Hey guys,
Big reply thread incoming!
I know of a few pvpers *cough* Juicy Fruit whos been looking for regular pvp that's more active on Cyrene then what we currently have. The idea of PVP4 isnt jsut about pvping its also an area where miners can get en matters/ore booster currently you don't notice this at all and prefer to mien in safety. Maybe should get with Juicy Fruit for more topside cyrene ideas

as im not to fond of pvp4.
Alright, I will try and engage him in-game, maybe some of you guys could point him my way?
But I do like pvp4 in the hub defiantly if the guys been sitting in the PG collecting tokens all day. Most of the times its by people you never see topside on cyrene do anything for the community. Maybe this will be a good idea to rejuvenate the HUB. Make killing people in the hub actually profitable an easy idea would to separate Proving Grounds and Token Spawn Seperate, make the new Token Spawn Lootable. Because I can reassure you the lack of activity in the HUB isnt because of the skills offset. The Hub offers no benefits as the HUB Gear is only usable in the HUB, Maybe make a new list of unique items that is usable in both HUB and Topside like clothes bps vehicles etc. just an Idea. Currently average there is 2 or 4 noobs in pvp; 1 will have a gun the other 3 will have faps one will try to protect or kill of competition while the other 3 fap to safety and stall their death.
If the skills over ride is not the issue, but the items are the issue, we can definitely look into providing better rewards from PvP for outside the hub (even in they are more cosmetic than game changing). Unfortuantely there is no way to make items usable both in the Hub and "topside". In fact we have a number of Bps which would take Hub tokens in the materials but did not include them in this VU because of the issues in the Hub.
Just increase FAP decay to eco rating of 1HP/PEC and everything will be fine. No one in his right mind will keep healing all the time for that kind of decay which will greatly decrease the numbers of "token snatching healer noobs". FAP should be an emergency backup tool not the main item to use in PVP.
I really like this idea TunerS. I think that could really help out, I'll look into it.
I don't think the skills over ride is a problem at all to be honest. The Hub is unique and truly great pvp environment for everyone that offers things no other pvp area in Entropia can. You find players of all skill levels, and professions wanting to pvp in the hub. For instance to name a few regulars. Konnrad is a miner with next to no hunting/pk skills in game however he loves pvp and is one of the best you'll find, along with other miners and new players with very a very small amount of skill points. This has made the HUB famous for a place to show that a player is good at pk because of their ability to use tactics and maneuvering/Aim versus just being a chip eater or grinder with loads of cash to buy uber gear.
By making the PG lootable it will fix the issue of token farming non pvpers loafing around refusing to fight, due to the fact that after they sit in there each camping a spot for an hour laughing together as they collect tokens to tt. A pker comes in and kills them before their 60 sec tp out, they will be pissed and either buy weps to defend themselves or quit making it a place that people who want to pvp come.
Hmm, a second for the skills over ride non-issue. I do appreciate your sentiment about the Hub. Yes I think that making it lootable PvP will really help.
Also I think that it will boost the revenue for Cyrene due to it equaling more decay and ammo burn in the PG with players fighting more. LOL maybe it will make you back some of the cash your loosing on the tokens being spawned and TTed. As the Cyrene planet partners are in this to make money while giving us a great planet to call our in game home, I'm sure you must be looking at your spread sheets seeing that you are paying out a ton more in those token spawns then you are making in decay and ammo burn in the HUB.
I hope that it will make it about even. I'm thinking that in the coming VU there will be many more positive VU changes thanks to everyone posting!
If you build it they will come
But yea a pvp4 zone with spawns would be great on Cyrene. I still would love to see the hub fixed so that its a place where everyone can excel though.
Do you think there is room for both? I do want the Hub fixed as well though =) I think that is still a higher priority.
I think you're reading too much into the PvP aspect of this location. It's nothing more than an Oil Rig on Cyrene, with the added benefit of not being oil, but coins that can be used to go into higher locations; and much like the PVP zones on Calypso, people avoid them like a plague except thieves and miners. There's ZERO reason to PvP, except in the hopes of stealing from other players. It's just a cost with no return. On Cyrene, there's at least a return without the thievery attachment.
On the bonus side, the Oil Rigs require you to spend on FULL Decay of Armor, FAP and Weapon/Ammo. Here on Cyrene - that's not true, the items use far far less in decay/costs.
Zip by a friendly Oil Rig on Calypso, you'll find that it's not so easy to get around the players who spend money on armor/weapons. Come to Cyrene, and everyone is on the same playing field.
Ah, so not in favor of a Cyrene PvP4 area, so you'd rather just see Hub fixes/improvements as well Goldmoon?
This has been great and very informative feedback everyone I think that we'll be able to do many of the things we talked about here to make the Hub and Proving Grounds fun again.