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So, what are your thoughts of Cyrene?

We always knew it would be a "soft launch", nevertheless, we did have relatively high expectations.

I personally can't remember ever being this disappointed, but I don't blame that even on the obviously fucked mining-loot, as much as a blame it on the visual experience, of which there is none. It's too dark and Janus, well ... it looks like a color-less prototype of a city and it completely lacks any kind of emotion.

What are your thoughts on Cyrene so far?

EDIT: May 5th, 2012: My initial emotional response has somewhat lessened over the last few days, and albeit I do not consider Planet Cyrene in her current state to be perfect, I have full confidence that she will be in due time. The innovative mob- and weapon-effects are just two small new things we get to enjoy here, and the mission chains does seem interesting. The biggest fallacies of Planet Cyrene at the moment are the crafting-problems with the bps and the lyst/oil while mining. The problem with the last part is that I am forced to look elsewhere for mining.

I look forward to the full launch.


New Member
About the same as you wrote, the place is so dark so cant even tell how it looks like, back on caly again, home sweet home.


New Member
Can´t really say something cause I´m getting ~1 disconnect every 2 minutes, but that also says a lot if u were excited to explore a new world...

But what´ve seen so far and the opinions of my friend-list:

The hype was too hyped, as usual, Arkadia couldn´t deliver proper, needed time, still needs a lot and Cyrene may do the same, the true, hard fact is that no one cares about the world or story if decent/ok loot just isnt existing, right now almost only oils etc....

I know, I know that´s just soft-start, but man, can´t hide my letdown atm, wasted my free day and PED for a taxi-flight, human like everyone, guess have to leave and mine Calypso some more maybe?

Delivering a product with lot´s of features and lots missing is a soft-start, I would call Cyrene a alpha-alpha-start, just look, don´t touch.

Also some places are way too dark for my taste.

Anyway I believe in Cyrene-Team and the full-update gonna be cool for sure, let´s hope they hurry.
I actually disagree; the loot should be the same on each planet (except for different themed items), while the planets compete in social and eventful aspects. Cyrene really fails to deliver the great emotion that Janus should have and ends up not delivering any emotion at all.

They won't lose on this, though, and they know it; this is just a way to earn PED. In a full launch we will check it out again, and new players may come after their marketing.
It should be duly noted that I try not to feel anything like this. I thought Cyrene would change the concept of Entropia Universe and its future, but for all I know it can take a fucking year, just like it did with Arkadia who launches hard-core later this month.


New Member
From my personal point of view Rocktropia was a complete failure when it launched as the first planet.
I didn't expect a planet to fail that hard at fullfilling the expectations I had for the Planet Partner system.
From the time I have spent on Cyrene so far it seems to me like it is Rocktropia in a setting that I enjoy more.

Judging by the things I have seen so far it seems like they tried to focus on paid FPS combat in the Hub.
I really wonder what sort of target audience they are going to reach for with that. I think an extremely tiny percentage of gamers is willing to pay a fee every time they join an FPS match. This is why I think that the unique selling point of Cyrene is going to fail.
Obviously they have another one with the Epic Story missions. I am curious how those will be implemented.
Apart from that my opinion of Cyrene is: Nothing to see here, move along.
Well see how much that changes during the hard launch I guess.


New Member
I actually disagree; the loot should be the same on each planet (except for different themed items), while the planets compete in social and eventful aspects. Cyrene really fails to deliver the great emotion that Janus should have and ends up not delivering any emotion at all.

They won't lose on this, though, and they know it; this is just a way to earn PED. In a full launch we will check it out again, and new players may come after their marketing.

Just need to vent, was excited like everyone but when I spend my hard earned money, aka PED I wanna have some quality for it, true I enjoy the environment but I also like to play longer and that´s just possible with markup-loot.
Just need to vent, was excited like everyone but when I spend my hard earned money, aka PED I wanna have some quality for it, true I enjoy the environment but I also like to play longer and that´s just possible with markup-loot.
Oh, I can understand that, of course. I just stopped dropping bombs after 23 amped NRF's, but what I mean is, a hunt/mining can go bad on every planet there is, however, if the planet doesn't offer anything else (good visuals, emotion, etc) then it's not even fun to go spend 300- 500 PED.


New Member
Oh, I can understand that, of course. I just stopped dropping bombs after 23 amped NRF's, but what I mean is, a hunt/mining can go bad on every planet there is, however, if the planet doesn't offer anything else (good visuals, emotion, etc) then it's not even fun to go spend 300- 500 PED.

Gotta agree 100% there, but I rly like the TT-armour, love the design.



New Member
I'd say my first impression is poor at best. The duster issue aside, the constant crashes just are not making me want to be here. Even in safe mode it is a crash festival. Actually heading back to Calypso now, I'll let other people enjoy Cyrene because I am not. See ya when the system is stable.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Hello Divide,
You are correct that we still need to add content, but it's also something that will change with time. Janus is still not going to be revealed fully until the Hard Launch, as are most of the other areas and servers.
The Story of Cyrene is that it's a little known backwater Planet. All of the Missions on the planet are meant to produce effects. If the players concentrate in one area, that area will be quickly changed and improved depending on what is done, or if some other areas are not taken care of, they will change for the worse.
For instance, the Duster area is a high level zone that requires a lot of fire power, but if enough people work at it, it will eventually become a new city, with shops apartments etc. This is already set up and ready to go but will need the players to change and do the daily missions.
We know it's not everyone's cup of tea and we appreciate the feedback. It's not done to upset, but rather to feel like the pioneers have truly accomplished something worthwhile that serves the community.
There are many building effects, etc. that need to be added, but will not be seen until the Hard Launch, or the players unlock them. We have stats for all missions done, and until they are unlocked, some areas will not change. If this is a good, or bad thing, we will wait and see, but for now, it's the decision made.
Ed Robles 3


Well-Known Member
I thought i'd share my first experience on cyrene.

Before i went over i already heard of two soc mates that it sucked and that they were on their way back to their planet of origin, and i saw some complaining here on the forum, so i wasn't going over with high hopes.

Some bad things i noticed:

-the map is really ugly (especially if you zoom)
-personally i don't like that i got so many teleporters at start (less exploration)
-the blueprint book is under a collection named attachment blueprints
-the clientloader is a bit empty
-a lot of lyst/oil around, would have thought MA learned something from arkadia.
-blueprint i wanted to craft is bugged (o% Cos) (yes was somewhere on this forum, can't find it now)
-it's very dark on cyrene (during the night)
-as a female avatar i dislike to be called son in a conversation
-the crafting mission stops (for the ammo) if you can't hand over the ammo part
-after finishing the 'an introduction' mission i can't talk to the ambassador again but he/she/it still has an exclamation mark above the head
-the starter mission wants me to buy a SI scorpion but there is none in the trade termnial
-mobs drop a lot of animal oil residue
-psy blade and psy sword look the same in inventory
-the spawn rate of the hackfin is a bit fishy (fun intended). right after you kill one a new one spawns in the same location after about 1 second)
-the hackfin does a lot of damage for a real newcomer

Some good things too:
-nice music on mindstarradio, and some occasional nice information in the beginning (you sound as if it's way past your bedtime though mindstar :))
-story of the starter mission is very interesting so far
-i liked the cave to explore in the beginning (small, but nice to encounter)
-the armor platings look nice
-I really like that there are mining missions in different locations

Overal not super enthousiastic, but enough to keep me going for a few days. From what i hear from soc mates the main problem for them is not enough mobs to hunt.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
As for the mission that asks for the S.I. Scorpion, the weapon it is asking for is the S.I. Assault Pistol, I'm not sure how didn't get updated, but we will try and fix that right away, and everything else.


New Member
Good looking mobs and nature.
But, a bit too many hills, i like some big plains here and there.


New Member
Yes a huge problem for me as miner are the hills everywhere, blocks access to a lot areas, always have to turn around.


New Member
Hello fellow A.R.Cians?

Some thoughts:

- As mentioned above landscape is very gloomy
- Noticed that most of the teleports does not have ready terminals
- Awesome armor! Plus the flamethrower rawks!
- Bumped into some Zil'Zik (lvl 14) and they are bugged. Goes invisible and flies non stop around u