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  1. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene November 28th, 2023 - VU Notes

    New Additions: - Many new instances were created in an effort to help overall server stability as well as providing a curated area for especially popular creatures on Cyrene. – The Cave of Flesh — A solo instance with a 1,000 Vibrant Sweat entrance fee with dense spawns of all Flesh Rippers –...
  2. Kris | Cyrene

    A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (November 28th, 2023 - December 6th, 2023)

    The return of A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base event! Do you dare head the call! -Dates: November 28th, 2023 @5:00 Server time - December 6th, 2023 @5:00 Server time -Location: A.R.C. HQ /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138838, 77250, 101, Into Imperium Snow Base Waypoint]
  3. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Winter 2023 VU Preview

    Hey guys, I’m here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene this winter. A big issue that we ended up needing to tackle was spawn density and crowding, and to this end we’ve created a myriad of instances to help with this. Players can find a trio of solo...
  4. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Patch - October 3rd, 2023

    Hey guys, The small patch today will temporarily reduce the spawn number of Flesh Ripper spawns. This is NOT a permanent change but we were asked to reduce the spawn number for these mobs specifically while MA works to resolve the server latency issues on Cyrene. Cheers, Kris
  5. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 26th, 2023

    Changes: - Overall reduction in spawns for Armored and Horned Whiskerfish - Tweaked several overly dense spawns to help combat server latency - Creatures in the A.R.C. Academy should be able to drop Nova and Blazar Fragments - Adjusted ocean to not come through Ngu Volcano Land Area - Fixed...
  6. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene September 19th, 2023 VU Notes

    New Additions: - TWEN token trader can be found din the Supply Depot next to the TP - The New Player Experience has been revamped – Streamlined missions – Optional Informational missions – More defined Creature Biomes – Additional missions for starter / lower level players - The Duster Hazing...
  7. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene VU Preview Fall 2023

    Hey guys, I’m here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU. We’ve taken time over the summer to revamp and streamline the new player experience on Cyrene. We’ve tried to make it more straightforward mission-wise along with better quality...
  8. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - June 20th, 2023

    Changes: - Several creature spawns have been adjusted - Took into account players who have earned the Coat of Hyden or the Turrelion Assassinator for the missions from Miss Regan Maul - Mission: Atlas Haven Imperium Ranger Hunt! Should now be working correctly again with the right cooldown timer...
  9. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene June 13th, 2023 VU Notes

    New Additions: New areas- – The Skull Birds have dug into their nesting grounds and vitriol they manifest has effected the land – Scientists at A.R.C. HQ have done some terraforming and created a habitat for Byg Byrds on Cyrene – In a futile attempt to reign in the wandering of the ROOT, the...
  10. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene Summer VU Preview

    Hey everyone, We here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU. The Skull Birds have really dug into their new nesting grounds, however, due to the vitriol in which they live and consume their prey, the land around them has become...
  11. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene February 28th, 2023 VU Notes

    New Additions: - From the hard work of Belladoth and Penndolina they’ve come up with a new Combine, the Courier Touched Body Suit! Visit Penndolina over at the Rift to learn more! - Terminals have been added to the following areas: - Lazidol Spawn - Wasp Queen Spawn - Zyn’Tukano sweat circles -...
  12. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene Spring 2023 VU Preview

    Hey guys, I’m here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU. Firstly, the festive creatures for the holiday have moved on and will come back next year, and in greater number. In their place, however, the Skull Bird population has...
  13. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - November 29th, 2022

    Changes - Plato’s Landing seek and find missions should be more straightforward to find - The following missions and associated in game interactives have had their text fixed and typos corrected: – Meet the Tanhok – Atlas Haven Imperium Ranger Hunt! – Manuthale Swamp Imperium Ranger Hunt! –...
  14. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene November 22nd, 2022 VU Notes

    New Additions - The holidays are coming to Cyrene! - All holiday missions will start early December, 2022 – Zyn’oddy and Zingle are back with updates and additions to the limited time missions and creatures for the holiday season: – Zyn’oddy has a new set of decorations to get via Holiday Magic...
  15. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene Winter Preview 2022

    Hey guys, I’m here again to share the new additions, changes, and updates coming to Planet Cyrene in the next PP VU. To start, we’ve added a quality of life warp from 0x101 Supply Depot to the main area of the Undersea Folken to allow players direct access to this area. Similar to other warps...
  16. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - September 13th 2022

    Mission Fixes ● Tanhok Decorator Bur'kys- Hunter's Decoration Blueprints : The mission text says Deviant Jellyworm it should read Variant Jellyworm ● All blueprints from Tanhok Decorator Bur’kys should now stack as well ● Added a terminal for missing npc's for people to turn in iron...
  17. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene NFT Affiliate Egg

    Planet Cyrene’s NFT affiliate EGG is now live in auction at NFT.io, purchasing this EGG entitles the owner to an affiliate license with Mindark where they earn 10% of the revenue from all accounts they bring in to Entropia Universe. The Cyrene EGG will ensure these participants start their...
  18. Kris | Cyrene

    LA tax trial after summer PPVU

    Hey guys, As I’m sure many of you have noticed a new presence on Cyrene since May 2022: BIG Industries. We’re more than happy to have their services here on the planet with SSI and events at Carnap’s Landing. Now that we are getting serious with BIG, we will be introducing a trial tax to the...
  19. Kris | Cyrene

    Cyrene Mini Patch Notes - June 7th 2022

    Mission Fixes - Several mission positions have been corrected - Adjusted miscellaneous mission objects so they are no longer hidden - Fixed/updated mission text and objectives to be more clear - Added a new NPC to split the Zyn’Tukano summoning missions - Added a Mission info sign at Zyn’Tukano...
  20. Kris | Cyrene

    Planet Cyrene May 31st 2022 Update Notes

    New Additions - Assault on the Imperium – With the rise of activity from the Imperium, A.R.C & Zekkonian Ministry have come together to keep watch and close tabs on the growing faction. – Players can speak with Tanhok Warleader Kyzrin for missions to disrupt the Imperial plans.Loyal A.R.C...