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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread


I don't think anything needs to be changed with the armor except adjusting some drop rates. If people want to grind a lot and sell armor sets then they should be able to. I don't know why some people are so anti-RCE in an RCE.


Sandal San Tolk
^^ What O2 said. It is not made for one-shot-kill-style highspeed grinding, and there is no intention of catering to those. With reasonable equipment adapted to this level (= TT or starter pack gear) you won't run out of mobs before they respawn.

Some people have some very wrong expectations and I'm beginning to wonder if that's what caused the shutdown. Will think about it and try to specify, later.


Active Member
Entropia 2020-12-12 23.55.46.png

Still really cold in my underwear.
We badly need some more information.
Playing Entropia on Cyrene now is stupidity: We are playing a game involving real money where the rules have changed to our disadvantage, but we are not told by how much. (!!!)
We need to know ALL items that has been removed, and HOW they have been removed.
Are items just removed from lootpool or are they removed from loot?
(My recent hunts suggest the latter as returns have been HORRIBLE)

Dont get me wrong. I think Cyrene is the best of all the planets in the Entropia Universe.
You have awesome Missions and cool storyline.
The problem as I see it is that MA are constantly working against you to move playerbase to Calypso.


it makes sense to have multiple sets. Each set has different protections and weaknesses. If you are willing to work for them, that is.


Sandal San Tolk
Agree to nothing. They knew everything when they approved it, including that some irrational behaviour would ensue. Shutting it down without so much as a single word about what their problem is all of a sudden is just not something you can do in an RCE without repercussions.


Active Member
Agree to nothing. They knew everything when they approved it, including that some irrational behaviour would ensue. Shutting it down without so much as a single word about what their problem is all of a sudden is just not something you can do in an RCE without repercussions.

That said, the stolen imperium was available from vendor 1 same stats as adjusted imperium.
It would seem fair to let adjusted imperium available from vendor 1, improved from vendor 2 and mod from vendor 3


New Member
Hey guys,

There's a lot stuff happening here on Cyrene with the instances, new armor vendors and loot drops and spread to both the forum in different posts and Discord, so I'll make a short statement here, and then link all the other threads back to this post to try and consolidate it.

The short version is that after the latest report that came, MindArk needed to check out the armor NPCs and loot drops and instances (along with server stability) to make sure everything is at the level that it needs to be for everyone involved. So I believe that while they are doing this check for us, the missions for these NPCs has been switched off until they are finished.

I hope to have more answers soon about the status and we can get back on track.

As soon as I have anymore information I'll make sure to share it here, and try to make sure that there's no misinformation.


Any news?


Active Member
well...i cant begin to fathom how frustrated and disappointed i m about this $itt, been thinking and thinking and i waited for the dust to settle, cause i almost started to get full mental on this issue....


first of all, this lack of respect from MA to PP, is .....unique ......and if the first removal of the Imperium armor npc and loot components was a bold move, the second one by removing the strongboxes from cyrene loot is the confirmation of what i had suspected from the start.

second to above is the reaction of the PP/Cyrene team, docile , chill and like always tail up a$$ ready, or tail down between the legs and muzzle down, sorry guys, after 5 years....the fuk ...in 5 full years all i could see is map modification her and there and nothing concrete...

just look at this : i told this many times before... while PP/Cyrene is concerned to be docile, the items u guys have ready to be implemented are decaying in value and interest....by MILES, untill u guys get your head out of your arses those items dont worth a $hit...and this is economy ...like the fk....RCE!?!......while the whole world uses a smartphone...what we have here.... cyrene releasing a brand new flap phone.....dooh

1-refurbished....lost in the patch somewhere.. stuck at stage 6 while caly had the mod working the wallets over and over the time, from 40k ped down to 7-8k now, still a good item till today and many more time ahead , and i m sure aug/perf will be close to be released and Cyrene will not be able to fking fix the damn bug on that puny fap for ppl to use it.

2- Nelfs stim pack....u cant do that even if u r Moses, i have been hunting the Queen for idk hours, and the drop rate is insane, i have not seen such lack of interest from anyone IRL as a business owner or customer whatever u like to call it. The cost and eco for a stupid item like that compared to mod2600 ...costs to find the damn components is beyond insane, and that is not all, the eff/eco of that item after u let say finally finish it, is lame. just lame. For a such rare item should be worth the trouble, but ...neah..
If i remember right what u Kris said about this fap when i was the first to discover the Queen's Eggs, is for a really good item a nice surprise ( u forgot to mention which ERA ..that was in 02 apr 2016) <- u have time to beat 5 years here too, april is around the corner

3-Zorra's HK ....well the date when first discovery is mentioned in the game is 12 Dec 2017 15:13:13...there u go and the loot 2.0 when was released?.. YAASS exactly, beefore this Entropia Universe 15.15.0 Release Notes:20 June 2017......so u just got the item nerfed since the new system is based on EFF/DPS/DPP in this order...always 2-3 steps behind and not near the mom when money are made...always picking scraps after the party is over.

4- A.R.C. Faction weapons Ecotron v.15, v.26,....what a mess to sit there in front of that terminal for hours...and v.42 released way way to late 15 Jun 2019 aftr the loot 2.0, when the value of the gun went to trash

5-Stolen armor aka A.R.C. Initiate's first discovered in 16 Jan 2015 and since then lots of upgrades were made here and there from Caly (adj nemesis, angel, jaguar....) to (mod viceroy) Arkadia both versions loaded with buffs and while Cyrene got the armor nerfed for 5 years they rised middle finger and a tap on shoulder for consolation.

beside promises & promises, and way way outdated items, relics if i may

tell me i m blind or i'm some kind of dumb dummy who dont see the facts as i'v see them above, nor to mention the lack of respect for those who stud here on this dry planet for years, me included, thanatos, justine, bella, krasko and many more. Why? well because i have 2000+ A.R.C. Faction Badges , and i have them for the purpose to get the new release of the items prior to many.. and now what happen? well we were fked up by everyone, those efforts were for nothing everyone could do their adj-imp-mod just like that.. and we were the fouls to grind and make it worth.. big thanks Kris, really nice...
...u lost the focus and purpose of the HUB...instead to make them even harder to rise the need for A.R.C. Badges up to 500 for first stage and 1500 for mod and support the ppl who stud side by side to your poor updated planet u just gave them all for a warp cost.

adj, imp, mod supposed to be an ARC Faction Badge effort, to get the Aquatic Gland, Flesh, Pure Body Oil out of an instance or idk, something to make u chase the badges to be able to access the instances or who knows what else.

I finished all...ALL mission on Cyrene ( hunting ones not the ones to find relics..)

yes...this is me, really sad, and disappointed to the bone...
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"...u lost the focus and purpose of the HUB...instead to make them even harder to rise the need for A.R.C. Badges to the 500 for first stage and 1500 for mod and support the ppl who stud side by side to your poor updated planet u just gave them all for a warp cost."
