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  1. J

    Hide Armor Plate (L) Blueprint (L) 100 runs on auction

    Ok - how to look at this? So, it will make (L) plating and is a lvl VII bp. It is certainly thus a bp which needs an experienced player from the existing EU worlds to come and click it, even though as an (L) bp it will be maxed for more people than an Un(L) would be. Now if I think about crafted...
  2. J

    Complaints and Greviances

    Hi OZ, maybe you can explain a bit more than 'Mobs just to powerful for OpaloMan now'? Have the various low level mobs 'evolved' up, just like the direweeds did, turning from easy Opalo or S.I. Scorpion kill into something stronger? My thinking was that during the soft launch period maybe the...
  3. J

    Zyn'Kimbo Missions

    Oh, this is maybe the better place for this (copied post): Zyn'Kimbro tokens have now been discovered, so I guess it means the missions are on now for the village :) Grats Bruce! :)
  4. J

    Bug Report Challenges

    Zyn'Kimbro tokens have now been discovered, so I guess it means the missions are on now for the village :) Grats Bruce! :)
  5. J

    Bug Report Challenges

    Thanks for these infos here :). I guess that while things are not working it will hold people back, but will also stop them getting annoyed on arrival. As things do get switched on, people can decide the time for their visits better if the information here is quickly updated - and this seems to...
  6. J

    Imperium Tokens

    Thanks Ed for the explanation above. It does help understand why things were not working, so even though I'm not on Cyrene right now, it helps me gauge when to put in my next visit :)
  7. J

    Agis McKrackens Guide to Cyrene

    Great stuff here - a super tutorial and guide... In part 1 you mention: The A.R.C Event Area is the only place at this time to have a Land Marker on Cyrene. Lysterium and Crude Oil can be mined in this area, there is no Teleporter nearby but revival and terminals are present, There is a Ridged...
  8. J

    My review of Cyrene (so far)

    Nice review! It is especially good that you have written, as it provides a fresh and positive outlook, and confirms (as your opinion) the potential that Cyrene has. Here's hoping to important next steps in the vu tomorrow!
  9. J

    Happy Birthday Lykke!!!!

    Belated Happy Birthday Lykke! :cheer:
  10. J

    When we have the official launch?

    I haven't sensed that anyone is annoyed about the VU delay as such. In fact people in this thread especially would prefer to wait and get fewer bugs. ..but here you also joking refer to the 'communication' element. It is the contact and communication which seems to be such a poor area...
  11. J

    Today's VU and updates

    Thanks muchly for the info right up top here where it should be! :) Oh.. edit.. there wasn't a vu at all I believe... nothing downloaded as far as I know..
  12. J

    When we have the official launch?

    We are descending into the muddy waters of poor announcements and circles of communication again! I know that MA performs the updates, BUT I expect it to be in bold capitals on the front page if planet partner updates get delayed. As I personally haven't got a clue whether the mechs were a...
  13. J

    Update July 1st - Mob Evolution Tree

    Hi Agis: I know you'll see this here, and I don't want to post in your guide thread so that it stays as clean as possible for your guide episodes! You wrote: Note that Vibrant sweat will become a commodity on Cyrene eventually cause it is the first world that uses it for crafting... This is not...
  14. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    Yes, nicely accurate thinking Xandra :). It's also why I was making small noises about maybe, just maybe, providing details of the eco, as the only raw information available is the decay class, which basically doesn't tell you anything much at all apart from which band of decay per use you are...
  15. J

    The Cyrene Token System

    Thanks Ed! :) Yes, that 3a is the tricky one, I know. I'm trying not to look at the situation in the soft launch too much as it will not be an accurate reflection of the hard launch economy. It may be that the instance and mission 'buy-in' may be of the most value to people, as it will be the...
  16. J

    The Cyrene Token System

    Thanks Ed - some interesting points. I've already touched upon exactly what touches me again here, but let me say first that I very much welcome your attempts to try and get some 'control' of something with a 'value' that you can spread back to people in return for their actions on Cyrene. I...
  17. J

    Mature Dire Weed Global

    Grats! Is the mature at about 250 hp (I'm thinking how much sweat I got out of one)? That would indeed put them in the region of globals if you do them often. I also got an esi unexpectedly recently from something else.... I wonder if they have generally been made more 'available' by MA...
  18. J

    I cant play on the planet? have to buy ped??

    To answer the OP: I believe it is possible to send a support case to have your account deleted, but I don't know how many hoops you must jump through to prove the account is yours. Setting up is easy, deleting may be more difficult. If you do decide to take this approach, please do inform us...
  19. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    Yes Xandra, I obviously want to keep the work required to a minimum - that's why I said 'the information contained' should find a way out into the world, not necessarily the exact wording in chat (like from memory). I realise you put good work in to get the info onto the forum, so thank you very...
  20. J

    Some ideas for new planet: missions/citizens/keeping players pool

    Yay! Big thanks for the small but valuable improvements. Keep making improvements and we'll get there ... :)