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Recent content by mrproper

  1. M

    Crafting Armor Crafting

    Whenever I crafted some, nobody bought it so just wait to see some and buy it. Or try to get the BP, it's not a high level bp.
  2. M

    Mining where to find Crystals ?

    Toxic zone only. And only red is in that area if you refer to the good stuff as being several stuff.
  3. M

    Mining where to find Crystals ?

    Red crystals were dropping around the red area, now however the red area is all over the volcano. Simply mine the oils, refine it, dump it in your vehicle and mine again. Should you find the red crystals, get out quickly. Minimal losses should you get attacked.
  4. M

    Mining where to find Crystals ?

    I know where everything is, because I work hard at gathering data and share it with fellow hard working explorers. Blue crystal is rare, yellow and green can be harvested for hundreds of peds every day. Let me know which ones you need and I'll kindly point you in the right direction.
  5. M

    Jonah's Wiles Destoyer

    Why did you scroll the info past "Condition limit"? If it's 3% it could be L, if it's 50%, certainly UL.
  6. M

    Wish List Change Zeladoth fighting style?

    You are first person, the mob is the second person, the support dps or support healer is the third person :)
  7. M

    Long John Silvers dont wanna talk with me.

    Blue crystals are very very rare (I can get less than 5 a day), green crystals are very common, I once collected over 1k. Some people have issues with Long John, needing to talk to another NPC first. After the mission, he just screams at you but he does say something.
  8. M

    Cyrene Missions

    Yes, but besides Carabok which has an inflated level, most of the other mobs on both planets have a good indication of difficulty based on level. And yes, you should be hunting level 6 mobs if you are lvl 6 laser sniper. How do you kill a merfolken elite at lvl 7 with an opalo... .. slowly...
  9. M

    Cyrene Missions

    Live from the field: [P***r] lvl 47 robot?! F**K YOU! He appeared upset. We all appreciate your efforts to balance the missions, the mobs and the storyline, but every VU some dramatic shift prevents a decent enjoyment of the gaming process. This time everything got bigger. This happened also...
  10. M

    Bug Report Important Note - sent to support - Urgent Exploit Possibility

    This bug sometimes appears on other mobs like the L29 Den Mother.... Also the mobs can't sit still they try to walk over you repeatedly.
  11. M

    Cyrene Missions

    Why? The merfolken are not available to finish the mission?
  12. M

    Bug Report Important Note - sent to support - Urgent Exploit Possibility

    Last VU some bots used to do that too. The different attacks a mob can use are apparently bugged sometimes. It's not your fault, it was designed to do so. Or not. In which case they will let you know. I would hunt anyway, the difference in cost per mob is minimal, MA still gets their cut.
  13. M

    Cyrene Missions

    It looks like it doesn't spawn the bot anymore...
  14. M

    Very annoying visuals at TPs

    Color is good, the attack effects and such are nice, but they could be slightly fainter ;) Also maybe the blue lights move slightly slower, you get hit in the eye too often by them...
  15. M

    Imperium Tokens - the real value?

    There are many people complaining on the forum that they exchange tokens for crappy items or armor materials. While the investment is high and I am not sure if the crafters or weapon buyers are the top of the supply chain or they can collect some profit passing those item to the next player, I...