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  1. Murkalael

    Cyrene Pioneer?

    I'm on cyrene for 3 months now, do this count?
  2. Murkalael

    AFK sweat tourists!

    LOL all of a sudden topic went to tourist sweaters to Cyrene's Training gounds and space ships :D
  3. Murkalael

    Mazeweaver Certificate Count

    Well, while the only goal is to tame pets, you can make sure this: Sir Murkalael Arbinger - 0
  4. Murkalael

    Wish List Add screens in terminal centers

    I'd rather see those damn columns away...
  5. Murkalael

    Found a strange thing? Post it here!

    I've been wondering why Cyrene has been so foggy latelly.
  6. Murkalael

    Scary Hackfin STILL Bugged...

    I was able to complete. You will need to drag the mob to the line of sight of npc. Your head must be close to surface. I tested with 30m away from npc will do the trick of counting.
  7. Murkalael

    Bug Report 15.5.0 VU BUG report

    The auto tool is a built in feature of the game, this no one have to blame. The weeds on the other hand is something that is needed to be dealt with. Either increase their range of add the feature of mob start hitting when dry, at least this way anyone sweating it either drown it or kill it, or...
  8. Murkalael

    Suggestion: Dailies, forum, paneleon

    Oh I forgot to mention, this paneleon thing also happens while hunting. I don't know how many servers Cyrene have, but sometimes doing ARC Faction dailies on Collectors XT I have some lag spikes, then while my avatar try to decide if gonna shoot or not, bot starts to show same behavior.
  9. Murkalael

    Suggestion: Dailies, forum, paneleon

    I finally were able to make Vegas work on my laptop, here's a visual of the problem that happens with paneleon: I think is a universe wide problem, since I had recorded once on arkadia a strange carabok behavior while it seems to want attack me but also wants to go away from me
  10. Murkalael

    [n00b] Turrelion Maze

    a bit half offtopic: Prize exchange for rewards should have alternatives, I'm a proud pet virgin and I like new content, but felt excluded from this update, what about give some skills, like 5k tokens 1 stamina point?
  11. Murkalael

    AFK sweat tourists!

    This topic is great affect 2 things that is problematic here: 1-the unmovable weeds discourage the commerce for mind essence, I went after some force nexus once here but was a waste. Also there's the problem with the sweat free / no kill mob so in short if you want to take advantage of the...
  12. Murkalael

    Bug Report 15.5.0 VU BUG report

    Oh another thing, not game related but forum, if I answer a new topic it automatic make me watch the tread and get notified by e-mail, and this is starting to be annoying.
  13. Murkalael

    Bug Report 15.5.0 VU BUG report

    Yeah! Pets should be invisible and have no sound!
  14. Murkalael

    [n00b] Turrelion Maze

    Good and informative tutorial, since only prize is pets, there's nothing for me to do there.
  15. Murkalael

    Bug Report 15.5.0 VU BUG report

    Scary Hackfin still bugged
  16. Murkalael

    Found a strange thing? Post it here!

    I know that spot near rhino beetles, someone once told they're confident on their swiming capabilities :D
  17. Murkalael

    Cyrene September VU Preview

    Is awesome!!! (except the pet part o_O)
  18. Murkalael

    Found a strange thing? Post it here!

    First one of the day is to show how lag is disturbing Cyrene. Took like 2 minutes to load textures of Supply Depot And this one was nice. Went to Caly to sell some Chons and when I got back, discovered that npcs were having a rave party :D
  19. Murkalael

    A.R.C. Faction Badges

    Ty for the info, but is a pain in the rear everytime we enter the hub implant get's off, they sould only disable itens that are used with them instead of taking off.
  20. Murkalael

    A.R.C. Faction Badges

    I finally gathered 200 badges, but before I go to HUB, I think I heard or read somewhere that I need to get some shrapnell too, but the question is, how much?