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  1. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    Yes, also from me I stress that the positiveness of a personal experience is great, but it should be policy that any informational chats have the information contained blogged, diaried or similar in near-time for all. Even if there are not many people active now, this should be considered a...
  2. J

    Some ideas for new planet: missions/citizens/keeping players pool

    It appears the front page keeps posts up for a day after the last post is written. Ok, so I see that noone has written further on this thread even with it placed fifth on the general board (until now, which I guess bumps it), but it's still a big difference between that and being in a deserted...
  3. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    It's pleasing that some people are pleased - it shows that the scales of balance are at least registering 'weight' on both sides as things stand :). Yes, clicking on an item in the list should simply open up the info window - I was wondering about why there is that strange info bot around when...
  4. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    Ahh, swift response Lykke and taking 'ownership' of the mistake - grats on both :) The underlying questions remain, though: the tt values of the items, whether you as a pp can actually have a varied "token tt: item tt" rate on your offers, whether different items can be made to balance at all...
  5. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    So, here we have examples of getting top marks and bottom marks all mixed together. GREAT = response time to put up some requested information and provide some more general thoughts. POOR = that the best info is out of a chat log written to an in-game avatar, not to some kind of blog or forum...
  6. J

    The current Token reward weapons

    Great to see some stats of what the tokens can currently get, six of which are weapons it seems (+1 fap), but crucial to (L) is the tt. Can you provide this too please? There is also a difference in terms of how long items will last (those which use ammo and those which don't), but we can take...
  7. J

    Some ideas for new planet: missions/citizens/keeping players pool

    @Lykke: thanks for the quick replies with more explanations in them. If a post doesn't have a new answer for a while, then it will NOT be on the front page or in the what's new section, right? If the post is in a section which people don't visit, then there won't BE anyone writing new answers to...
  8. J

    Some ideas for new planet: missions/citizens/keeping players pool

    @Thanatos: the reason the location of the thread is important is about what ppl are here for. As a still young forum, people come here because they want to know about Cyrene. Almost nobody will want to look at an 'other planets' area on such a little-used forum, and if you look at the forums...
  9. J

    Some ideas for new planet: missions/citizens/keeping players pool

    I like these ideas! Especially rewarding a long time spent being active on the planet with something that is desirable (= with mu) is a very good incentive in my opinion. However, killing 10k shinkiba (16.6k total) would put you higher up in skills than just the next mission mob up, so the...
  10. J

    Is full launch of Cyrene delayed?

    Thanks for the fast response Ed. For me it's not about providing all the information you can faster. It's about providing some information at a relevant time, even if other information needs to be held back etc. And the best advertising for new players to actually stay once in, is still the word...
  11. J

    Is full launch of Cyrene delayed?

    Patience is not the issue. If people are informed of action planned for a point in time, then just letting that point slip past without even a short message before or even after it is at the very least impolite.... Not being set in stone is no excuse for not at least keeping people informed...
  12. J

    Plea to generate a Cyrene avatar!

    Hi Lykke - thanks for your answer - I realise it's not an easy one. Still, I can't help but jokingly ask for some kind of word order such as the professions have for time frames used in answers to us: I see that 'soon' has been recently used in the forum, but we still don't know how many time...
  13. J

    Plea to generate a Cyrene avatar!

    Ok, the time has come.. I wish to formally ask to be able to create an avatar that plans to mainly be active on Cyrene when online! With my main character I can obviously do nothing on Cyrene if it is on another planet or in space somewhere. I cannot simply spend an hour helping and advising...
  14. J

    Bug Report Xandras Cyrene & mission problems

    Great to see another new person on Cyrene who likes the basics Xandra :) The spear certainly takes a lot of SI damage when using it, but considering the amount of SI it has I'm even tempted to assume it is supposed to take damage from stuff that is invisible to me (even on tracks). Now I do...
  15. J

    Is full launch of Cyrene delayed?

    I also made my initial visits to Cyrene in the knowledge of what a soft launch would probably mean in terms of economic paths, namely unfinished ones. The problem is, many people who register as new players will not realise this, and the longer the period of soft launch, the more players will be...
  16. J

    Is full launch of Cyrene delayed?

    Well, I hope you can still get the stones set the right way then... ..and I stand by my 'if': If MA is not able to integrate the official launch changes next week .... then please give more info for new players and old than you might otherwise have done, to lessen the chance that many are...
  17. J

    Is full launch of Cyrene delayed?

    I wrote this rather off-topic in another thread, but decided to leave it there first and not start a new thread (yes, I'd heard..... but agree with cute781217 - it really should have been put on forum by an official!) I really hope that there is an update that is timed for the Comic Con, as...
  18. J

    Wish List Flashlight Attachment

    Darkness is very much dependent on whether you are in windowed mode or not, plus whether your shading quality is set to low/medium or high and above.... So try out some changes if the darkness is rather too dark :) I like the flashlight idea too, though, especially if there is a kind of swing...
  19. J

    Imperium Strikes Back

    Interesting gun stats, ty. If it is a looted (L) gun so far then I imagine lots will be looted at lower tt values than max. I also see it has low ammo burn for the damage, but decay is only 'good', so it will decay quite fast. It will also become useless at something like 11.5 peds tt (3%...