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Cyrene 2020 and beyond


New Member
As i mostly mine i would love to see an area dedicated to only unverswide resources (non cyrene ore/ enmatter) cause there is limited (to no) demand of cyrene only resource which can increase mining activity on cyrene.

Second, would love to see new seriesof crafted weapon similar to armatrix series .. which uses partly cyrene only mineral + other resources


Active Member
5-10 Mazes to weave our way around in daily might be nice. Making some of them solo instances instead of like the one that exists may stop some exploiters that we've seen in the past there.

Fewer platformers like the Mario Instance... the new graphics system did away with the thing that lets you double click to aim avatar which made the platformers somewhat doable. Now it's just too annoying to even try.

More things to buy with the mazeweaver certs may be nice. Maybe even make a way to transfer them in to tokens to use in hub or something?.. or vice versa unless you really do want to just expand it in two different directions...

Arkadia Moon's Hazmat missions have created a way to daily obtain 2 peds a day with just running around clicking 10 terminals in an area that takes roughly 30 minutes a day if you have speed buff maxed (unless you cut time with a vtol). Making the mazes, etc. do something like that would be nice... or alternatively allowing the mazeweaver certificates allow you something like that with roughly equal amount of daily time spent in game for roughly same ped value type reward would be nice. Little WolperTinger is ok, but just can't justify doing the maze daily forever to get hundreds of wolperingers when Ark Moon is going to start paying 2 peds a day after I finish getting this last piece of the hazmat suit.

Wish Hub didn't remove clothing. I do understand that some clothes have buffs, etc., but it's annoying to incur a decay cost every single time you enter the hub if you regularly wear any clothes... (armor decay costs was removed a while back, so maybe you can talk Mindark in to removing clothing decay costs too? - just suggesting this since they seem to listen to you folks more than some other Planet Partners that similar suggestions have been made to in the past, etc. They cut costs by removing planet entry fee, so may be on board with removing clothing costs?)
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Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hello mastermesh!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm looking into a few of these items you commented on.

5-10 Mazes to weave our way around in daily might be nice. Making some of them solo instances instead of like the one that exists may stop some exploiters that we've seen in the past there.

More things to buy with the mazeweaver certs may be nice. Maybe even make a way to transfer them in to tokens to use in hub or something?.. or vice versa unless you really do want to just expand it in two different directions..

I put the above two questions together as they go hand in hand.

Would you like to see more mazes or a new and improved maze? Even have a instance maze? We're also looking at potential new rewards for the maze to give players something else to grind.

Fewer platformers like the Mario Instance... the new graphics system did away with the thing that lets you double click to aim avatar which made the platformers somewhat doable. Now it's just too annoying to even try.

If i'm reading this correctly your saying you complete the platform missions with a double click to move action instead of movement with a keyboard?

That's an achievement all by itself.

Arkadia Moon's Hazmat missions have created a way to daily obtain 2 peds a day with just running around clicking 10 terminals in an area that takes roughly 30 minutes a day if you have speed buff maxed (unless you cut time with a vtol). Making the mazes, etc. do something like that would be nice... or alternatively allowing the mazeweaver certificates allow you something like that with roughly equal amount of daily time spent in game for roughly same ped value type reward would be nice. Little WolperTinger is ok, but just can't justify doing the maze daily forever to get hundreds of wolperingers when Ark Moon is going to start paying 2 peds a day after I finish getting this last piece of the hazmat suit.

This is interesting to look into. I commented in the first reply about the maze rewards for the Wolpertinger pet. However, doing a daily missions for 2 peds of universal ammo is something we will need to look into.

Wish Hub didn't remove clothing. I do understand that some clothes have buffs, etc., but it's annoying to incur a decay cost every single time you enter the hub if you regularly wear any clothes... (armor decay costs was removed a while back, so maybe you can talk Mindark in to removing clothing decay costs too? - just suggesting this since they seem to listen to you folks more than some other Planet Partners that similar suggestions have been made to in the past, etc. They cut costs by removing planet entry fee, so may be on board with removing clothing costs?)

At this time any type of clothing/armor decay is a MA system and we don't have any say into it. However, we can check to see what options we might have. Is there a specific reason you go to the HUB that we may be able to fix or adjust?



Active Member
Well gone be hard fix alot of economy problem we have on cyrene ,but let start at least with first
supply of goods so number 1 ) Shops -- for smaller planet they are must have it ,like terminals ingame, amps,dmg ench, guns ,armors those stuff that miners and hunters need are most time unceasable for players on cyrene ,paying 6 ped auction fee from calypso for ithem to arrive is expensive .so we need fix that this year ,no excuse for no shops all those years

2) Crafting it been so long since we got something worth to be crafted cyrene, almost noting is crafted on planet, instead on pushing for alot of bp , focus few bp mid-high end armor ingame ,preamped mining finders,amps
better do 3-5 good bp then 20 useless let do
Quality over Quantity

3) Hunting with upcoming codex sure gone be popular hunt some mobs, but also drop rate of regular universal ithem like outp comp,esi,adptive comp,Tier comp need be looked and monitored ,esp tier comp that droped on cyrene before vu17 are nerfed big time now no drop of higher lvl , same as shopkeeper that havent droped since loot 2.0 on cyrene. Can say Cyrene done some nice work lately into esi drop rate , Rhino bettle drop esi now confirmed by several players , whoud not be bad to look into other mobs drop rate if they are all good.
Share loot mobs - new loot added on them whoud be nice. regular and unique just from cyrene mob
New island with bigger density of week panaleon must be added .
Special hunting zones something like cave for people that done certain number of mob kills

Cyrene armor weapon upgrage mission, if we cant have current one maybe future ithems in loot

Manga chang maturity fix- you hunt young mature, then guardian spawn of nowhere and start hit you 100 dmg, simple make spawn of young,mature without guardian to spawn .

Time to add restoration chips L ,shopkeeper in loot

Remove low lvl 5-10 tt limited gun from 1000 hp mobs , i mean totaly usless no buyers and same stats as trade terminal guns
LVL500 panaleon Shared loot mob , must be Lilmc know why :)

Evry 3 months events for players on Cyrene ,no need for big rewards something like (Ithem naming rights , Cyrene strongbox , shops, apartments,

give ubers big hp mob my suggestion 40k hp, since 12khp mobs too low for them, alot people requested big hp regular spawn mobs, impact cut stab dmg whoud be great

20000 empis wasp weekly mission if can be added before codex

HUB Arc rank 4-5-6 any info about that

Mining Strongbox---- does it drop on cyrene

is there any plan to add armor with buffs like Viceroy Modified that whoud be great

Lazzidol hide maybe add

Too much oil residue drop ,better if we can have shrapnel insted

All for now will update later :)
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New Member
I am lazy!

It would be great if we automatically get the next stage in a mission upon completing one.

I hate interrupting a hunt to find the mission broker on wiki, run halfway across the planet and find the correct orange dot @ the tp.


Just noticed that there aren't any shops, might be a nice addition too.


Also, I have killed quite a few jolly lurkers, and while TT returns have been great, loot is a bit boring.

I have not seen any of the rumored UL L1 Mindforce chips, and i'm starting to feel like esi are also not included in the loot table.

This is by no means a complaint, but rather an observation ^_^


What about those restoration chips L that got added on calypso, would be great if you could get those to drop on cyrene too :)
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Hi all.

I would like to give some input. I will try and be as brief as possible on each point:

Fix all bugged items/missions. For example, what good is to collect 500k lime tokens to have a coat that does not open a broken mission?! We have items/missions broken for years and no progress in fixing them.

Address the situation with L vouchers requiring Imperium Cubes. No point on getting those L weapons for the cost they have now. Maybe revert L vouchers to shrapnel or (even better imo) other Cyrene material that does not carry such high MU.

Shops and booths implemented in 2020. We have been hearing about those for years now, we even read a post in forum about it, but nothing concrete has happened. You can tell from feedback on here and ingame that Cyrene players are craving for this.

Bring back Dynamic Map. Used to be one of the coolest features of Cyrene. One where players would work together to unlock certain rewards. All of the sudden just stopped. Coming back in 2020?

Graduation Armor. After at least 6 years of hearing about this, still nothing. Even Toulan desert has beat Cyrene to a graduation armor. Cyrene having great armor sets the expectation is high on this one.

Would be great to have some progress on the whole Mech thing. Again, after years of waiting still nothing. Was it binned? Whats the status? Can you give us some feedback?

Upgradeable Refurb Fap. I was under the impression Kris mentioned in forum that MA had blocked the attempt to have an upgrade version to the Refurb Fap. But also heard rumors that it is actually going to happen. Is it happening in 2020? Can you share some knowledge with us please? ;)

Upgradeable Zorra HK. Happening in 2020?

Developments in Factions Concept. Are we going to see something new regarding the three different Factions in 2020? We are still waiting on developments about that.

Zyndos Bps. I remember an NPC (near the NPC with Zyndos Campfire and stuff) with some Bps. Are the Bps becoming a reality in 2020?

HUB. So many ideas but nothing happened. Are we going to see some improvements in 2020?

HUB Secret Island. Dont know if you can still do it but from the Proving Grounds you could get to a secret island with a massive floating statue. Word of mouth was that it was going to be the hunting grounds for the dedicated HUB mobs (mobs many time mentioned on forum). A reality in 2020?

Cyrene daily tokens. As many times addressed it is far too easy to obtain and abuse the current Cyrene daily token system. There was a thread made on here with, imo, some great ideas to revamp it. Are we getting rid of the hords of leeches (as some of you know are a personal favorite of mine :p) and see some changes made in 2020 to the Cyrene daily token system?

EVENTS IN 2020. Although the effort being put in is appreciated, the Big Bird and other summoned mobs events just are not enough. The Holiday spawns are ok but I personally feel that events like Tide Claw Mania and Mining Mania were a lot more fun. Calypso has Mayhem, Arkadia has Gold Rush, Monria has the monthly event (that is brilliant), it would be great to see some sort of big event in Cyrene too. Anything on the cards for 2020?

Regards :)
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New Member
Not so much an in-game request but still:

The main reason many of my friends don't grind hardcore on Cyrene is the fact that their globals don't get caught on the Entropia Life Tracker. These are serious players with massive turnovers every day who are in or close to the top 100 All Time Hunters. After many years in game, their Tracker status is a key metric for them.

So just get 4 simple PC's running the game with the EL tracker client, park the avatars on Cyrene 24/7 and make sure every global gets recorded. The costs of the power used will be earned back easily, I'm sure of that.


Active Member
Would you like to see more mazes or a new and improved maze? Even have a instance maze? We're also looking at potential new rewards for the maze to give players something else to grind.
A few ideas...

Create a maze with multiple colored walls. I do realize it's all the same color now so as to confuse first time maze runners, etc. but it also gets very boring staring at the same colored walls daily.

I'd like to see several mazes, but since they do take up so much room I think instances may be the way to go to conserve room server wise.... at one time I thought multiple stories added on top or below the maze that currently exists, which each floor being a progressively hard level would be interesting, but with the way Mindark keeps screwing up estates making floors invisible and stuff, I think that may be a nightmare to implement...

With instances you could do a lot of different type of stuff maybe?... different themed mazes, etc. lots of potential... suggest you look around at different ideas or continue to get ideas from community... imagining a maze that looks like a chess set, a maze that is similar to the beacons on Calypso, the sewers on Rocktropia, etc. Something like the castle with inner ring design in Lord of the Rings Trilogy... tons of ideas if you look at architecture history books... A gothic cathedral ... look around at other games... something like the crazy castle designs in Price of persia games where you have to take some action that causes other parts of the set to change, etc... a literal cornfield maze... a maze with all the lights off and weird neon tron inspired stuff here and there...

literally tons of possibilities... However, I would suggest making it all mainly one level etc. as this jump around stuff like the Mario VR are something else... maybe more instances like that stuff would impress some but that sort of stuff just makes it too difficult for me personally to do with current way system controls are...

If you do stick with minimal art decor style perhaps start looking at some Mondrian paintings or Jackson Pollock paintings for ideas on some of the types of colors to throw on the wallpaper...

Maybe even have some participants do a contest to design mazes for you on grid paper, etc.


Active Member
Developments in Factions Concept. Are we going to see something new regarding the three different Factions in 2020? We are still waiting on developments about that.

expand original idea...
The players will have 5 initial factions to start with. At first there will be missions to help any of them out but as the player progresses the choices get more defined and the player will have to choose a stricter path depending on their belief of how their character lives on Cyrene.

Planet Cyrene Factions Overview

Senator Neff
Sons of Remus



(Acacia Rebirth Corps)

Vida's Group

Green: Players can affiliate themselves with these factions