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The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted


New Member
Was token spawns removed whit latest VU or do we now need to have more than one people there for tokens to spawn? :confused:

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Was token spawns removed whit latest VU or do we now need to have more than one people there for tokens to spawn? :confused:

It looks like it wasnt removed, the tokens were bugged they don't have an graphical image they show up as an 'red X' on them so im sure the token spawns r just bugged not removed


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Since Kris hasn't acknowledged my pm to him few days back, i will post here what i suggested to him.

Add value to the spawning pvp tokens by ALSO making them a component in some not so common BP's. So in addition to purchase power int he HUB itself,t he tokens have multiple uses and no extra cost to PP (tt value remains the same)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey DCF,

Since Kris hasn't acknowledged my pm to him few days back, i will post here what i suggested to him.

Add value to the spawning pvp tokens by ALSO making them a component in some not so common BP's. So in addition to purchase power int he HUB itself,t he tokens have multiple uses and no extra cost to PP (tt value remains the same)

Sorry about that when the VU rolls out and the time between VU and mini patch is sort of hectic! Anyhow, This is something we have already been considering. Great minds think alike!



New Member
Could it be possible that mindforce implants werent removed when you enter hub area? It wont affect anything if chips are still unusable.


New Member
I want to let every one know... it still is buggy, I went on and today this is how it seems to work.

Room 1: 1-30 mins spawns 1 token, if lucky...

Room 2: 1-30 mins spawns 1 token, if lucky...

Room 3: This room is broken 0 coins spawn.

I hope it will get fixed soon, I don't have any real idea on what I could say to add into the hub, tho if it is supposed to be a balanced pvp arena, you should make everyone maxed out on everything, because some guns I can't use tho others can crit so much it is crazy, also seems the speed boosts make others lag so we can't shoot them.

My self, if it is about skill and not the equips and etc you have, then make it so, giving two speed boosts is crazy, take one away atleast, also enhancers... not a fan of the idea since people will just 1shot kill on crits, only enhancers I can see being ok is making your guns last longer and use less ammo, tho make them TT enhancers only!

I also... hate the campers, it seems Socs come and take over the hub, I seen 2-3 Socs, I would post names but... I wouldn't want to be yelled at by the devs.


Travelling through time...
I also... hate the campers, it seems Socs come and take over the hub, I seen 2-3 Socs, I would post names but... I wouldn't want to be yelled at by the devs.
Why wouldn't they? It's PVP. If they have the power to do so then they can use it there. Only problem is that whenever i go in there, everyone starts to run around with faps only. Didn't get any real fight since they postponed the TEN event.


New Member
Why wouldn't they? It's PVP. If they have the power to do so then they can use it there. Only problem is that whenever i go in there, everyone starts to run around with faps only. Didn't get any real fight since they postponed the TEN event.

I just don't like the idea of it being the new Oil Rig, seems every time a place like this appears that is what happens, soc moves in, claims it, kills anyone who enters.


Well-Known Member
I just don't like the idea of it being the new Oil Rig, seems every time a place like this appears that is what happens, soc moves in, claims it, kills anyone who enters.

its so cheap to fight for it though. make some new friends and shoot at them? at most your out a few pec and some sweat.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Versidiuim,

I will check with MindArk today and see what's going on with the spawners. If they aren't working we'll try and get them fixed. They do always seem to be camped though.



New Member
Hello Versidiuim,

I will check with MindArk today and see what's going on with the spawners. If they aren't working we'll try and get them fixed. They do always seem to be camped though.


Ty Kris, yeah it has been dry in the 3rd room for over 24 hours I would guess and the other room spawns are 1-30 mins for one token to even pop up, 1-4 mins is fine to me, the lower the better xD


New Member
well I have yet to try out the Hub I still think my skills are to low for PVP but ill try and check it out next time im on Cyrene
I kinda agree with DCF... and think that dedication should be rewarded. It is not true fairness that allows a new player to come in and be as skilled as a dedicated player. In game skills such as rifle, evade, dodge ect. should not be nullified at all.. grinders put in alot of hours skilling and that should be rewarded also.. I do not go to the hub simply because the weapons are not usable out of hub therefore not worth buying; same with the armor. Why would I want to go to a place that does not allow my skills to be used or my accumulated gear to be use either? At hub I have to start all over and acquire new items .. Plus my hard earned skills are useless.. I am all for fairness but something about that concept does not seem fair.. So whats next? Make skills useless in more areas of game? Eventually we will have it so that new players can come into game and be just as effective in pvp as veteran players.. I see the hub step towards losing skill importance and therefore eventually killing out MU on all skills.. Just my prediction and for now I stay away from the hub and try to enjoy cyrene's other areas


Travelling through time...
I think that HUB was made for those that like active shooting where only real life skills are involved therefore to get a break from usual game where skills are limiting your possibilities. It's not like players are getting rich in the HUB anyway so why would you worry that much about it. It's a nice addition to the game where you don't have to just click and wait for the mob to die after a while.


New Member
I am going to guess the reason the hub might slow and etc for spawn and rooms down could be due to that egg event, I forgot that was going on, so everyone isn't on Cyrene and mostly went to Caly, tho probably after the event is done, then the spawns will pick up due to pvp.

Tho if wrong, I hope something can fix it, I don't mind chatting and getting them once in a while, tho kinda sucks the rooms got bugged or something changed.


I hope it will get fixed soon, I don't have any real idea on what I could say to add into the hub, tho if it is supposed to be a balanced pvp arena, you should make everyone maxed out on everything, because some guns I can't use tho others can crit so much it is crazy, also seems the speed boosts make others lag so we can't shoot them.

My self, if it is about skill and not the equips and etc you have, then make it so, giving two speed boosts is crazy, take one away atleast, also enhancers... not a fan of the idea since people will just 1shot kill on crits, only enhancers I can see being ok is making your guns last longer and use less ammo, tho make them TT enhancers only!

I also... hate the campers, it seems Socs come and take over the hub, I seen 2-3 Socs, I would post names but... I wouldn't want to be yelled at by the devs.

Spot on Versidiuim. Could not agree with you more. :) I kind of agree with the notion that who has been around for longer should have an edge, at the same time I think people are so keen on this notion because they have played for time and have got that edge that they do not enjoy loosing. But if they are really into their PvP with an edge then go PvP4, there are plenty of areas where you can go PVP with an edge outside of the HUB. Why turn the HUB into something that already exists in the game? I (and probably others) was under the impression the HUB was all about equality, your skill at PvP at least that's its main "selling point", not how much enhancers you have on your gun. Saying it is a fair and equal PvP zone, unique in EU because everyone has the same skill, bla bla bla and then having enhancers, speed boosts and other stuff available only to some that are more skilled, at lets say crafting, or have more PED to buy stuff, is nothing less then hypocritical. Make it even more unfair and unbalanced and even fewer people will go to the HUB (apart from the usual campers farming tokens).
Or is EU only meant for players who have been about for time? Or have loads of money to deposit?:HellNo:

My suggestion is: stop the camping at the proving grounds. Try limit/reduce the amount of daily tokens a player can get at the proving grounds, or the individual time you are allowed to spend in there or something. (I can sense rage on the campers already :shoot:). If players feel they are entitled an edge because they are more skilled, have been playing for longer, etc, then they should feel entitled to spend PED in the Hub, as it seems they also have more PED then most players as well. If they are really in to the HUB for the PvP then spend PED on it. As someone said earlier in the thread "it is so cheap". It is unfair on everyone else that some just "hog" all the tokens to themselves. One of the cool things about the game is the fact that is has a real money factor, makes the game more interesting, but at the same time with that comes the greed of some.

Earlier I went to the Proving Grounds, there was another player there that killed me instantly, and kept killing me despite of my attempts to convince him to work as a team, save some PED, make a new friend, etc. It's PvP, true, but why so greedy? There were two of us for 3 rooms. Why not share? Apparently some people have forgotten how hard it is to be a noob at this game, or are just not very nice.

Im a noob, and I was born at Cyrene, I did not start playing the game under the illusion of trying to make money, or makee this my part time job. I play because I enjoy the game, and have already met both great and bad people on Cyrene. Now I can't complete some of the missions at Cyrene because I need tokens, and because of the greed of others I cannot get such tokens. I really enjoy exploring Cyrene, haven't been anywhere else, I try to do as many missions as I possibly can to get to know the game and everything and everyone in it. A bit sad that I cannot get an armor from my native planet only because of the greed of people who have been playing the game for longer.

Another suggestion is: what about the players that are native to Cyrene? Natives could be given the chance to collect extra daily tokens, extra noob/medium/adv missions for natives only and for example if you limit/reduce the amount of time/tokens players can collect at the proving grounds, I suggest natives to Cyrene could have unlimited/bigger amounts of time/daily tokens to collect at the HUB. The HUB is a Cyrene facility hence Cyrene natives should have some sort of extra at the HUB (as long as it does not give them an unfair advantage in PvP). If not what is the point of being a Cyrene native? What exactly sets us apart from others except the name of the planet you were born in?

Regards to everyone. :)


Travelling through time...
Or is EU only meant for players who have been about for time? Or have loads of money to deposit?:HellNo:
Of course it is :D

Im a noob, and I was born at Cyrene, I did not start playing the game under the illusion of trying to make money, or makee this my part time job. I play because I enjoy the game, and have already met both great and bad people on Cyrene. Now I can't complete some of the missions at Cyrene because I need tokens, and because of the greed of others I cannot get such tokens. I really enjoy exploring Cyrene, haven't been anywhere else, I try to do as many missions as I possibly can to get to know the game and everything and everyone in it. A bit sad that I cannot get an armor from my native planet only because of the greed of people who have been playing the game for longer.
So you are saying that new players should get more than players that have spend their time and money playing for several years? Doesn't really make any sense as then why would any veteran player even bother to play.


Of course it is :D.

Brilliant awnser. By your logic then no new players are needed for the game to grow. Good thing you werent the first person ever to have played the game. :D

So you are saying that new players should get more than players that have spend their time and money playing for several years? Doesn't really make any sense as then why would any veteran player even bother to play
No that´s not what I´m saying. Read again. o_O


New Member
I would like to ask if there is a way to remove the speed boost from the medical kit, there is no skill in *clicks heal, runs around 500 miles a second* since there is a boost as you enter the hub.

If the hub is really all about skills of the pvp players, this defeats it by making sure the losing party can run, not only that but if boosted right you can lag or warp around the room, this shouldn't give someone the advantage over someone else, since it seems everyone is doing that and not shooting any more it seems.

*Added* Also the hub still seems broken on spawns, 3rd room only works for 1-2 hours and then stops all day, also the other rooms seem to slow down as well, once the back room breaks.
I have pked in the HUB for months upon months and have even held the top kill title at times. I think there are a few changes that need to be made to the HUB in order for it to not only run smoothly but for it to stop being a farm for non pkers. 99% of the time you can go into the Proving grounds to find a player standing at each one of the spawns collecting the tokens and while its great that its free ped and all for players it isn't good for the pvp system. I would assume that the idea of the proving grounds spawning tokens is so that new players and old alike can battle and practice cheaply while collecting tokens to enter higher level arenas. Well that isn't whats happening, instead the people are farming and tting the tokens and never pvping. at a cost of only 10 sweat to continue to re-enter after death and snatch a couple tokens before u die to tt they are profiting but 99% wont fight. This in turn pisses the PKers off because we blowing threw ped in ammo and decay killing people for 8 sweat at a time while they run around re-spawning grabbing tokens to tt. My solution would be to either make the basic tokens that spawn in the proving grounds non ttable while still allowing higher level tokens to be tted that are earned in paid arenas. Or and even better option would be to make the proving grounds lootable so that after u chase them around for 10 minutes while they fap and run u can atleast loot them of what they've snagged, this will make people want to fight. The HUB is for pvp however currently its full of players finding token farming to be more profitable then sweating and if cyrene just wants to feed these farmers free ped then maybe the planet partners should just have ped spawn at the new supply depot all day for them.