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What should Cyrene focus on next?


New Member
For myself there's a big problem when I want to use/buy Cyrene stuff. Sometime I really don't like the naming in Cyrene equipments. There are too much . within names like:A.R.C stuff, vehicle like A.R.C P.I.G.V and worst one O.S.F.A.P. I know some of it are linked to storyline or whatever things. But it really annoys me.

And I also have problem with the rank in Vehicle. Why not follow the existing ranks, Mk1, Mk2 and so on. I was told by my friend when Spear Mk3 on auction, I was very exciting about it because I thought it would be a super fast car with super acceleration. But I have the problem when searching it, I first tried Mk3, then Mk.3, then Mk III still no. Why? Because it is MK. III!!!! Maybe it's just me I don't know. When I finally find out the name then I have no interest to buy it anymore.

So I hope Cyrene team can put some thought when naming an item, try to make it less annoying when players want to search it on auction. We got tons and tons of new stuff from 5 planets in every update. Too complex and annoying naming wouldn't benefits either of us anyway. Again maybe it is just my problem, but I still want to let the development team know. :)


Active Member
Well, I've sat back a bit to see what others say here...
I'd say the crafting chains and material drops need to be properly up and running, with clear information of what is intended to come from where.
At least Kaisenite is now in the mix, but what happened to crystal depths, and is there now a difference in results from using different low-depth finders? Are we supposed to use the 1 probe tt finder now or what?

I get the big impression that higher depth finds have been removed. Now I don't mind games of 'semi-chance', but there is absolutely no point in learning what works (while making a loss finding out), if the system then gets changed again.
Yes, the planet is in start-up, but TELL people at least which areas are being changed!
Of course, I could be wrong and it's just a 'cycle' thing, but that is what all players will go through - and if they simply have ZERO trust in what lies behind it, then they will often simply stop.

So, I'd also like to see you working not on content, but on information :).

Is the hub proving ground actually working and dropping now???

Edit: oh - I have noticed improvements, such as the dividing line between merkofen missions now actually being along the river, so thank you, not for me, but for people accidently crossing over even though they knew in theory....
I still think that some 'line in the sand' would be better around the edge of mission areas (and event spawn areas), but oh well... at least event spawns in other places don't directly cancel the event the moment you cross over, but warn you instead...

Edit2: Oh I so agree with you cute781217 - even something like a 'badly chosen name' can put me off a bit. It may just be the tip of the iceberg to get mistakes in mission texts as well - is it actually kill 5 or 10? - a mistake still there, by the way, but it makes stuff look unclean and untrustworthy.
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Love'n the dire weeds.. Would love to see a higher hp weed maybe a stalker or something.

I have graduated one cyrene born disciple and he was unable to graduate at cyrene :( he was very upset cause he had to wait for me to be able to take him to calypso.. imagine that, a cyrene born avatar had to go to calypso to graduate.... Lucky I did convince him to come back but only after almost 3 weeks and now he wants to go back to calypso because of the population, a population that he would not have got addicted to, if he could have stayed here with us. Please try to get this issue solved. I have brought many of my home town friends to this game and would love for them to start at cyrene, just easier to graduate them here ;)

shops sound good, maybe some that are looted ;) I dont mind resellers makes for a healthy economy In my opinion.
Apartments too sounds good..

All in all I am loving this planet and I am very excited about any and all updates :)

Keep up the good work


Active Member
Here is how I see the priorities for Planet Cyrene :

- Introduce the different maturities of mobs (Young to Stalker, or equivalent), to increase diversity in hunting
- Introduce new blueprints, to boost activity on the planet
- Introduce a limited number of shops or booths, to involve some members in the development of the Cyrene community
- Create some simple events on a regular basis
- Optimize performance, because lag can be very annoying in certain areas
- Correct bugs, correct bugs and correct bugs.
I would really like to see bugs and anomalies fixed and not just patched. I hope they learn from the mistakes that MA made on caly so that issues won't resurface in the next vu's or just be ignored for years hoping they will just be ignored by the player base. Anyway - to fix the bugs now and have a clean running platform would do wonders for the future of this planet. Mobs being stuck in trees and walls, items not displaying properly, missions not working properly, notifications that don't update from the npc's, and maps that don't display the correct info is already reminding me of issues that ma has just seemed to ignore.


You need a training grounds near your space station to give Ships crews something to do while servicing your Citizens.
As it is now there is nothing for a ship to do near your station, and therefor it is harder to have a ship spend any time there.

Thanks for the consideration,


Few Scars

I think there a few things to cement some players on Cyrene
Either get on the hard launch and blow us away with all the cool things or start a few player based competitions.

It is clear everytime Calypso does a hunting competition, players go nuts. Set up a competition with levels like they do with Merry Mayhem. Run it over 2 weeks.
The highest global wins a prize in each category (Low, Mid, High, Uber).
First prize each level: An Unlimited MECH
Second prize each level: A trading booth
Third prize each level: An unlimited Lancer
Fourth prize each level: An unlimited Cyrene weapon

Prizes 1 and 2 will draw players from all over Entropia to hunt. This type of competition proved very successful on Arkadia. Unlimited MECHs will be highly sought after and by bringing players to Cyrene, the local economy will take a great boost.

You can also run a mining and crafting competition con-currently. Players in this game thrive on competitions or migration mobs which drop cool Unlimited items.

Your other option is to run a competition like the recent robot invasion on Calypso. As the players to collect certain parts for the chance to get a very cool prize.

The options to boost the playerbase on Cyrene are endless. Shit, why not run a competition where the winner gets a Cyrene style spacecraft.

I cant stress this enough. Entropia Universe players will haemorrhage peds into a competition if they feel they have a chance of getting a cool item.

If there is no carrot, the donkey isnt moving to Cyrene.

Lykke I hope some of these ideas can be used soon. Cyrene is a wonderful planet, but something needs to be done to draw players to it.

The easiest way to gauge how well a planet is doing is the number of pages in the Auction house.
Calypso 1021 pages
Arkadia 125 pages
Rocktropia 64 pages
Cyrene 19 pages
Next Island 8 pages

As you can see, Calypso can afford to lose some players. I am aware a new planet is due soon as well. I think Cyrene needs to put out its hard release and promote with some kick ass competitions.

My two pecs
Giving out Gifts for Halloween would have been a start. Wow I was very excited to log on this morning thinking that maybe we would get a gift from cyrene but I was truely let down.. :(
Maybe I need to go to caly to get gifts. I will travel there for sure on Holidays now..
Dang Cyrene :angry:


Active Member
Some suggestions:

- Reduce night duration and frequency, and please make nights not so dark
- Make water, especially deep water, not so dark - it is hardly possible to see Muckjaws in water even by daylight
- Remove "Feffoid AI" from mobs - it adds nothing to the game and is just annoying.


Travelling through time...
Some suggestions:
- Reduce night duration and frequency, and please make nights not so dark
Dark? You should have seen how it was from the start - it was impossible to see anything at night except for the light sources. I had to learn how to hunt using radar-only mode in those periods :shoot:
i would also say improving the newbie chain, when i first joined, the bots outside the HQ were somthing like lvl 2-4. So i could kill then realitivly easily with no skills, but didn't complete the quest cus i was mining. Now there level 8 i can bearly kill 1 by myself. So i'm having to train on pedes before i can takle them.

The other is if a noob wants to sweat, to try the game out, it can be ages before they find anything that can be sweated without help. So a mission to take them to the proving ground or other pede rich area would be good. So they can get there by themselves.

George Skywalker

Active Member
Personally I would find the following useful:

1) What mobs there are on planet, where they are, what damage types they do.
2) What mission brokers there are on planet. Where they are and what missions are available.

Basic information like this would be helpful to myself and new starters on Cyrene. Not everyone likes to discover or gather such data, having every colonist do this themselves just means many will not bother and leave for other planets where basic info is available.

In short lack of such information is a barrier to a planets growth. A new planet should consider kickstarting things off and once there is a sizable community or player mass it will then not be necessary for a planet to do that but in initial stages lack of such info can be detrimental to a planets growth.


Active Member
I would like to see some of the crystals dropping that are used to make the cyrene items, at this point most of the crystals aren't available so items can be made from the bps that have dropped. Also I noticed the other day that an avatar had one of the scout harnesses on and the stomach section wasn't all bugged out and choppy looking so at that point I was excited to know that the armor bug had been fixed, then I went back to get mine out of storage to use the scout armor set some and found that my own harness hadn't changed and is still all bugged and choppy looking, so I don't know why that would be. I really like the new cyrene weapons and have been using them some but not being able to put a weapon amp on the dire rifle kind of hurts. As I had seen stated in an earlier post of a player, the bugs are the biggest issue at this point along with the fact that the materials to make the unique cyrene items aren't available so that would be the first things to take care of. I lost 100 peds today in a short hunt so I left the planet, not sure how soon I'll be heading back to cyrene since this isn't the first time something like that has happened, but I waited 3 years for cyrene so I am not giving up and I understand that at this point the planet is still in beta.

Tony Pendragon

New Member
I just want to see some Cyrene vehicle bp's like the combustor.
It would be nice to gind away on a Cyrene BP in hopes to get a cool vehicle BP.

The only other option is importing mats from Caly to gind the combustor BP.


New Member
- Remove "Feffoid AI" from mobs - it adds nothing to the game and is just annoying. <-- THIS - its VERY annoying and simply pisses me off. Also, the armor decay up on Cyrene seems completely insane...

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
- Remove "Feffoid AI" from mobs - it adds nothing to the game and is just annoying. <-- THIS - its VERY annoying and simply pisses me off. Also, the armor decay up on Cyrene seems completely insane...

Uhm ... I hate to break it to you, but ... there are no Feffoids on Cyrene. :rolleyes: :nana:


Active Member
- Add Generic Fuse to the loot of at least one mob.

Generic Fuse is required to craft Warp Drives and can sell for a good markup. It would be a little help to the local economy.

George Skywalker

Active Member
Uhm ... I hate to break it to you, but ... there are no Feffoids on Cyrene. :rolleyes: :nana:

Beech is referring to the circle movement exhibited by feffoids. I have seen this movement on some mobs on Cyrene and it is annoying. Adding variety is good but not this circle movement please.

Incidentally feffoids no longer have this circle movement. I think it was removed due to the enormous number of complaints from players.
Agreed.. It make killin with melee a pain the the butt. I like killin tide claws but this movement makes it quite a pain with melee ..