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The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Hey People

Seeing there are a lot of skilled and dedicated people among us, knowing a great deal about the game (and Cyrene) - we would be delighted if you will share with us, your suggestions and ideas for how to improve The Hub.

Mostly we're interested in knowing the things which you find are not yet working as they should, or things which should be improved or even changed.

Should things in the Hub be removed or added - and ideas to what could make it more fun, challenging etc.

We can't guarantee of course, that everything can be done - but we will look into your suggestions and put the best on the board for improvements.

Thank you so much :)

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
We got this great suggestion from TunerS:

I think it would be better to take out those 2 televators that leads to towers in 10PED arena. After using it player have 20 seconds protective shield. It's 20 seconds invulnerability if player doesn't move (time to think, maybe loose an enemy). It's basically a life saver: teleport up - wait 19 seconds - heal - immediately teleport down - wait 19 seconds - heal - teleport back up and so on. I know at least one player that used it in PG to just heal up. Maybe put in there those portals that will teleport player automatically without any protective shield.

Thank you :thumbup:


New Member
- I know that no one has managed to tier up any of the hub weapons yet but it's possible. The thing i like the most about the HUB is the idea that all players, ( no matter what skills and equipment and how much time they have spent in the game) have the same chance in there. PVP skills will determine the winner in there and not how much time you've spent grinding. Tiering up weapons will remove that equal chance. In my opinion the tiering up ability should be removed

- In my opinion, "free for all" never works. Players will start to team up no matter what ( and usually in an unfair way ). There could be a red team blue team idea. When you enter an arena you will automatically be put in a team. And if one team is doing well, players from one team should automatically be swapped with players from the other team.


New Member
-Remove tiering stuff. In other case, as stated above, the arena equality fades with the damage enhancers.
-Make the armor for tokens better (It's actually worse that TT one)
-FAP is a bit overpowered, should either make the speed buff smaller and increase the use rate/min and reduce the heals (Yes the HPS can remain the same). Problem with the speed is EU can't handle such movement speeds, making target warp time to time.
-Remove make safe bubble last no longer than 2 sec.
-Consider making the flamethrower a bit less lethal weapon.

I'll post more when I will have something in mind.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
- I know that no one has managed to tier up any of the hub weapons yet but it's possible. The thing i like the most about the HUB is the idea that all players, ( no matter what skills and equipment and how much time they have spent in the game) have the same chance in there. PVP skills will determine the winner in there and not how much time you've spent grinding. Tiering up weapons will remove that equal chance. In my opinion the tiering up ability should be removed

- In my opinion, "free for all" never works. Players will start to team up no matter what ( and usually in an unfair way ). There could be a red team blue team idea. When you enter an arena you will automatically be put in a team. And if one team is doing well, players from one team should automatically be swapped with players from the other team.

I did this one just for you Diablo :) Enjoy!
Tier Hof.jpg

Tier Hof x2.JPG

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Transfer The Hub Suggestion and bug report from current thread: http://cyreneforum.com/threads/cyrene-report-thread-14-0-3.1115/

But heres my view:
(Edited it a bit to just simplify for Hub ideas, See more at the above link)

  • Hub:
  1. All Arenas with an Televator option, Remove the prompt just auto transfer up when clicked upon.
  2. All HUB gear and weapons drop the condition limit from 50% to 3% we could use the extra 47% in killing people not worry about spawning back to repair the items.
  3. Decrease the Heal of the Fap
  4. Decrease DMG output of tt weapons so that the vendor weapons have an opportunity to show the effectiveness
  5. When wielding Power fist maybe instead of the current effect make it where it gives speed boost to the wearer so they can catch up on fappers etc.
  6. Decrease the after burn on flamers, and increase the dmg output of indirect fire (AOE)
  7. Turn the HK into a long range rifle or add one, specifically +20 range on the current 35 range.
  8. Increase Output of Vendor Shotguns
  9. Increase the Freeze ray Attacks per minute
  10. Increase Turrelion Homeland Armor stats
  11. Have the Revive/Lobby further away from the Arena so it deselects avatars who are highlighted by other participants which they know where your at.
  • Like
Reactions: 420

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
-Remove tiering stuff. In other case, as stated above, the arena equality fades with the damage enhancers.

Originally I was against having enhancers. As time went on I think enhancers should be allowed in the HUB, Reason is doesn't have to do with fairness. Not only does it show you are experienced but you been here for a while, The Reason i believe your against this Lola is because it threatens your PVP ability here on cyrene. You can never make HUB equal to someone who been pvping forever vs someone who just started the HUB, Beside shouldn't those who been around a while be rewarded then those who complain about it to try to get an edge?


New Member
Originally I was against having enhancers. As time went on I think enhancers should be allowed in the HUB, Reason is doesn't have to do with fairness. Not only does it show you are experienced but you been here for a while, The Reason i believe your against this Lola is because it threatens your PVP ability here on cyrene. You can never make HUB equal to someone who been pvping forever vs someone who just started the HUB, Beside shouldn't those who been around a while be rewarded then those who complain about it to try to get an edge?

The HUB arena was made for PVP with equal skills and gear. If you want to go somewhere where gear should matter, you can just go to PVP4 or something.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
The HUB arena was made for PVP with equal skills and gear. If you want to go somewhere where gear should matter, you can just go to PVP4 or something.

HUB was made for equal skills, Not gear hence the weapon and armor vendors. Your only making that suggestion of no enhancers because your way behind then the others at the hub.


New Member
-FAP is a bit overpowered, should either make the speed buff smaller and increase the use rate/min and reduce the heals (Yes the HPS can remain the same). Problem with the speed is EU can't handle such movement speeds, making target warp time to time.

Thanks lola, i almost forgot :). The speed buff thing gets really annoying when the player using the speed buff has lag. Instead of moving faster, he starts to "warp" (as lola said). I can't target an avatar that disappears and reappears constantly.


Well-Known Member
the speed boost is fun in the hub. but it does seem as if there is an issue with entropia handling the speed.

i dont like the ideas of enhancers in the arenas. i think that it negates everything that makes it different from normal pvp. its no longer shooting skills but ped card that determines who is better... didnt say that well...

some kinda of queue for the arenas would be nice. but its not really neededl. when more people find the fun that can be had in the hub more people will be around.

perhaps allow the arenas to be rented for events and have players sell tickets just like normal events. there are alot of good promoters around perhaps if you could find a way to tie that into the hub arenas....

i would really like to see some more difference in the weapons from the tt. range, dmg, aoe, maybe some different types of armor that had different effects.
heavy armor decrese speed more protection
medium medium speed and protect
light armor high speed low protect

perhaps also so stealth armor or some other kinda of special armor.

there could be mini placeable turrents that either have a timed life span or last until destroyed.
decoys would be cool give that split second of help as the person sees that there are two targets

just some random thoughts as i drink my morning coffee...

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I know this will not happen anytime soon but would like to throw this out there.

Create an Arena wide large open one capable of HUB Vehicles, Teams, Forts *and Mechs* the current Arena are all to small not even capable of holding more then 30 unique players per arena which will cause high lag. Maybe instead of upsetting every balance maybe adopt to it, Examples: Proving Grounds 'TT weapons armor only, disable all attachment, vehicles, enhancers' Arena White to Red ' Limit them to TT gear and corresponding Level Gear Example: White can be used in White - Red, Green can be used to Green-Red, Red - Red Only. then introduce an Arena where everything is allowed all color gear, vehicles, attachments/enhancers. PVP 1v1 room maybe make it bigger remvoe alot of those stupid crates less hiding = more killing. and defiantly make an Arena capable of Events would like to see HUB Events that get the perks of HUB only gear and 10% Decay/ammo.

just a few ideas i had.

The Chief.


New Member
I know this is gonna get a lot of negative response on this forum lol, but If you want people to enter the token arenas you gotta stop spawning all those tokens in the proving grounds. Instead, spawn the tokens in the token arenas. The higher the tokens needed to enter a certain arena the more tokens that should spawn in there.
And maybe if there is alot of pvp action going on in a certain arena you can increase the token spawns.

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I know this is gonna get a lot of negative response on this forum lol, but If you want people to enter the token arenas you gotta stop spawning all those tokens in the proving grounds. Instead, spawn the tokens in the token arenas. The higher the tokens needed to enter a certain arena the more tokens that should spawn in there.
And maybe if there is alot of pvp action going on in a certain arena you can increase the token spawns.

I actually thought about that, but i didn't dare comment about it. Because alot of people will get upset, but hey mroe action better kill rewards maybe even bigger spawn?


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger

Hub gear unlike MF chips has tier rates. If they werent meant to be tiered then they should have had NO tiers...But they DO. So if tiers are not allowed then i and others who have PUT IN THE EFFORT in the hub have been mislead !!!

Tiering is minor gains and a reflection of effort or devotion to Cyrenes hub and PVP....I will take it as a MAJOR slap in the face if Cyrene Dev's decide my dedication and that of others their Hub means nothing to the Cyrene team...End off.


Well-Known Member
I know this is gonna get a lot of negative response on this forum lol, but If you want people to enter the token arenas you gotta stop spawning all those tokens in the proving grounds. Instead, spawn the tokens in the token arenas. The higher the tokens needed to enter a certain arena the more tokens that should spawn in there.
And maybe if there is alot of pvp action going on in a certain arena you can increase the token spawns.

this is not a bad idea. if there is some way that you could tie the spawn rate into the kill rates inside of an arena. the more kills the last hour or so the more tokens.

or make the tokens that spawn in the pg different form the tokens that spawn in the pay arenas by removing the tt value of the ones that spawn in the pg. oh no did i just say that ;(