agree, Zyn'Dos are a little bit annoying since the last VU. The area need more mobs. When we are 3 or more, there is not enought mobs to kill and they always climb the mountain more fast than us XD. But that work, what else :D


Hey guys,

While MA has confirmed that all 3 crystals are in the loot pool and available, however they are having a hard time getting out due to the high TT value. After talking to MA about these drop rates + solutions and it appears that my previous idea is the one we'll be going with first:

So after the next PP VU the reduction and new refinement recopies will be as follows:

Lesser Power Crystal - Changes
TT Value: 200 PED => 20 PED

Weakened Power Crystal
TT Value: 100 PED => 10 PED

Greater Power Crystal - Refinement Component Amounts
Lesser Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10
Weakened Power Crystal Needed x1 => x10

This change should ensure that players can more easily target the specific mobs that drop these crystals:
Zyn'Dos, Merfolken, Muckjaw, and several others.

Along with these changes, we'll also be expanding the Lesser and Weakened Power Crystals to all mobs associated with the Epic Chain mission to help facilitate players finding these along the way.

If anything changes from this plan I'll make sure to update this post.


Based on my personal experience (not having looted a single crystal) it's going to take a lot more cycling to get the crystals than to go through the entire mission. o_O

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
Based on my personal experience (not having looted a single crystal) it's going to take a lot more cycling to get the crystals than to go through the entire mission. o_O
Here are my thoughts on this...

Thought process was that while grinding the different stages of the mission (mang chang, paneleon, zyn'dos, merfolken), the quest writers assumed you would gather these crystals during these different phases of the quest, or at least get you fairly well started in accumulating the required crystals for the final stage. Unfortunately, it wasn't implemented correctly, so no one looted any crystals.

Now the changes have been made, we are required to go kill thousands again in hopes of looting crystals. I believe the rarity of looting these crystals needs to be reduced in order for those of us that are finished with these previous stages can loot them.

Just my thoughts though.


Well-Known Member
Based on my personal experience (not having looted a single crystal) it's going to take a lot more cycling to get the crystals than to go through the entire mission. o_O

I don't see a bad thing with that. It's a player retention way, PLanet Cyrene need that :)
There is no rules about the time to finish the Lazidol part and i bet MA will not let you to make a UL weapon for cheap.

From my personal experience (looted some with a friend), there is 1 drop every around 2500 kills (between 2 000 and 3 000 kills).

The main issue now, is to see only Lesser Crystal can be looted now. Since 15th/16th april only Lesser crystal was looted, before the balance was better.



I don't see a bad thing with that. It's a player retention way, PLanet Cyrene need that :)

There isn't going to be player retention because at this drop rate I'm going to leave. And I am not someone who gives up easily, I've done quite a lot of missions, including on Cyrene.

As the poster above pointed out, you should probably have all or most of these crystals by the time you finish the mission chain.