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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread


I don't think the Cyrene team could realistically have any other reaction unfortunately.

When the PP system was designed, the idea was that Mindark would sell off Calypso, and only work as a platform provider, having no reason to favor one planet over another.

With the fall of that model and Calypso being once again under the control of MA, PP's simply got thrown under the buss. MA controls the loot drops, MA has the final say on what they can implement, and can unilaterally affect anything that takes players away from Caly(and its bigger share of revenue for them), either by closing the tap on the loot drops, not restocking PP's ventors, or even disabling the NPC's and missions.

All the above has been done over and over, with the PP's doing their best to play nice with MA. Even putting aside the fact that they are most likely constrained by NDA's, what would they win by openly attacking Mindark? That would erode even more the player's trust in the platform, and chances are their issues would simply never be resolved.

Can't get more between a rock and a hard place than this...


Sandal San Tolk
That said, the stolen imperium was available from vendor 1 same stats as adjusted imperium.
It would seem fair to let adjusted imperium available from vendor 1, improved from vendor 2 and mod from vendor 3
If I remember correctly, Stolen Imperium was originally meant only for those who had reached 1200 badges and was released without this condition by mistake. I don't know if the plan was originally to make it avatar-bound or if that was a condition for the solution found. But you had to work for the badges yourself since they are not tradable, and then only compensate for the tt value in shrapnel. You couldn't just buy everything and bypass the eligibility requirement.

People are mad, feckless and inconsequential. They get in a frenzy like sharks smelling blood, have the insolence to call that behaviour "investment" and then cry for the rules be bent to their expectations. I'm getting much amusement out of seeing them crash and burn. Works. Every. Single. Time.


Active Member
If I remember correctly, Stolen Imperium was originally meant only for those who had reached 1200 badges and was released without this condition by mistake. I don't know if the plan was originally to make it avatar-bound or if that was a condition for the solution found. But you had to work for the badges yourself since they are not tradable, and then only compensate for the tt value in shrapnel. You couldn't just buy everything and bypass the eligibility requirement.

People are mad, feckless and inconsequential. They get in a frenzy like sharks smelling blood, have the insolence to call that behaviour "investment" and then cry for the rules be bent to their expectations. I'm getting much amusement out of seeing them crash and burn. Works. Every. Single. Time.

It was 200 badges. There was no mistake. Only when Mindark found out months later that the stats were quite good, they removed the armor from the trader and called it "stolen imperium". It was replaced with the lesser arc Inaugurates and in trader 2 the arc patrol.

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Sandal San Tolk
It was 200 badges. There was no mistake. Only when Mindark found out months later that the stats were quite good, they removed the armor from the trader and called it "stolen imperium". It was replaced with the lesser arc Inaugurates and in trader 2 the arc patrol.

It was my understanding that this was the outcome after the controversy broke out, but ofc I could be wrong. Well, it's all water under the bridge now.

The part I am really angry about is that Gothenburg shuts off things without a word instead of saying on the spot there is a problem, leaving folks to find out for themselves that they are spending money in vain. The irrationality of some players is one thing, but leaving them dangling like that while the business profits from it, that's outright evil. I'm still struggling for words and don't know if I find something proper to say before facts on the ground change again, but eventually someone's head is going to explode. This was one bridge too far.


Wow, they turned off the strongbox drops from paneleon. How was this not a problem in previous years? Say goodbye to most of your income. What a FU from MA.


New Member
It should have arc badge requirements not to get it, but to wear it, mb 50/100/200, 500 for imp, 1200 for mod one. Really visible restriction notice in the stats tab. Plus some badge missions with better rewards, grinding ones, not like kill 8 paneleons.


Active Member
but still,.... to get inside the hub just to get near the NPC/Terminal should be ONLY by the badge requirement, and only by that,

and further more if u want the armor u should spend the badges u collected so far, so if u want to get inside for extra armor parts u should get your arse up for work and grind more badges, not cry for stuffs in loot at the speed of FFA Stars.

the armor should bring more income for PP/Cyrene team, is a business not a charity, and they should expect to get something in return for further development.

so, using A.R.C. Badges to make the set should have been by default, and for a new set ppl should grind more badges for those who want a new set to sell it, or make a business out of it.

the balance here must be well calculated cause the buffs for armor are set by number of parts a player is wearing, 3-5-7, and allowing to get inside for an armor part has to be different by cost/number of badges:

Paneleon Imperium Armor
- access 200 badges
- cost 100 badges

- PI Harness - 20 badges
- PI Arms - 20 badges
- PI Thigh - 15 badges
- PI Shins - 15 bages
- PI Helmet - 10 badges
- PI Gloves - 10 badges
- PI Feet - 10 badges

! this order from top to bottom give the ability to have all 3 stages of the buff based on the min and max number of badges
! spending 100 badges out of 200 is giving the chance to make 2 sets if any1 want, but spending them all 200 for 2 sets rests the players wallet to 0 and for the next stage will be a bit harder to be achieved

Paneleon Spec Armor
- access 400 badges
- cost 200 badges

PS Harness - 40 badges
PS Arms - 40 badges
PS Thigh - 30 badges
PS Shins - 30 badges
PS Helmet - 20 badges
PS Gloves - 20 badges
PS Feet - 20 badges

! by spending 200 the requested amount to get further need to be refiled
! by getting inside allows u to buy 2 sets, but if the player leaves the HUB, he cant get in unless he has again 400 badges, the number of badges needed for the second access.

Adjusted Imperium Armor
- access 800 badges
- cost 400 badges ( 80-80-60-60-40-40-40 )

Improved Imperium Armor
- acces 1200 badges
- cost 600 badges

Modified Imperium Armor
- acces 2000 badges
- cost 1000 badges

! for 2300 badges someone can have Modified version
! and some extra 1000 badges to get first 2 sets
! and some extra to sell some parts ( 700 badges left )

for 2300 badges someone has to do @ 210 days of daily missions, if they want the mod version ofc
but can sit on an adj version for less effort @ 72 days

and the loot can be released

note: btw some ppl have no fking clue where the HUB is and they already have improved imperium armor, so much for fairness .

my 2 pecs
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but still,.... to get inside the hub just to get near the NPC/Terminal should be ONLY by the badge requirement, and only by that,

and further more if u want the armor u should spend the badges u collected so far, so if u want to get inside for extra armor parts u should get your arse up for work and grind more badges, not cry for stuffs in loot at the speed of FFA Stars.

This is the perfect solution. Literally, perfect. Burn badges that you can only earn yourself over time for the armor. It solves all issues in the best possible way.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
I totally agree that the badge requirement should be raised for the adj/imp/mod, badges should never be consumed, though.
And didn't mention it anywhere.

I don't know how PPs are expected to thrive, when MA will shut them down the second they show a little initiative to bring players to them.

And now, again with no notice or communication, MA cuts the xmas boxes drop from paneleon almost completely. Caly gets everything... it's all so unfair.

@Kris | Cyrene What the hell is going on?
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Right now I know that the silence is a bit more than uncomfortable but we're still in the discussion process of what's next with MindArk. Once there's any sort of Official statement I'll make sure that it's in every location (Forums / Discord / Client Loader).

There are some other things that we can keep moving on in the mean time; answering posts about issues & coordinating the holiday spawns.


P.S. @RedBlack MindArk assigns the Strongboxes to the creatures


Sandal San Tolk
Then what is their rationale for taking them away in this particular context? From this side it looks like they're punishing you, the planet partner, for whatever. Also all the while not telling the public, so people keep spending until they learn from frustration that something is amiss. And have their sweet community manager do her best to keep the lid on.

How are we supposed to interpret all this?


Well-Known Member


Active Member
neah, is fake Krasko that cant be true....

... is too good to be true, that's like the boa eating an elephant graph from Le Petit Prince,

Entropia version....MA eating Cyrene, u dont see it?


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
It is not fake, but a lot of my globals on Cyrene weren't tracked in the past, due to not enough people on the planet using EL. With the influx of tourists, there may have been an increased number of active trackers, hence the high numbers above.