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The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted


Active Member
I am not a fan of pvp. If I enter a pvp area there has to be a goal:

1 I have no choice - for example going to another planet
2 there's oil to pickup or stand in line for
3 there's land to be gained, for example during a landgrab

pvp lootable is not something I like to enter at all.

As it stands you get tokens in the hub. But those tokens don't really mean much as a reward to me. I mean armor that can only be used in the hub, or weaponry that can only be used in the hub... and some low level stuff you can actually use outside of the hub, not really interesting at all. So there's really no reason for me to enter the hub.
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There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Eh, I am still against going in there due to its removal of my psi implant, which then costs me to reinput it. Decay and tool purchase is no joke.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I am still against going in there due to its removal of my psi implant, which then costs me to reinput it. Decay and tool purchase is no joke.

Well it is just 1 pec, the clothes are more expensive :)
Luckily i don't teleport as much anymore, but it is indeed verry annoying

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i've never really looked into the hub as im not a PVP'r but i would be interested if maybe there was a non-pvp holodeck like area too, we select a mob wave and pay a appropriate entry fee and then we solo or team the selected mob wave for a reward, and different difficulties like normal play, limited lives or so on
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Paul Jetman Masters,

i've never really looked into the hub as im not a PVP'r but i would be interested if maybe there was a non-pvp holodeck like area too, we select a mob wave and pay a appropriate entry fee and then we solo or team the selected mob wave for a reward, and different difficulties like normal play, limited lives or so on

I don't know if this is a Hub suggestion or not, but it's interesting either way.


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hey Paul Jetman Masters,

I don't know if this is a Hub suggestion or not, but it's interesting either way.


Hi Kris, It could work on both planet and hub, on the hub it would mean hub weapons and a different way to earn hub tokens, but it would work well on the planet too, and fee could maybe be cyrene mission tokens and could be located in the big building next to mariovs.

also is it possible to have weekly or monthly leaderboards? i was was futhering my idea and we could have holodeck stages where you are timed to finish the stage or racing levels in which the fastest time wins a prize at the end of the allocated time.


New Member
logging out inside of any of the arenas should send a player to the revive terminal upon relog.
I would like to see that too.

Furthermore, the "arrival safe state" should disappear upon movement. As things stand one can log in and run around for ~10 seconds being "safe" some times (not always reproducible).


New Member
Auction Terminal inside the Hub, please. Considering that auction is global now and there a dedicated area for "The Hub" in the auction system already it might be a time savior for PvPers.

A crafting machine at some point would also be not bad to have.

And sorry for multiple posts :rolleyes:.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll be focusing on some of these Hub issues for the next VU:

logging out inside of any of the arenas should send a player to the revive terminal upon relog.

I will be talking to MA to see if this is possible to do.

"All time" option would be nice in the leaderboards. Currently one can only look one month back.

Same with edits to the leaderboards, again, this will take help from MA.

I would like to see that too.

Furthermore, the "arrival safe state" should disappear upon movement. As things stand one can log in and run around for ~10 seconds being "safe" some times (not always reproducible).

I'll see about reducing/improving the functions of the Safe Arrival.

Auction Terminal inside the Hub, please. Considering that auction is global now and there a dedicated area for "The Hub" in the auction system already it might be a time savior for PvPers.

A crafting machine at some point would also be not bad to have.

With the new Auction System, I can definitely see about adding the additional terminals.

i've never really looked into the hub as im not a PVP'r but i would be interested if maybe there was a non-pvp holodeck like area too, we select a mob wave and pay a appropriate entry fee and then we solo or team the selected mob wave for a reward, and different difficulties like normal play, limited lives or so on

I'll be working on something like this as well =)



Well-Known Member
I disagree with the auction functionality. There are way too many seperate auction already.
When the main cyrene auction gets 300 pages, sure go ahead. But with a HUB only auction it will only cause frustration to players that see their stuff doesn't get sold.

Which is also the main reason why the arkadia underground has no auctioneer i believe.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
I disagree with the auction functionality. There are way too many seperate auction already.
When the main cyrene auction gets 300 pages, sure go ahead. But with a HUB only auction it will only cause frustration to players that see their stuff doesn't get sold.

Which is also the main reason why the arkadia underground has no auctioneer i believe.

I'll be waiting to hear more feedback from more players =)


New Member
I disagree with the auction functionality. There are way too many seperate auction already.
When the main cyrene auction gets 300 pages, sure go ahead. But with a HUB only auction it will only cause frustration to players that see their stuff doesn't get sold.

Which is also the main reason why the arkadia underground has no auctioneer i believe.

The main reason to have auction in the Hub is to be able to buy things from the auction without the need of leaving the Hub.
For example I might be using Turrelion Spec RPG in the hub and running out of explosives. As things stand (no auction, no crafting machine, explosives not in TT) I would need to tp twice out of the hub to the planet and then run to the nearest terminal and the whole way back. No problem with that but a terminal inside the hub would be nice luxury to have.

I, personally, find subdivisions of auction inside a single planet disturbing. But "The Hub" subdivision in auction UI was there since the beginning. Ideally, one would have one auction section for the whole planet though.


This may be just a side issue but it is something I ran into.. as you know, things get unequipped.. no biggie, since you pretty much accept that.. thing is.. Occasionally, some things are not returned to Inv.. for whatever reason.. a Relog works a treat for things like this... In help/FAQ.. THAT should be mentioned.. I know.. that is almost a "Is it plugged in?" but, people DO get a bit flustered if they worry that they have lost something.


Active Member
Been playing in hub now and then the last few days... Here come a few suggestions... (More are likely to come later :) )

Make the Beast Room an arena that does the 1/10th decay thing since a good chunk of the loot from it is the lime green tokens, which are really hub-centric, etc. Sucks that you got to spend 10 times as much decay on the beast than you do in the arenas.

Allow clothes (other than the lime green coats) to work in the hub and arenas. I'm sick of seeing everyone's underwear... Armor not working here, I understand, but come on and let clothes work. It's also annoying as hell that there's still decay on clothes every time you go up to Cyrene proper... Mindark finally removed the decay on armor but not on clothes yet. Please talk them in to removing that decay on clothes too for unequipping since it's nickel and diming us to death, especially on the L clothes... It's annoying running around in underwear all of the time just so I can visit hub frequently.

Put in a crafting terminal in the hub along with a regular tt and auction terminal somewhere down there. I'm mainly crafting explosives to use in the hub at the moment, and it's annoying to have to go to the surface just to craft...

Up the stats and price on the tt armor, or create new armor types that you get from different missions or something that have better stats.

Up the reward on the proving ground kills from 4 lime green tokens per kill to something more like 100 or something. It's really dumb that you can pick up tokens off the ground that are in stacks of 10 all over the place but an actual kill is only getting you 4. You are causing decay if you kill someone in there, so give a reward that makes it worthwhile.

DON'T MAKE IT LOOTABLE PVP as that will scare off more folks than are in there now.

Fix the white stairs. Avatars fall through them half way up about half of the time and have to hit T to get out, which is very, very, very annoying.

Fix the lag. That's an annoyance.

If you can't allow better armor, at least create some hub-only attachments that work with the armor.

PVP space has mines that act like traps... so maybe there's potential to create traps in hub someday? Kinda hard to think how it'd work, but it could be interesting... Maybe you can work pets in to all of that somehow? Send the pets after the enemy as a scout or as a decoy to make you think you are in a different location?

Not sure what's up with the radar, but I'm always seeing more dots in there than are really there? Are the arenas stacked on top of one another on the same server as different rooms or something? Just seems weird that there are dots on there when no one else is around.

Activate the teleporter pad things in the proving ground that warp you from one location to another inside of the arena. They are active in the 25 pec areana, so I know that it's possible. In proving ground there doesn't seem to be any of them working... :)

Add more entry rooms to each arena... 3 or 4 on each... Put revives on each of those rooms. Right now it's kinda annoying that there is only one revive so it's pretty predictable to figure out who is out there at revive and who is in arena if there is only a handful of avatars in the arena.... If there was a revive on different sides of the area, it'd be more similar to the main pvp zones on most planets on Entropia...

Make a new proving ground in addition to the one that exists currently. You got Mario vr on cyrene, so do a Zelda type of thing with a proving ground shaped like some of the levels on Zelda game, etc. ;) Perhaps the Beast should be inside of a labyrinth instead of one single room?

Create more items that you can use the lime green tokens on (like perhaps the armor attachments for hub armor or something). Right now the coats appear to be the only thing you can use em for unless I'm missing something. P.S. What is the difference between the two coats other than one is for use outside of hub and the other is not? I don't see the point of the hub only one if it's for activating the beast if beast is spawning for everyone as is anyways? Besides beast, is there some other use for the coat?

Create a bunch of new arenas for each token level, including the proving ground that works like Eve's playground... I think it'd be interesting having a huge swimming area be a pvp zone. (feel free to call it Maria's playground if you feel so inclined. ;) )

Put the PVP Combat Scoreboard terminal in non-hub locations where there's other terminals.
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Yeah, I did it. So what?
So far my only thought is kinda selfish,, Find a way to speed up the token collection rate in the proving grounds... With the decay from entering and exiting the hub <i.e. cloths. mf implant> and the boredome of spending weeks on end down there with no break. Up'ing the collection rate would make it a little easier to bare. 550k is a long long time when you can only play a couple hours a day.


Active Member
So far my only thought is kinda selfish,, Find a way to speed up the token collection rate in the proving grounds... With the decay from entering and exiting the hub <i.e. cloths. mf implant> and the boredome of spending weeks on end down there with no break. Up'ing the collection rate would make it a little easier to bare. 550k is a long long time when you can only play a couple hours a day.
Maybe add a few more arenas that have higher drop rates on the tokens, BUT also require more sweat? You have 25 pec - 5 ped arenas... what about doing the same for the proving grounds... drop em in down those hallways in the main hub area that has the invisible walls, etc. You can keep the low sweat bet you have now, and then do like increments of 50 sweat to enter, 100 sweat to enter, 500 sweat to enter, 1k sweat to enter, and 10k sweat to enter... in each of those increment the sweat drop stacks by multiples of how many sweat was bet to walk in the door. Also, perhaps make a dupe of the sweat arena but instead of using sweat it'll use novas or fragments, or maybe you can just change the way the current one works to eat those in place of sweat for those folks that have huge stacks of those but hate sweating.

Also, to help crafters perhaps change the 1 ped arena to allow one or 2 blueprints to be used in place of one actual ped. This could be useful for bps that are hard to sell on auction... Do similar for hunters/miners...

Do tokens spawn on floor the ped/pec arenas like the lime green ones do in the proving ground? The few times I went in to the 25 pec arena I didn't see anything like that. If they aren't spawning there, please start spawning them there to encourage farmers to go to these arenas instead of just going to the proving ground to farm... that way there's actual avatars to shoot in there instead of no one like it has been the last few times I went in. Make the 'reward' for the floor drops more in the ped areans than in the proving ground... Instead of 10 lime greens, make it 10x25=250 lime green stack drops on the 25 pec arena, and on up the line for each higher priced arena... make it worth our time to pay the entry fee.
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Me, I had an idea for a general battle arens.. how about this... have it PvP but, there are also creatures in there that aggro on all players.. make it a kind-of "hot and heavy" battle. One other thing... a holdover from LOTRO.... one of the choices is a kind of "Outlive the enemy" battle, against increasingly higher level foes. In LOTRO it is VERY hairy and very much a prestige thing to have completed it. this is not like the wave events... these foes come directly AT you, and there is no waiting for aggro, they already ARE. Some kind of recognition for an individual or team completing it would ice the cake... ESPECIALLY, if it were a solo.