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What should Cyrene focus on next?

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Beech is referring to the circle movement exhibited by feffoids. I have seen this movement on some mobs on Cyrene and it is annoying. Adding variety is good but not this circle movement please.

Incidentally feffoids no longer have this circle movement. I think it was removed due to the enormous number of complaints from players.

Ahhh ... got it, and I have to agree. When I was out with Magam and playin' with the Rhino Beetles I noticed that, and it sure does present a challenger to the healer for sure, but I also noticed this with other mobs too.

I guess I misunderstood Beech's post ... sorry my friend ... I just thought you lost it there for a moment ... you know how we can get at times. :p

Thanks Ace! :thumbup:


New Member
So: Is so hard to do an minipach for Enkidd Dire S series, so we can attach the blp amp to the rifles?
When we will can do theat?


Active Member
Cyrene needs to concentrate on being better than other planets over as wide a range of activities as MA will allow - simple as that!
Do I prefer killing crystal pedes over punies? No - with just a few more players on pedes, the spawns will be too slow - and the loot is pretty useless. Punies on Caly now have interesting mini-gun and amp loots.
(Maybe I should be comparing pedes with daikiba young - 30 health, but pedes are Cyrene's lowest mob)

Moving up the mobs - what can I hunt with a Cyrene gun? So far I'm hard pushed to find a replacement for a simple cb13, let alone guns like the hl6. It means I'll have to go to Caly to restock - and once off Cyrene the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" kicks in. The result is I could buy 2 clds at Twins (if the broker sells again), do this, do that etc..... would I miss Cyrene?

With mining I now just use the starter finder, as I believe it's the only one that finds crystals. But that is very slow, even if I might break even from the mu. I may be wrong about what finders give returns now, but if I am, then I'm a wrong person leaving the planet (but I may also be a right person leaving). Both mean to Cyrene that I am one fewer customer, so who cares?

I DO like the availability of daily missions, but I'm getting bored of gathering up tokens when there seems so little proper use for them! In English there is the expression "a token gesture". It usually means there is little enthusiasm in the task. You need to make people enthusiastic, oh Cyrinian devs, but you're not managing to!

Oh, and the INFORMATION! As in a post above, once a planet is working well, players may be helping new players more, but at the start YOU NEED to provide more information.
Just as an example: what is a camp fire, and why should I want to have one? Any stats or ANYTHING about what it actually does? Or is it a useless item reward?


Well-Known Member
A system that i would like to see implemented on the "new pvp continent" if there is such a thing :p


a bounty would be placed on a player by another player and would only be collectable on kills in pvp4 on cyrene.

when a bounty is placed on a player a #% would be taken as a fee there would be min bounty would be 10.00 ped.

a bounty could only be placed by knowing the players full avatar name. this would make info about pk'ers valuable. creating a neat little intel maket.

there are a few uses to a system like this.

one would be a lot of fun events could be run with min bounties on the prey of a group of hunters.

of course one of the main ways that this would be exploitable is that a player would use a alt or soc mate to collect the bounty on them self after a string of general douchebaggery to build the bounty up. one way this could be solved is by making the larger bounty collections take time and be reviewed by cyrene staff to make sure there is no funny biz. BUT THE RULES WOULD HAVE TO BE CLEARLY STATED ABOUT THE COLLECTION OF BOUNTIES!

there are other things that i could add to this post about mentioned system but i dont want to waste my time if there is no interest.


I sense a "Disturbance" in the Force
How about instituting some form of "instances" so popular on other planets. Ok, I know it can be a bit complicated to code this but at least start "thinking" about this and how it could be tied into the Cyrene story line. Make it not just about killing mobs and gaining loot but advancing through to more advanced "instances" upon completion with the ultimate goal of...let's say, promotion to a particular "rank" which would be displayed beside the ava name (with an appropriate attribute reward, for example). Just wondering and thinking...


How about instituting some form of "instances" so popular on other planets. Ok, I know it can be a bit complicated to code this but at least start "thinking" about this and how it could be tied into the Cyrene story line. Make it not just about killing mobs and gaining loot but advancing through to more advanced "instances" upon completion with the ultimate goal of...let's say, promotion to a particular "rank" which would be displayed beside the ava name (with an appropriate attribute reward, for example). Just wondering and thinking...

would be nice to have a instance on cyrene but i doubt that will happen any time soon especially when cyrene is still in it's soft launch.
but i like the idea :D


Fate Thanatos Themis
Here is my small wish list :)

1. Shops and booths
- large marketplace filled with small booths
- booths sold for tokens related to its location

2. Tokens with real usage
- weapons not for noobs only
- armors with real use
- tools not only from tt
- booths - hell yeah
- BPs and materials that we cant loot cuz of MA :p
- a vehicle, mechs?

3. Implement third type of tokens, ARC Tokens
- why? to get for them items related to specific force

4. Instances here would be great, as ppl above me said.
I got nice concept tho:
Is this war between 3, or maybe more, forces?
Make war related raids. Different mission types: vip/officer assasination, sabotage, or other to pick.
The reward would be some random loot, like other instances have, but also some Tokens of Forces ur working for. Make enemy force's items not equipable durring instances.

5. Space vehicles that are craftable (that fast unarmored merchant shuttle i designed, would be great as start :) )

6. More missions for mobs, but also kick the storyline plz (killing 5k pedes brainwashed me ;) )

7. BPs to make use for many materials that we find and feed TT with

8. put back in loot materials that in BPs already or put some more of them (Ycy, Hazy, Blue, Orange, ...) and if u cant, make token vendors with them.

9. Unlimited weapons that we have cant make us proud, sadly. Make those unique wepoans we have here already, like Old Jacks Nimble or Johan's Wiles Destroyer, unlimited. They are not top guns, but good enough to make ppl come here and hunt for them.

10. unlock drop of BPs that are in books already. How the economy can work while we cant craft and use all meterials we loot here.



Active Member
Thanatos: how many tokens did you get after your brainwashing of 5k pedes? (The mission description USED to show the promised number, but now it doesn't anymore) Has it been nerfed (even though it was a 'new' mission anyway)?

And no, my question is not off-topic - it's a practical example of what I repeatedly say you need to concentrate on - INFORMATION (but you don't seem to have got the message)...


Fate Thanatos Themis
Thanatos: how many tokens did you get after your brainwashing of 5k pedes? (The mission description USED to show the promised number, but now it doesn't anymore) Has it been nerfed (even though it was a 'new' mission anyway)?

And no, my question is not off-topic - it's a practical example of what I repeatedly say you need to concentrate on - INFORMATION (but you don't seem to have got the message)...

brainwashed me in sence of being long, borring and hopeless to get anything good from pede ;)
id like to see some of those promised missions that requires ppl to make choices that will mean something later.


would be nice to have some better token rewards like thantos said... or you could make a jukebox and we fill in some tokens to get some music around here lol


When ppl hear "Cyrene" there has to be something specific that comes into mind. So far it's HUB, but u need something for non-PvP folks too, something unique u can do only on Cyrene.
Indeed, maybe developing further the factions would do the trick?


New Member
Market place & shops, maybe with apartments like Arkadia style? Economy on Cyrene has to move on!


Active Member
I get the feeling that writing something here is like putting a message in a bottle...if lucky it may be found in years to come by someone who is able to get some use out of it...
If the hub had screens where you could write messages (like a graffiti wall) I might get a similar feeling of writing on that too!
The most ironic text I can see at the moment in game is "Want break! Noone come anyway.." or similar to this from the guards in the village!
I've still seen no answer to what a camp fire is, which is being offered in exchange for tokens.

The term for this kind of experience on Cyrene (of which this forum is part?) is what - MMORG? Which letters are wrong and may well continue to be so?
What to concentrate on in the future? Yep, survival is now trending in my mind, just as it would on a desert island....

Apologies for irony, but if I dropped probes into my mind I'd be getting ATHs on irony right now... (is it ore or en-matter though)?
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Anthony Morris

New Member
Ok is this a real opinion thread? Because it seems that there are several other threads that have people stating issues with the planet. I would say that you should be start fixing the problems you have before you add more. I was here when it first launched and the bugs made a lot of ppl flee including me. I spend my time on ark crafting because they have materials for the bps they drop. I would like to spend my 3-4 k a week mining and crafting here but..... not mats for the bps you have and very rare drops. did over 500 pulls on a comp bp today and got 1 bp with 17 pulls on it but no mats to craft it so stuck it in storage like the rest.
I would say start with the basics get the planet functioning properly ie the bps you have out make sure you have materials to craft them. I mean really look at your au it has 10 pages as of today. And 90% of that is from other planets no one comes her unless they want to go to the hub. And do you think the hub can sustain your planet? NO. players want to be able to come here and hunt mobs mine for ore and just enjoy the planet in whole.
But with mobs that new players can’t hunt because of the hp on them, also the weapons you offer in the tt are hard pressed to kill even the smaller of mobs on cyrene. I would start with the basics getting the loot fixed, the mats dropping properly and the mobs. It basics start there then add content.


New Member

my 2 PECs for what Cyrene would need. I was there some months ago, and I'll return, for sure. What could make me return faster:

  1. Hard launch. As fast as possible. Nobody wants to play in a designated beta.
  2. A central city, with shops. Look at Celeste Quarry, Arkadia. You need a certain place where ppl gather for trade and socializing, and this should be a very well designed one.
  3. A unique point of selling. Cyrene needs something that keeps it apart from the other planets:
    Calypso has the fact that it's the oldest, the biggest and the most developed planet, pampered by MA itself.
    RT has nearly naked female mobs and a setting that perfectly suits very young adrenaline overflowing gamerz.
    Arkadia has a very well designed environment and the best service any planet in the EU ever had.
    Next Island - Oh, they're still alive?

    What's it that would bring me back to Cyrene?

    1. Cyrene might try to be newbie friendly. The token system works quite well, giving new players a chance to do something worthwhile, at a low cost. One step beyond sweating it should be, for low stakes being able to harvest tokens that then could be used, or sold.
      Improve this existent mechanic, maybe?
    2. The HUB seems to be great. Improve it, make it known more, make it even more attractive!
    3. Make different events. "Most number killed" or "highest global" are well known already. Make an event where tokens are dropping randomly, and the lower your HP at the time of killing, the higher the chance to loot one? (Or completely random if this isn't possible).
    4. Create more planet specific BP's using Cyrene-only ingredients. Cyrene might be the planet of whips, maces, brushes, knuckles or other not-this-much used stuff. Get something the other planets don't have!
      And feed them crafters, that then will feed your miners and hunters!
    5. Factions? Why not, if well done?

Hope I was able to formulate in an understandable way.

Have fun!

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
After researching and gathering data for this topic, I finally got an idea what cyrene needs to improve on and now.

1. Minning: Minning Sucks. This has to be the utmost most important thing on Cyrene and it needs it tweak now.
1. (A) Amount: Whatever you think 'Abundant' means Double it. I don't think anyone has an idea how much it sucks to mine 3 or 4 crystals a day when to craft it calls for 6.
1. (B) Area: To hell with mine in specific pockets around Cyrene spread the wealth everywhere.
1. (C) (Drops): Its obvious that when you think the items in the lootpool, they are not.

2. Token System: Not much to complain or suggest on this its pretty solid, But the rewards. Are you serious Take the reward cooldown out it blows, I would like to do 1k clicks of the armor that call for molds, not get a mold once a day.

3. Loot Pool: You will hear this alot im not talking about loot pool % back or anything im saying their is nothing on Cyrene worth hunting because nothing that is in the current lootpool worth the mu. Work with MA get better items in the loot pool and not the enkidd gun series those are a fail.

4. Crafting: One thing that pisses off crafters the most which i have alot to complain about.
4. (A) Don't Release the Blueprints If the item doesn't have a Use. *Enough said*
4. (B) Crafting with sweat is awesome and all But i would like to get a bp that has a chance to global on and not the vehicles that call for shit ton of residue.
4. (C) Increase Blueprint Drop Rate and not talkign about the componet bps or basic bearings, Want more dragonfly spear mk.III drops.

5. Land Areas: Could you please release some Land Areas already i would like to host some events on Cyrene.

6. Estates: Stop holding back on this Apartments, Houses, Shops, and booths Release now because selling things on cyrene via auction blows and most certainly will sell this needs to be out ASAP.

7. Make an Appearance: it be nice to get some 1 on 1 time with the cyrene dev team via ingame and not forms or email, And im not talking about Lykke. *Not saying a bad thing about her she done alot already :)* But Be nice from the dev team to show you guys are still around and care what the community says.

8. Vehicles: Fix the Spear, Lancers, and Pigs make it where we can actually spawn them and not get this message saying not enough room or not a suitable place to spawn. And hate taking damage in the vehicles from imaginary Potholes or poles.

9. Cyrene Training ground: I don't want to hear "Oh that's MA thing they handle that", Work with them demand it if you have to Get a training ground near cyrene so i can go blow up some Xeno Scum.

10. Hard Launch: Okay guys hard Launch was Due -5 Months now, Give us some information or details we are all tired of asking asking asking. And don't want a copy and paste response of 'Not ready to give out details'. Its Fine to keep the community guessing and wanting more but this style of same response is bs. if you haven't noticed Cyrene Population is Decaying because we aren't guessing anymore we are simply giving up. *Take a snapshot of something new post it and let us guess that will be something atleast.*

-This Post is not 100% pure complaints or to Degrade anyone in any way, Just a Serious Kick in the rear. And if anyone feels offended I have a Grievance Label on top of my shredder.

1. Make a blueprint that uses 'Zorn Ore and Oil' that will get people to atleast stop tting that crap.

PS: Not bad for 150th Message.

The Chief


There can be only one, and YOU BUB; Are NOT IT.
Preach it Brother Chief!

Mining is my bread -n- butter. I sure love Lyst and Oil - really. *rolls eyes*

As for crafting - tis true, 90% of my BPs can't even be MADE - no items drop for them (*cough* Med Batteries *cough*)

I personally would like to get in on some land buying. Since Caly is locked tighter than a drum: but I also understand that MA has denied land sells to other planets as of right now.

Cyrene is a Trade Terminal's paradise: which means only MA is making money.

The mobs running circles around the player is the worse, ONLY because MA programmed the player to be facing the mob BEFORE it can fire and just a tiny movement makes the player bounce back and forth without firing while the critter gets free hits and decays the poop out of our armor. I think Cyrene is the ONLY planet I am forced to manually fire my weapon to keep me facing a mob. :p


Wanted to chime in on a lot of the player's ideas above: LOVE 'EM ALL! BUT.....

Let us all remember, a change on 1 planet affects ALL the planets. Labels, weapons, etc. It's the biggest reason MA doesn't allow the Planet Partners to program or design anything but a pretty picture. They can craft a planet, locations, etc. but not the items or loots unless it passes all the tests MA puts on it. MA won't allow another Minisweeper or other great weapon or armor on other planets after the mess they caused before. There's a reason good stuff from old does NOT drop anymore. (It lowered THEIR profits and increased OURS).

Examples: let's say you put a rank/label on a avatar; that label/rank would have to cross platform to all the planets. Thus some poor smuck in MA has to program that, setup the databases, etc. to allow it to work; and so far we've seen that 90% of MA's team is rather lazy. Why fix/add to something that doesn't instantly add to their own pocket?
Or making NEW SPACE Vehicles: never gonna happen unless it is a xerox copy of a current ship design with a different cover on it, as MA has sole proprietorship of Space and they don't like ppl mucking up their legalized thievery that you are FORCED to go into if you wanna exchange planets.

I say this: let us concentrate on getting the planet usable. Mobs that can be looted for items we need, mine fields that drop the items needed (not that I don't love lyst and oil to make a ton of filters that are tt bait), items that would cross sell to other planets, and fixing other problems.

AFTER that, we can have the Cyrene Team put boot to butts to get the MA team to implement new and exciting content.

There can be NO HARD LAUNCH until the planet actually works in some way other than "Oops, that doesn't work yet" - or we can expect another Next Island. Players in this game expect certain things - not given it to them will remove your planet from visitation: which is Bankruptcy fast in here.

From a Game Designer, Artist and Programmer: I understand what they have to do, can't do and will be doing. If I feel harsh to your feelings or ideas, please visit Master Chief's Complaint Department above - MA keeps them down, not Cyrene.

Best Wishes and Regards,

- Goldmoon