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Ecotron in the Faction 1....


At last, i take my 200 badgets and went to Hub..... i can come in at Faction 1 Teleporter and see the vendor..... Armor Inaugurates ( i like it!!!! ) and the famous Ecotron L and UL version....

But is necesary a "A.R.C. tier 1 weapon cube"...... mmmmm...... whats this?

And after an hour searching, i havent any information about it....

Someone knows about this cube? craft? loot? how can i take and Ecotron???


Well-Known Member
At last, i take my 200 badgets and went to Hub..... i can come in at Faction 1 Teleporter and see the vendor..... Armor Inaugurates ( i like it!!!! ) and the famous Ecotron L and UL version....

But is necesary a "A.R.C. tier 1 weapon cube"...... mmmmm...... whats this?

And after an hour searching, i havent any information about it....

Someone knows about this cube? craft? loot? how can i take and Ecotron???
More information can be found in June VU notes.


- A.R.C. Faction weapons now require A.R.C. Weapon Cubes, an item created by refining A.R.C. Weapon Vouchers with Imperium Key Cubes.
- A.R.C. Weapon Vouchers drop from the following creatures:
-- Skyshatter Robots
-- MangChangs
-- Lava Infused Golems

Ok, ok..... krasko, thanks for the info..... now, skyshatters and manchang are the objetive, cause golems are enormeus for me..... well....

omw :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Franki,

krasko hits the nail on the head here, as this was done in order to reduce players camping the vendors.

In the future we'll add some in-game information as to where they can be found.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I've already been going through the final reports for the upcoming Cyrene Dynamic Upgrade Map Update, along with that, I'm also checking drop rates for various items at the same time and will confirm the drop rates from the reports after which I will talk to MindArk if it is not inline with what we want.

However, as with all items, the final drop rate is not decided entirely by Cyrene, and all loot items go through MA.



Well-Known Member
It look like A.R.C. Voucher 1 and 2 drop.
You can find ARC Voucher 1 on Spider Bot. It work at 100%
You can find ARC Voucher 2 on Mang Chang (on puny too). It work at 100%
ARC Voucher 3 are still to be discovered but if nobody hunt Golem, it's normal if no drop. But the Vendor 3 is stocked !

ARC Vouchers are very rare, but it's normal, it's like you loot an UL weapon. Now i don't see alot hunters on Mang chang and Spider bot, i think it's normal if nobody find that Vouchers atm.

Note : when they drop, there is no HOF rare items. I know someone who looted a voucher and have to work on ARC Badge for claim his weapon.

Take a weapon and go grind mobs, have fun and enjoy :)
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John Galt

Hi all.
I cam here to confirm that ARC Voucher 1 drops on 5P1D3R as of 36/01/2018.
I used a weapon setup with about 30 DPS, >65% efficiency and over 2.95 dpp.
Doing a mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2 I got it when I was at 95 kill points so probably about 60 kills, and about 450 PED cycled.
Once you have the ARC Voucher 1 you need to refine it with 200 Imperium Key Cubes to make a ARC Unlimited Weapon Cube.

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
- A.R.C. Faction weapons now require A.R.C. Weapon Cubes, an item created by refining A.R.C. Weapon Vouchers with Imperium Key Cubes.
- A.R.C. Weapon Vouchers drop from the following creatures:
-- Skyshatter Robots
-- MangChangs
-- Lava Infused Golems

Ok, ok..... krasko, thanks for the info..... now, skyshatters and manchang are the objetive, cause golems are enormeus for me..... well....

omw :)
which skyshatter robots? I've cycled around 600 ped kiling thelevel 32, 36, & 42 skyshatter and nothing. I understand RNG is there, but even the loot is horrid. about a 50 - 60 % return.

I'm not b*tching, just trying to hunt the right creature for level 2 voucher.

***update 02252019*** have cycled another 400 ped on level 32 plains skyshatter & 400 ped on young/mature Mang Chang, and nothing. even the return has been less than about 60%. I'm getting pretty frustrated.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Aryana Ary Softheart,

which skyshatter robots? I've cycled around 600 ped kiling thelevel 32, 36, & 42 skyshatter and nothing. I understand RNG is there, but even the loot is horrid. about a 50 - 60 % return.

***update 02252019*** have cycled another 400 ped on level 32 plains skyshatter & 400 ped on young/mature Mang Chang, and nothing. even the return has been less than about 60%. I'm getting pretty frustrated.

I can approach MA about these items drop rates via Skyshatter robots as well as Mang Changs, however I have to check into the reports as well as the loot lists before I do so.

For now I think the best advice is to hunt mobs that have a confirmed drop already:

It look like A.R.C. Voucher 1 and 2 drop.
You can find ARC Voucher 1 on Spider Bot. It work at 100%
You can find ARC Voucher 2 on Mang Chang (on puny too). It work at 100%

I'll reply to this thread when I have more info.


Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
So, another day, another deposit.

I focused on Mang Chang all day (Weak/Puny). I'm alternating between my ecotron 26.b w/ improved a105 (efficiency is around 62, and dps is around 41), and a LR-30 with 33b amp (efficiency is around 71 with 56 dps). I cycled 800 ped on these. return was horrible again, probably around 60%-70%. Nothing to speak of (no globals/items).

Looking grim on the home front.

Looking forward to Kris' findings.


New Member
So, should I be grinding faction badges or Spider Bots then? Do I need the badges before the vouchers will drop? Can the vouchers be traded? Maybe it's just easier to buy one off somebody.

Are there even UL guns still available for the Stage 1 vendor? Any other UL stuff maybe? I'm certainly not willing to do all of this for L stuff so I really hope so since I'm already over the halfway mark on the badges.

I don't like that I have to grind one to be able to go grind more on the other. Either way you slice it that's how it plays out. There had to have been a more reasonable option for dealing with the people camping than this.

Also, if there are still UL options are they account locked or can we at least still trade them later?
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Well-Known Member
  1. Vouchers drop all time, with or without all badges on your inventory/storage.
  2. Vouchers are not tradable.
  3. UL guns on any vendors are stocked, if that fall to 0 items, don't worry, MA restock.
  4. L items need Shrapnel for armors, and Vouchers L are needed for L weapons (but nobody looted any vouchers for L weapons yet)
  5. Spider drop vouchers for vendor 1, Mang Chang drop vouchers for vendor 2 and Lava Golem are supposed to drop Vouchers for vendor 3 (no discovered yet).
  6. You can grind Spider bot or Mang Chang, they have a mission chain.
  7. Any items from all ARC Vendor are tradable.
  8. Enjoy and have fun :)


New Member
Ok, thanks for the reply. I guess I'll go grind Spider bots to try for a voucher before doing too much more for the badges then. Fingers crossed that I don't get an L voucher I guess :)