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  1. D

    Syndicate of Fenris

    Best of luck with the new soc, mate!
  2. D

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - December 2012

    Good for you, Thanatos (hehheh, love that name...Latin for "Death Wish!")
  3. D

    Should I stay or should I go now...I

    Ahhhhh, the eternal question....
  4. D

    What should Cyrene focus on next?

    How about instituting some form of "instances" so popular on other planets. Ok, I know it can be a bit complicated to code this but at least start "thinking" about this and how it could be tied into the Cyrene story line. Make it not just about killing mobs and gaining loot but advancing...
  5. D

    Rat tracking

    Oh, NO! Not Xane! NOT XANE!!!!! NO-O-O-o-o-o-o-o...OOooOOOooOOOoo....hehhehheh! Bring it on, Bucko!!!:monkey_slap:
  6. D

    Rat tracking

    I agree with the two above posts. If they want to flaunt the fact that they are pirates, then it shouldn't be a problem to name them...it's not a negative thing. In fact, if I were a pirate, I'd be happy to have everybody know it. Regardless if you are "ready" or "not" for a pirate when you...
  7. D

    Another challenge: Beat WoW

    voted and we are now at 12% with WoW @11% ;)
  8. D

    Uber HOF on Rhino finally got one !

    Well done...It's always nice when squashing Beetles pays off :)
  9. D

    1 global 3 with 5 guns... OMFG :D

    WOW!!! Nice loot from the flyboys!!! :wtg:
  10. D

    my fattest rhino ever :)

    Gratz and no matter where they come from and in what form, Global Peds are always welcome Peds :)
  11. D

    Cyrene Citizen of the Month - October 2012

    Gratz, mate! Well deserved and well awarded!
  12. D

    High HP Mob (live Levi...)

    you could try Mang Changs or some of the Imperium higher-ups...
  13. D

    Wish List vehicle concept - smuggler shuttle

    I think you meant to say "threat" but I got a good laugh out of the irony of that statement. love the idea and would hop on that bandwagon in an instant! :clap:
  14. D

    Enkidd Howler S.2

    On seeing the tier rates on that weapon, I can't help but feel pissed off that it's so-o-o-o-o low. WTF, why bother trying to tier it up? It won't even make it half way to tier 1. Why do they insult us this way by giving us a discovery/HoF and slapping us with a basically useless weapon (as...
  15. D

    Discovery: A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II

    Gratz, mate. Glad to see you finally got it!
  16. D

    Crafting Bonding Liquid BP Milestone!

    Big gratz, mate! So, how many clicks did it take you to get there after we chatted? ;)
  17. D

    First Solo HoF on Cyrene

    Nice one, Hon! Keep going!!! :boxer:
  18. D

    Bug Report Centre of Janus TP = Underground 99% of the time

    I've never had that problem but noticed an ava having this issue shortly after I arrived a few days ago....it's dynamic, I suppose ;)