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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread


Please not soul bound, but one per ava sounds fine to me.
I think soul-bound is a rather simplistic solution to issues like this where a more creative solution set could be more effective. Someday a person may actually decide to sell out, chip out, and move on, and they recoup exactly zero for massive effort and PED expenditure for every soul bound item. Many find that unfair.

Proper management of loot drops coupled with things like arc badge requirements (including even arc badge consumption!) could lead to reasonable and effective results. There are better solution than just dropping the soul-bound hammer, it just requires some basic creative thinking. Imagine burning 5 arc badges for each piece of paneleon armor, 15 for each spec, ect... One player making dozens of sets would be impossible, in fact a single set would require a great commitment to Cyrene.


Sandal San Tolk
I think it's a good idea. Make the mission non-repeatable, but leave the sale possible.
Well, I don't know. Personally, I'd want to keep a copy of either one or both of the first two sets in the chain each for their specific properties. And take my sweet time making all of them since that's too much money all at once. But that's just own wishful thinking at this juncture. We don't know what their real problem is with it, that they needed to shut it down so quickly. Before they make an official statement, it's hard to suggest solutions. And this is what bugs me most about all of this, always big words of improving communications and hiring community managers and cute dogs and whatnot, but when there is a crisis, never anything has really improved. That they don't care to inform anybody, leave the planet partner to taking the heat and scrambling for breadcrumbs of information, all despite that whatever balancing issues with the new release might arise were totally knowable before as already explained. Something is really fucked up behind these closed doors and I can understand those who turn away altogether and want nothing but their money back. This behaviour is untenable.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

There's a lot of speculation as well as fair ideas about potential changes that may or may not be necessary.

At the time of this post, there hasn't been any new information yet for Planet Cyrene. However, I'm still remaining hopefully that we'll have some news to share sooner than later.

I just wanted to post an update so there wouldn't be any ambiguity and we're not just letting it be.



Well-Known Member
We don't need player bound and shit like that anymore.
We just need a planet partner with balls to stand their ground, and protect their playerbase.


New Member
I have been tracking it since start, was there since first day of update and this is my opinion regarding it:

Problem here occured as Zekkonian Relic is too easilly obtainable, on start was dropping like crazy, later bit less but also droppin, should be made into rare - extremley rare loot, then this wouldn't have happened and armors would hold both value and rarity, also Aquatic gland and flesh, as all 3 have no other uses then these armor, well, except cosmetics on zekko and finder on aquatic. Also now, most of "old stock" is dead and drained so people would make few armors with what they collected and wouldnt be possible to make em this easy in future.
In addition, add more quests to do to unlock each of vendors, like what is till now + some quest which requires grinding of certain mobs that drops parts for armor. so EVERYONE that wants to make it just has to do it, and cant make em.
Would even dare to say to put it for each time you want to make armor, you want it, you will grind for it....
Thats my opinion on the matter

Also definitly no Non-tradeable armor, this armor is popular just cuz its tradeable and good stats, if you remove it, you again have nothing, since people who play this as long as me look at this as investment, one day sell/cash-out has to come :D
no1 lives forever


New Member
It blows my mind (and then it also doesn't) that MA's communication towards planet owners seems to be the same as their communication to the playerbase.

I would have expected a statement from MindArk as this affects alot of people that invested peds/time in getting the materials/grinding. I have the mats ready to upgrade my aj to imp but I just missed the mission broker by a couple of hours....

I hope I am atleast given the chance to upgrade it but knowing MA this'll take months and it's likely that we won't be able to upgrade anything this year.

IMO tt on the rare mats should have been increased to reduce the current stacks, changing that now is a stupid idea as I paid enough lol


New Member
Nobody knows exactly why MA disabled the NPC's and the lootdrops.
I hope it was only cause the server stability and they solve the problem.

I dont see any need to change the mission chain to soul bound or rarer drops etc.
It was a very good mission chain and I got excited and had much fun to hunt for it.
In my eyes it would be a slap in the face if they change it now.
This mission chain was very good for players which dont have 10k PED in wallet to cycle and we saw that Cyrene was invaded by many players cause of this. In my eyes it was very good for all. Just lets hope it really only cause of server stability and they just enable the loot and NPC's that we can progress and everything is fine.


Active Member
So are the parts that are not dropping compensated with shrapnel, or is the total loot down?
Also is there a list of all the items that no longer drop?


New Member
Mindark is most likley looking over the droprate from said items... mission will 100% remain the same, same with it being tradeble.

About making it only once suggestion wont be implemented, MA dont care if you own 1 set or 10sets.

The mats where dropping waaaaay to easy and had to be stopped and reworked.
Give it atleast a month and you can do your mission again.

Changing the mats and the tradeable part would be concidered a unlawful action, sence they already released it, all they can do is change the droprate.
If they touch anything else they will get their ass dragged to court and lose so hard they wish they didnt ;)
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Active Member
Entropia 2020-12-11 00.27.46.png

It's getting cold in my underwear..


New Member
what is that picture?

If mindark does any change now that ppl have turned in and got the armour and even more ppl bought alot of materials for high markup, is a crime.. and will never fly if all those ppl who have mats in their inventory are compensated.

If you did this with an irl company you would be sued and lost to the void.

If mindark tries anything with this, it will be slammed down hard, i have several ppl watching the outcome from this and is prepared to rain down hell on Mindark if they even try to change it.


Fate Thanatos Themis
that picture shows an npc located in hub, vendor room rank1 arc faction; it allows to upgrade Imperium Stolen Armor set to Improved Imperium set, what was told in VU patch notes, and also i put that info on my www with all other things.


The vu notes said that the weak paneleon spawn in the cavern had been doubled. Is this now the doubled spawn or was it rolled back? The spawn is inadequate.