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  1. N

    Planet Cyrene Market Day

    would not be a bad idea if it were advertised on other planets. it would have to be set on a day that a ms was arriving or leaving to provide safe transport for buyers and sellers. neat idea intrested in seeing what others have to say about this.
  2. N

    Obvious things that newbies should know

    took me a few weeks to learn about auto use... learned it from a pirate that had shot me down and was nice enough to come laugh at me as i was clicking my rk-5 to repair my quad. ill post something if i can ever think of something that worth knowing ;)
  3. N

    noob weapons

    thanks always fun to loot something i can use. hoping one day to be able to craft these and other swords of this series.
  4. N

    noob weapons

    thought i would post this... really like this sword ;) really happy to see melee weapons being looted on cyrene. thank you very much. and a gun uber noob stuff. but fun.
  5. N

    Discovery - Pilot Pistol Rank 1 (L)

    congrats and good work
  6. N

    Planet Cyrene Space Hunting Zone

    just a bump cause i like to hunt cosmic horrors and they are to far away at the moment to do regularly.
  7. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    i dont think its a good idea to put boundaries and limitations on the scope of one thoughts or ideas. just accepting that something can not be done within the confines of a certain framework is dooming your self to mediocrity. and the last thing i want cyrene to be is mediocre. i am...
  8. N

    The Imperium C.L.A.W. Mech

    wow time flys when your having fun.
  9. N

    Where is The Economy?

    not every one can afford, find, or want to use ul items. ul items come from some where. either crafted by a l or ul bp or looted by a crafted or looted ul or l weapon that was crafted by a ul or l bp or looted from a mob hunted with a ul or l weapon that was crafted by a ul or l bp or looted...
  10. N

    Where is The Economy?

    most people i know are waiting on the next vu to do any heavy lifting. waiting on ore and enmat balancing. waiting on loot drops hoping for new bps ect... ect... . but i dont really know...
  11. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    pretty much agree with everything written here. the arenas do need to have some more diversity. some narrow passages some camping spots that have to be worked around, the things that make playing fps challenging. finding that perfect sniper spot. finding the corner that you can hide...
  12. N

    team swunting exploration initiative

    lvl 3 bile jellyworms swunted took 5-7 of us for things to go smoothly. added to first post
  13. N

    team swunting exploration initiative

    we all have to start somewhere ;)
  14. N

    team swunting exploration initiative

    yeah about 4-5 people for the weeds. thanks for the input.
  15. N

    team swunting exploration initiative

    as for rules: any large tt value item looted can be bought by highest bidder in swunt or it will be TT'd and ped split between all team members looted stacks of items to be kept by looter before any swunt a general dmg per sec weapon limit will be agreed upon by team members.
  16. N

    team swunting exploration initiative

    Please go here http://cyreneforum.com/threads/sweat-camp.1182/ the following idea had been discontinued.... in this form atleast ;) cyrene dosnt have any sweat circles... i would like to fix this by gathering a group of like minded people to go forth into the unknown and find out...
  17. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    well hopefully and most likely cyrene staff are more smart than me and will come up with a nice compromise. perhaps with enhancer bps and ect just for the hub. with stats that are balanced and fair for all parties involved. this would also tie the hub more closely to the planet if there was a...
  18. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    its no that i am against tiered items in the hub. its just... one more thing that adds to inequality inside the hub that COULD prevent people from participating in the hub and have a negative impact on the active pop of a enjoyable activity. if you make to to hard and expensive for...
  19. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    this is not a bad idea. if there is some way that you could tie the spawn rate into the kill rates inside of an arena. the more kills the last hour or so the more tokens. or make the tokens that spawn in the pg different form the tokens that spawn in the pay arenas by removing the tt...
  20. N

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    the speed boost is fun in the hub. but it does seem as if there is an issue with entropia handling the speed. i dont like the ideas of enhancers in the arenas. i think that it negates everything that makes it different from normal pvp. its no longer shooting skills but ped card that...