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Recent content by sluggo

  1. S

    Is Kris the only Cyrene staff member?

    and that makes Cyrene 'good' on how many broken promises? yah, ok. just what I thought. sluggo
  2. S

    Harvesting Trees

    Murk, Caly is always going to be the golden child. The other planets will always be second in that respect. The other planets CAN though, act smartly so being the red headed stepchildren in EU is not so terrible to them. Arkadia is doing a pretty good job in that department. They have plenty...
  3. S

    Harvesting Trees

    Good Point Oz, as anyone with any common sense should realize that NOTHING is free, the money to pay for it came from somewhere / someone. On that though, a little honesty would have been nice. Tell us, we didn't do trees this year, we are consolidating our money on this / that / whatever. Or...
  4. S

    Harvesting Trees

    Paul, it is still a potential source of income as well. It's not nearly the cash cow it was when it came out. I was making a few hundred ped a day for a few weeks but still can bring in a bit of cash. One can still make a bit of profit even with an L chopper given it's current mu is still in...
  5. S

    Harvesting Trees

    While there may not be houses / plots on Cyrene to use the harvested wood, it IS a profession to learn, it IS a source of income for you, and tree stuff IS sell able on the auction house. It just seems that the more and more MA does stuff to give us diversity in stuff to do, Cyrene is going...
  6. S

    Suggestion: Dailies, forum, paneleon

    Agree with Oleg. Make it a standard timer. 21 is a good number. Some folks have rather 'structured' lives in when they can play or not play, this allows them to do the daily's without eventually having them 'walk away' a day due to the time it takes to actually do one. sluggo
  7. S

    AFK sweat tourists!

    If you want to keep the weeds stationary then do so. Sweating should be counted like a form of attack. Like the purslane weeds, you can walk right next to them with no problems, but the moment you interact with them, bam, you are goo. Put the same mechanics on these weeds, they sit there...
  8. S

    Bug Report 15.3.0 VU BUG report

    How does this keep re breaking? Forum settings should not really change like that unless someone is tinkering around w/o a clue in settings. sluggo
  9. S

    Mission Galactica

    Missions etc are supposed to be figured out by the 'customers'. That is the way MA envisioned it, that way money is spent and they profit. If 'staff' told everyone what was where and how to do it, it'd not only ruin the fun for the most of the folks who like to find stuff themselves but...
  10. S

    Buying low / non SI Privateer

    Not sure it's condition but a month or so ago, Entropia Partners I believe were looking to sell theirs. Never know what Tia is up though, mind changes constantly and is drifty. sluggo
  11. S

    What's wrong with EL tracker and cyrene?

    Like everyone of them is going to come run here to answer that. It probably includes Monria too since that is counted as part of Caly and I always see at least 5 or 6 people around there. sluggo
  12. S

    A.R.C. Guardian parts exchange

    Well since you put math up, I guess Im wrong, my 39 pieces in storage, with only 3 being male is just a mirage. This does not even include the handfulls I have TT'd just to get rid of them because I had so many of them already and the stuff really does not seem to sell. If I ever get back to...
  13. S

    Bug Report Floating Tempo

    Oh now you are implying QA... Bwahahahahahaha!! sluggo
  14. S

    A.R.C. Guardian parts exchange

    Female parts are like 95 percent of the drop. male is very rare. I have a locker full of F armor, only a few pieces of M sluggo
  15. S

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    that pretty much is the proving grounds no? There are a number of places you can hide and POP when someone lurks out. sluggo