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  1. Wistrel

    Cyrene Clothing

    Its a good point although I try to keep my requests hopefully within reason. I imagine it would be a ton of work to get everything like that. I just hoped maybe we could do something about the unrealistic fit of the base clothes.... or if nothing else fix the t shirt. I used to really like the...
  2. Wistrel

    The Pleasure and Pain of the new Cyrene Textures

    Very nice! Quite tempted to get a dress coloured like the blue version...
  3. Wistrel

    Climb the Statue!

    Awww I love climbing. Maybe its time to go to Cyrene so I can take part i this sort of emergent game play :D
  4. Wistrel

    Official Cyrene Event ROFL Comic Contest

    So where are the entries?
  5. Wistrel

    Why I like Cyrene

    It seems more and more we here comments on the "too many different types of loot from same mob" issue. I wonder what the game would be like if this were changed....
  6. Wistrel

    Imperium Noble/Common Clothes

    Looks nice :)
  7. Wistrel

    Cyrene Clothing

    Just to further hammer home the point, Tomb Raider got over it. I think its about time Entropia did too
  8. Wistrel

    Cyrene Clothing

    It would be better to have more clothes generally that are not skin tight. However my BIGGEST gripe with Entropia clothes ever since vu9 has been the silly "mountain boobs" look. I just think it makes the artists look rubbish... like they are unable to observe the real world. I also feel it...
  9. Wistrel

    Official Cyrene Event ROFL Comic Contest

    Ooooh this seems like an excuse to go to Cyrene before the hard launch :) Might have an idea or two already but who knows what ideas may occur if I visit...
  10. Wistrel

    Points of Interest: Eve's Playground

    its certainly an interesting idea... now.... for underwater vehicles :D
  11. Wistrel

    FIXED Patterned Shirt Series 1 (L) female

    Woo! I like the speedy. Hope you don't mind Lykke, just wanted to add the bit in about the swimming light issue thingy and the hollow man issue and it seemed there a lot of bug reports in here so thought I'd post. Guess Cryene like bugs in the forum rather than the support system?
  12. Wistrel

    FIXED Patterned Shirt Series 1 (L) female

    Have already discussed with Lykke who reports the model mix up will be fixed next vu but thought I would log the issues with the "incorrect" model in case there are plans to use it for another item. So during the previous vu the shirt changed completely. This was what it used to look like...
  13. Wistrel

    The Imperium C.L.A.W. Mech

    So my guess still holds then? Nah seriously I think there was a rather down heartening interview with Ed iirc some time ago where he talked about the delays to the real launch and that they always wanted new avatars but had no idea when mech's would be implementable. MA have talked of new...
  14. Wistrel

    The great walking competition

    Epic! One of these? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westland_Dragonfly or did you mean? http://www.redsave.com/products/dragonfly-rc-helicopter ,-)
  15. Wistrel

    noob wants to go to cyrene

    Welcome to Project Entropia ,-)
  16. Wistrel

    Loot change on a planet negatively impacting activity on all other planets, including Cyrene

    oooh the intrigue prey tell what planet is it the choices it could be RT ARK or NI...
  17. Wistrel

    Should I stay or should I go now...I

    Just that really, I recently migrated "home" to Caly for the first time in a year or so... thinking of staying around a bit at least till we either get or get an ETA on the next big update. But yeh... felt a bit bad in space looking out at Cyrene sailing by on my way from Arkadia. I've...
  18. Wistrel

    Tip of the Day - Looking for quotes

    "The Entropia Universe spans thousands of square kilometers. Get out there!"
  19. Wistrel

    The Imperium C.L.A.W. Mech

    looks interesting, which year will it be released? Guessing around 2014?
  20. Wistrel

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    er.... launching? (sorry) > )