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  1. Tony Pendragon

    Bug Report VU 12.8.2 Report Thread

    I take it the BP issue is that it shows clicks left but does not work? I just brought two BP's with 10 clicks left on each and neither work
  2. Tony Pendragon

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    I just want to see some Cyrene vehicle bp's like the combustor. It would be nice to gind away on a Cyrene BP in hopes to get a cool vehicle BP. The only other option is importing mats from Caly to gind the combustor BP.
  3. Tony Pendragon

    Bug Report Howler S.3 scope attachment

    I have the Howler S.3 and I love it but when I attach a scope, it attaches in a funny position so that the scope is partly in the mounting of the rifle. The two screen shots below show this. I have only tried the one type of scope as that's the only one I have. Thanks Tony
  4. Tony Pendragon

    Major VU Day - excitment for all Cyrene citizens - Will MA deliver !

    Love the new update. Scored myself an awesome looking rifle. Thanks Team Cyrene, I will enjoy this one. :dance1:
  5. Tony Pendragon

    With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

    Wow that is a huge amount of peds spent. MA would have kept the SI mats required very quiet at first so the auctions whent high. Makes more money for MA that way. Does anyone know if the mats decay?
  6. Tony Pendragon

    Cyrene special gift

    I second that :hehe1:
  7. Tony Pendragon

    The Pendragon Chronicles

    Hi Everyone, Thought I would just do a little writing on trying to get to Cyrene. I may have to adjust my storyline a little, but im trying to tie in my actual avatar, what im currently doing and the comming launch of Cyrene. Hope you like :)...
  8. Tony Pendragon

    All Bets on 13th of March Release Date ???

    I pray to Lootius that 13th March is the date so that I can walk among ruins and desolation of Cyrene with hundres of other hopefull colinsts trying to make a start on their new home.
  9. Tony Pendragon

    the grand opening

    I love it, You have stired my imagination :)
  10. Tony Pendragon

    New Vehicles - Truth or Myth

    Like a Robotech bike or something would be cool.
  11. Tony Pendragon

    Space Travel to Cyrene

    I found that the update last night made it even worse... A friend and I were going from Ark SS to Caly and got jumped by Stagger and a friend. Normally a bit of a pain in the bum, but we were lucky and our first shots killed the pilots and left the quads sitting in space for us to blow up. Had...
  12. Tony Pendragon

    New Player Registration is open!

    I have to agree that it is much better to wait untill the bugs are fixed and yes it would greatly piss me off if I got to Cyrene and could not use a vehicle or craft with a looted BP. However in saying that, it would also be nice to be able to give a closer approximation to the date of release...
  13. Tony Pendragon

    Will Cyrene Launch with its own vehicles?

    What I would like to se from Cyrene is a new vehicle capable to space flight. Something of a smuggler class of vehicle....faster than a quad, relative armour but maybe not as well armed as a quad. This way people have a better chance at getting goods accros space without having to pay a good...
  14. Tony Pendragon

    New Colonist clothing?

    One does have to wonder o_O
  15. Tony Pendragon

    New Vehicles - Truth or Myth

    Mechs will be awesome. But......will we be able to use them to kill mobs or just PvP? Vehicles at the moment cannot be used against mobs, with exception to space vehicles in space. Either way is just plain awesome. Lol just had a thought about attacking the Caly oil rig with a team of...
  16. Tony Pendragon

    With Planet to Planet TP gone..what now?

    Half the problem in space is the pirates. It would be ok if it were only one at a time but when you get 3 - 5 pirates attacking at the same time its kind of hard to survive. And when they do attack you your options are to either defend yourself and waste your peds as they dont carry loot or...
  17. Tony Pendragon

    New Colonist clothing?

    Well your not modest are ya :)
  18. Tony Pendragon

    New Colonist clothing?

    Now that I would love to wear :)