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The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted


New Member
! ! ! EVENTS ! ! !

* A simple player driven event system *

The hub needs events to attract players willing to invest their time and resources.

As it stands the current offering of tokens is rewarding but kind of boring to the overall grand scheme of Entropia for most people.

This idea could drastically change that.

Trophy case = display of prizes offered per event, similar to a store front in game.
Players temporarily rent a trophy case to organize a hub event by offering prizes. Prizes then get displayed in them to attract competitors up to the time of the event.
These could be items that can be bought or sold for apartments or any other area for display.

EVENT TP = TP that connects avatars to events offered during their respective times.

Hub event computer = computer for organizing and joining these player based events at the hub.

Trophy cases similar to store fronts are located near the 'EVENT TP'
These are arranged like a typical mall.
A player rents a trophy case to secure an instance of any of the offered arenas for a certain length of time similar to posting an auction.
This arena would be accessible via the EVENT TP during the event time.
A organizer pays for the event by supplying prizes that are then displayed in the trophy box.
These trophies could be anything from small stackables to quad wings and beyond.
When a player wishes to enter an event they must pay in escrow the player that put up the event via the event computer.
Once a player is entered into the event via the event computer they can enter the appropriate arena via the EVENT TP at the time of the event.

An event should have an available time limit that corresponds to the amount of PED spent on the prizes and generally in line with the price of the arena entry fee.
The cost of the prizes for the event should be covered at tt cost before the event will actually run, hence the escrow.
Events that have reached tt value in ticket sales are activated and could be the contents shown in certain major trophy cases at the hub that cycle the prize displays of activated events.
A minimum prize lot should be enforced.
The number of events possible to create should be unlimited so that players have to compete with their prizes to make a profit. Trophy boxes could cycle displays to accommodate this.
Kind of like paying for an auction where only the best events will be selected based on demands for the prize.
The display cases prizes could actually be holographicly projected near each Teleporter on Cyrene as Cyrenes official sports advertisement.

This could give some low to mid range players that lack a store the chance to market their goods as prizes.
The Hub would get a major boost with the addition of Entropia wide prizes for use outside the hub.
Advertisements for the best prizes could be advertised on all other planets to maximize profits for big prize events by bringing in competitors.
Basically, not a replacement for but instead of running a store at the hub, a player could run a series of events with these as temporary display.

This should all be free or at a minimum fee to the event organizer to encourage
the most events.
The player will see a normal PvP with an upfront charge to participate and a great prize at the end if they win.

The greater the prize the more an organizer can charge.
Mother ships and land deeds should allow the organizer to name their price for minimal starting proceeds and all can select their own ticket price.

This I feel is a simple way to let the players create an attractive hub to attract more of their favorite prey, Entropians.
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New Member
Arena Cam!

Put cameras in the arenas and put video monitors up around Cyrene so people can snoop. Then players can take advantage of people sneaking in and shooting each other on purpose to collect coins.

Better yet frame the hub as Cyrenes national sport and put big screen T.V.s around Cyrene showing live action when people are fighting and normal player ads when they're empty.

It would be hilarious to watch the 'lime-green token pickers' at the proving grounds, standing around in their underwear peace army, get cleared out by some psycho on the big screen!

Forming sports teams would go great with the arena cam idea.
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George Skywalker

Active Member
@Expo not sure I understand your idea properly. My understanding is it's an elaborate way for a player to hire an arena to host an event.

With that in mind it's success will lie in what benefit there is to the player hiring. Especially economic benefit. If there is little benefit for a player to hire and only costs for hiring as well as costs for prizes I'm afraid the idea would not be a major success.

To make that idea a successful venture it may be an idea to allow players to hire the arena at no cost whatsoever. Instead have a profit sharing agreement between Planet Partner and player hiring e.g. a 50/50 split. This kind of model would encourage players to hire arenas and would make the hub become more active as players would be advertising events. The economic benefits would essentially fuel it to succeed. It would also be far easier to set up and run using existing systems with minimal alterations required from MA side e.g. this could be using the Land Area system used on calypso. The heavier the alterations required the slower the system is likely to be developed.


New Member
The main idea is to attract players to the hub with minimal modification to the game as the arenas used are carbon copy instances of the existing arenas.
The reason there is no huge 50/50 fee to the event organizer is that planet partners still make the token income.
This is the chance for players to attract opponents while selling the arenas in their current form.
The more people an event attracts the more token profits planet partners make.
To charge 50/50 would be to sabotage the events with hideous extra fees.
The organizer may be charged a minimum fee such as in the case of the Auction, but definitely no where near 50/50.
Planet partners, again, get paid by the token system for each arena and are in no need of outlandish fees to create an event.

The economic success and profits for the organizing player come after the tickets are sold.
Say Joe starts an event with a tt value of 100 PED worth of prizes and tickets at 10 PED each.
Joes ticket sales must reach 100PED to match the prizes tt value to trigger the event to proceed, otherwise the event get's cancelled and ticket payments in escrow are returned to the participants involved.
Once Joe sell 10 tickets for 100 PED total the event has reached it's tt value and then becomes and active event that will take place at it's given time.
Without reaching 100 PED worth of sales the event doesn't start, protecting organizers from loosing tt value from running events at a tt loss.
The profits come when more then 100 PED worth of tickets is sold.
So if Joe sell 15 tickets for 150 PED then Joe made a 50 PED profit off of running the event over the 100 PED tt value of the prizes spent.
The risk for the event organizer is when ticket sales are between tt and mu value because the event may run without profits reaching the mu level of the prizes in question, but there's a chance that the profits from the event could far exceed the mu value of the prizes, making the organizer rich with better money than the auction.
This is how it's like an auction made of voters (participants buying in) instead of a couple people out bidding one another with a price war.

So to really clarify it, planet partners simply make their profit off of the token system already in place and event organizers make a profit from selling event tickets.
The organizers are the ones that would attract the business and make the hub more profitable for both planet partners and the player organizer and especially the player champion of any event!
These two incomes need to be kept separate in order for this to work!
All in all event organizers should not be charged for advertising and helping to bring customers to Planet Cyrene and the hub, they should be rewarded with profits!
Not financially drained by Planet partners when planet partners already make money off the tokens sold during the event and fighting profits by interfering with event/prize type advertising.

Do you know any business that charges their advertising department?
Last I looked advertising gets paid in the real world and for a reason.
To even tax organizers slightly is for planet partners to charge their advertising department dearly!

For planet partners to demand the extra money for creating an event is for planet partners to interfere with the player making events.
This would cost them in over all token profits because eventually the participant will have to decide whether the event price is worth paying into or not for the organizer to make a profit and actually run events.
Players will ignore the events if the value isn't there.
High overhead will limit organizer & planet partner profits due to lack of interest by participants due to the higher price of a ticket.

I hope this clarifies the need to avoid double billing event organizers to make this work!
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New Member
Just discovered something today.

I took a entertaining rocket launcher shot at the hub with hub equipment and got a support weapons system skill point.

This means that hub equipment used outside the arenas at the hub generate skill points.

Why not create a lootable pvp area with normal entropia rules and hub equipment at the hub?

It would give us an arena we could skill in.
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Travelling through time...
A simple suggestion to fix stats override bug in the HUB. Just make all HUB weapons to max at level 1. Since HUB is all about equal skills and we can't use any HUB item outside of it then I can't find a reason why you couldn't just make all of them to require only Level 1 in all professions. Instead of trying to reproduce bug for like a year now - go around it and be done with it.

Just my point of view...since for no reason I also start to get it on the knife that I'm not maxed outside the HUB.
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Clayton Chubby Pugster

Old School Gamer
Arena Cam!

Put cameras in the arenas and put video monitors up around Cyrene so people can snoop. Then players can take advantage of people sneaking in and shooting each other on purpose to collect coins.

Better yet frame the hub as Cyrenes national sport and put big screen T.V.s around Cyrene showing live action when people are fighting and normal player ads when they're empty.

It would be hilarious to watch the 'lime-green token pickers' at the proving grounds, standing around in their underwear peace army, get cleared out by some psycho on the big screen!

Forming sports teams would go great with the arena cam idea.

excellent idea Expo, reminds me of the old movie(james Cann) Roller Ball, and the Running Man, awesome arena death matches

the only downside is that lazy PK`ers could use this video system to monitor any AFK token collectors, instead of making them go down and check the proving grounds themselves

there is something to the effect of jumping through the zone door and NOT knowing what is on the other side.

maybe a 6 hour delay in video would allow your excellent idea to advertise the intense action and blood flying scenes at the HUB maybe at the Supply Depot on a Huge screen, and still allow the real time shock effect and not a monitor for PK`ers

good job Expo!!!!


New Member
Actually token collectors are the bottom feeders of the hub,
The tokens are bait for token collectors and the token collectors are bait for the PvP'rs
Not sure if the non deposit token pickers are to be protected from the depositing PvP'rs.


New Member

The massive mistake players are avoiding the hub for.

The hub claims true equality for PvP but leaves one glaring mistake that turns off even most gifted gamers.

The mistake is letting the lag inequality go!
It may seem like a normal thing to do for fps but I assure you for Entropia and it's accountant like game play, not one player is going to stick around for an so called supposed 'even' match that totally disregards in game lag.

Lag can frustrate even the best, and even the best can be discouraged from something.
Being far from the best I just got out of a game where an opponent was scoring double drops due to lag! This is an indicator that lag actually creates mistakes in the game itself.
I know what your thinking, user error, but there's a difference to knowing that your sucking and getting frustrated by failed shots that are taking up your cooldown but not firing at all in game.

To frame this mistake for you imagine if lag could be manipulated by skills or chips.
What would it be called?
The server response time skill? Improve this skill by logging in to increase your connection speed to the server?
How about the Server response time chip? Just implant it to improve your avatars connections speed to the server for faster and smother game play?

But the hub has equal skills and no chips, so just because it's not considered in the rest of the game or world doesn't mean that it doesn't matter here!

Equalize lag and the Entropia style gamer (accountant gamer) will recognize the true equality by the numbers and maybe start playing again.

Lag Choke.

I know this is an impossible request but,

If all else is fair, shouldn't the lag for parties playing in the hub be choked to the slowest connection, within reason, to make things fair like everything else there?
Unreconciliable players with ping rates way too high to reconcile should simply be kicked out or at least be able to opt out of ping equalization.
This promotes honesty about the equality of the game from the side of Planet Partners.

There's nothing more confusing than lag not counting perfectly good shots while an opponent has no problems targeting back.
Shots that seem dead on that miss cause a player to second guess every shot and fidget with finding the right point to shoot at.
Not to mention that the lag is constantly changing so aiming shots becomes a problem of instantly outdated solutions.
Where do I shoot?
At them?
In front of them like an air combat simulator?
Do I actually have to lead another player on an fps?
How do I deal with their strafing with lag?
Ok I'm shooting at them as their name is coming up but my gun is waiting a second!

A great equalizer would be to have lag stabilized to an acceptable limit, not only to give dumber connections a chance, but to finish the job of equality that the hub seeks to create.

Until everybody has the same ping, the problem of inequality, that the hub seeks to eliminate, will be an impossible dream.

Equalize every bodies lag and the calorie counting avatars, oh yah, everyone in Entropia, may suspect that it's finally fair and come back to play!

On a final note you may argue that a persons computer speed would have something to do with this.
For this I say,
People can buy a new computer but have very little control over their lag as they have limited choices in service providers and locations through out the world.
An older computer can be set to minimal graphics or safe mode and this can bring a fast enough play to most people that can actually load up Entropia.
This can get most machines up and running but in truth a crappy computer is as bad as a crappy internet connection but this one can be easily changed by the player in most parts of the world these days.
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Clayton Chubby Pugster

Old School Gamer
Actually token collectors are the bottom feeders of the hub,

Expo, your descriptions of other players as bottom feeders is very disrespectful.

i collect tokens from these token collector players, so what disrespectful name would you give me?

sometimes through your posts i get the feeling that you think you are better than non-depositor players, in my humble opinion.


New Member
Expo, your descriptions of other players as bottom feeders is very disrespectful.

I collect tokens from these token collector players, so what disrespectful name would you give me?

sometimes through your posts i get the feeling that you think you are better than non-depositor players, in my humble opinion.

a. Don't take this personally as I really don't even know who you are personally. I'm only commenting on a style of play I sometimes do myself.

b. Who thinks they're superior? Depositors don't think they're that smart considering how much this game actually costs compared to other games out there. It's the non depositors that have this attitude of superiority thinking that they can come into the game and make money off of depositing players without wasting a huge amount of time. How many times have I heard whines and complaints about how hard it is to 'earn' money in the game. As a depositor It tics me off to put up with this attitude as it's mostly a bunch of whiny babies crying, 'please MA, rob from the depositing rich and give to us non-depositing poor so we can think we're superior gamers than they are'. How many times have I heard non depositors brag about 'earning' their pixie shin guards.This would put the game our of business as the losses are already almost way too much as it is for most depositors as it is judging by the crowd around here.

c. The under wear clad peace army should have a society called the bottom feeders! Reason being is that those shiny little lime green tokens is supposed to attract competition. This competition causes players to battle over resources, like the oil well. As it stands the place is empty except a few regulars and an underwear clad peace army that constantly uses psy-ops instead of PvP to gain free tokens to sell, instead of risking their butts sweating dangerous things. The dangerous things in the free to find tokens area of the hub are supposed to be PvP players. I mean one time I saw a bottom feeder get attacked and flamed the PvPer for a 1/2 an hour in chat! That's total trolling emotional abuse by an idiot bottom feeder against a possible depositing Avatar that bought PvP equipment to compete for tokens.
So why should depositors put up with the trolling psi-ops instead of having fun shooting thieves!

If you really want to 'earn' PED then diversify with some other real jobs for depositing Avatars. I'm sure the real key to success in this game is Charisma and not searching for a potential loop-hole in the game mechanics for easy to sell drops! Trust me they won't last. But there are Avatars looking for employees. Be a salesman and make and create a business an Avatar suddenly thinks they need! This is a game, have more fun! I've made some copious amounts of free skills working for higher level Avatars and know merchants that bought and sold goods off the auction. But by all means continue to pick tokens to populate the hub with prey.

All in all this is a conspiracy by non-depositors to take the hub over with an army of underwear clad psi-op trolls that seek to prevent having any real fun PvPing as intended by the design of the arenas. This by making everyone feel guilty and seducing them with false friend ships if they stay peacful. The friends I make down there shoot me! I still have a few to add.

Soo to make a long story short let everyone know that the bottom feeders are at work so they can opt to have a little fun hunting. This in turn attracts business to the hub to supply those little green tokens. I wouldn't have it any less dangerous than sweating mob.

Just remember the original design wanted it to be a PvP4 area so we could loot those tokens!
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Well-Known Member
bottom feeder get attacked and flamed the PvPer for a 1/2 an hour in chat! That's total trolling emotional abuse by an idiot bottom feeder against a possible depositing Avatar that bought PvP equipment to compete for tokens.
So why should depositors put up with the trolling psi-ops instead of having fun shooting thieves!

you mean this guy :p
PRINT SCREEN 2014-01-13 10-3-13.jpg
PRINT SCREEN 2014-01-13 10-3-9.jpg

when ever he is there you just have to shut down local chat
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Clayton Chubby Pugster

Old School Gamer
It's the non depositors that have this attitude of superiority thinking that they can come into the game and make money off of depositing players without wasting a huge amount of time. How many times have I heard whines and complaints about how hard it is to 'earn' money in the game. As a depositor It tics me off to put up with this attitude as it's mostly a bunch of whiny babies crying, 'please MA, rob from the depositing rich and give to us non-depositing poor so we can think we're superior gamers than they are'

Expo, i am a depositor and i dun mind paying for a game i enjoy. What i dun like is people making judgements about all non depositors in one broad brush statement.

I also have heard you trolling down there, i wish i had the chat log, but i do not.

Personally i like the HUB and i find u and your 1000 word posts are much too serious about this fun escape from normal PvE game play. Relax and have fun Expo, it does not matter why people are down there as long as all are having fun.

I shall not comment on depot vs non-depot players and who thinks who is superior anymore, as this is not the point of this thread.
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New Member
I know this is gonna get a lot of negative response on this forum lol, but If you want people to enter the token arenas you gotta stop spawning all those tokens in the proving grounds. Instead, spawn the tokens in the token arenas. The higher the tokens needed to enter a certain arena the more tokens that should spawn in there.
And maybe if there is alot of pvp action going on in a certain arena you can increase the token spawns.

Or instead of spawning lime green tokens in the Proving Grounds Arena (which only seems to promote farming for PED, not PvP)...spawn tokens that get you into the higher PvP token based arenas. Which might even promote more PvP instead of farming lime green tokens for PED's.

Is funny when someone comes into there for some PvP fun...everyone farming leaves or gives you grief for shooting them in a PvP area. I have witnessed some just sit at the revive terminal for over an hour, waiting for PvP'ers to leave, so they can continue farming lime green tokens.

Would be a way to turn sweat into PvP fun rather than farming for PED's.
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New Member
I am also curious why there are no skill gains inside arenas. PED is spent, skills should follow:dunno:.


New Member
Might even make some starter weapons for HUB purchasable with sweat. Lower performance, but basically free.

Another way to turn sweat into PvP fun:)
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George Skywalker

Active Member
@420 I think lime green token farming for sweaters is there to provide an alternative to sweating. Certainly pays better than sweating e.g. I buy lime green tokens at 6 peds per K which is considerably more than what sweat sells for.

Some sweaters who go to collect lime green tokens I doubt will ever spend peds. Having said that buying some cheap weapons with sweat could be an alternative. Weapons with very low tt value less than 1 ped.


New Member
@420 I think lime green token farming for sweaters is there to provide an alternative to sweating. Certainly pays better than sweating e.g. I buy lime green tokens at 6 peds per K which is considerably more than what sweat sells for.

Some sweaters who go to collect lime green tokens I doubt will ever spend peds. Having said that buying some cheap weapons with sweat could be an alternative. Weapons with very low tt value less than 1 ped.

They do offer me something to shoot at:p

Just wish they'd shoot back.
Before posting my opinion, I would like to note that: I love the HUBs, I have most high-end HUB guns in my storage, I am here to give important constructive ideas, I am not here to say bad things and want the HUB to shut down.

I do not want to give any idea on how to IMPROVE the HUB, because imo it is not necessary. We must understand WHY the HUB will FAIL no matter how many features you are going to put in.

We must look at the problem in a big picture. If there is XYZ number of players who are interested in the HUB, we must understand that:

The Wallet of XYZ players is LIMITED. They are not Unlimited. After one ROUND of Playing, even though there are winners and losers, the Wallet of XYZ players decrease by 10% of the ticket cost (20% from the losers, and half of XYZ are the losers).

You can clearly see that, in short period, XYZ players will no longer have peds to play. Therefore, no matter how interesting the HUB is, there will be no players in HUB simply because they cannot play at all.

Now we look at the solutions to fix that problem: in order to fix the problem, we must increase the wallet of XYZ players, and there are few options:

Solution 1: increase the XYZ number. This is difficult and inefficient. We all know that the whole Entropia Universe does not have many players either. Unless we have hundred thousands of players or millions, even 10,000 players will no longer have peds to play in HUB after not long period.

Solution 2: we must have external source of peds injected into HUB players. Which means that HUB players must be rewarded or be able to exchange for USEFUL items which can be sold to other players for extra income.

Solution 3: provoke the greediness of HUB players by having a jackpot lootpool, therefore, it is possible to loot 5,000 peds from one kill.

I hope that people will look into this problem seriously.
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