Been playing in hub now and then the last few days... Here come a few suggestions... (More are likely to come later

Make the Beast Room an arena that does the 1/10th decay thing since a good chunk of the loot from it is the lime green tokens, which are really hub-centric, etc. Sucks that you got to spend 10 times as much decay on the beast than you do in the arenas.
Allow clothes (other than the lime green coats) to work in the hub and arenas. I'm sick of seeing everyone's underwear... Armor not working here, I understand, but come on and let clothes work. It's also annoying as hell that there's still decay on clothes every time you go up to Cyrene proper... Mindark finally removed the decay on armor but not on clothes yet. Please talk them in to removing that decay on clothes too for unequipping since it's nickel and diming us to death, especially on the L clothes... It's annoying running around in underwear all of the time just so I can visit hub frequently.
Put in a crafting terminal in the hub along with a regular tt and auction terminal somewhere down there. I'm mainly crafting explosives to use in the hub at the moment, and it's annoying to have to go to the surface just to craft...
Up the stats and price on the tt armor, or create new armor types that you get from different missions or something that have better stats.
Up the reward on the proving ground kills from 4 lime green tokens per kill to something more like 100 or something. It's really dumb that you can pick up tokens off the ground that are in stacks of 10 all over the place but an actual kill is only getting you 4. You are causing decay if you kill someone in there, so give a reward that makes it worthwhile.
DON'T MAKE IT LOOTABLE PVP as that will scare off more folks than are in there now.
Fix the white stairs. Avatars fall through them half way up about half of the time and have to hit T to get out, which is very, very, very annoying.
Fix the lag. That's an annoyance.
If you can't allow better armor, at least create some hub-only attachments that work with the armor.
PVP space has mines that act like traps... so maybe there's potential to create traps in hub someday? Kinda hard to think how it'd work, but it could be interesting... Maybe you can work pets in to all of that somehow? Send the pets after the enemy as a scout or as a decoy to make you think you are in a different location?
Not sure what's up with the radar, but I'm always seeing more dots in there than are really there? Are the arenas stacked on top of one another on the same server as different rooms or something? Just seems weird that there are dots on there when no one else is around.
Activate the teleporter pad things in the proving ground that warp you from one location to another inside of the arena. They are active in the 25 pec areana, so I know that it's possible. In proving ground there doesn't seem to be any of them working...
Add more entry rooms to each arena... 3 or 4 on each... Put revives on each of those rooms. Right now it's kinda annoying that there is only one revive so it's pretty predictable to figure out who is out there at revive and who is in arena if there is only a handful of avatars in the arena.... If there was a revive on different sides of the area, it'd be more similar to the main pvp zones on most planets on Entropia...
Make a new proving ground in addition to the one that exists currently. You got Mario vr on cyrene, so do a Zelda type of thing with a proving ground shaped like some of the levels on Zelda game, etc.

Perhaps the Beast should be inside of a labyrinth instead of one single room?
Create more items that you can use the lime green tokens on (like perhaps the armor attachments for hub armor or something). Right now the coats appear to be the only thing you can use em for unless I'm missing something. P.S. What is the difference between the two coats other than one is for use outside of hub and the other is not? I don't see the point of the hub only one if it's for activating the beast if beast is spawning for everyone as is anyways? Besides beast, is there some other use for the coat?
Create a bunch of new arenas for each token level, including the proving ground that works like Eve's playground... I think it'd be interesting having a huge swimming area be a pvp zone. (feel free to call it Maria's playground if you feel so inclined.

Put the PVP Combat Scoreboard terminal in non-hub locations where there's other terminals.